Sexual Autonomy
A woman is like a book – alluring cover page, prodding prologue, comforting contents, chivalrous chapters, euphoric epilogue and a banging back blurb. What she needs is a ‘voracious’ reader
By Mukesh Sharma
Right of
self-government, autonomy, sovereignty etc. are the high-pitched words from the
dictionary of politics. What amuses this blogger is the recently coined phrase “sexual
autonomy” by the Hon’ble ‘milords’ of one of the High Courts.
As usual, reacting to the ‘prolific’ petition, Sir Oracle has made a reasoned observation
that the brazen violation of sacrosanct sexual autonomy of women even within
so-called wedlock is tantamount to ‘marital rape’ and the victim has all the rights
to sue her duly wedded husband for the cognizable offense – demanding unquestioning
obedience from the wife is a crime. Surprisingly enough, equating a wife with a sex worker, yet another High Court remarks: “can a wife be put on a lower pedestal than a sex worker who has the
right to say no at any stage.”
Surrendered Sexual Autonomy |
Though this
blogger’s, comparatively, poor intellect is no match to grandiloquent rhetorical
reasons of Your Lordship which are often couched in long sententious sentences
legally punctuated usually beyond the comprehension of an ordinary soul, this
writer seeks to make a humble submission with all the due respect and
Are men and
women really able to have full control or have “sexual autonomy” on the
territory of their respective bodies, once they are sexually charged, once they
are aroused, and once all the erogenous zone are activated?
Are the
terrestrial territory and sexual territory not poles apart? As is obvious that the former can be guarded with gun-toting guys – encroachers, intruders or aliens
without valid ‘Visa and Passport’ are never welcome. And latter, on the
contrary, is pretentiously protected during daylight with the clothes on,
sanctions of society, and fear of law. However in the event of availability of
risk-free ‘opportunity even a ‘gate crasher’ is welcomed. Sexual autonomy is too
weak to ward off any ‘attack’ by saucy seducer or seductress. With a healthy
sexual appetite, all men and women are naked and afraid of love till the
arrival of the ‘opportune time.’
TOI editorial dated 15.1.2022 |
As far as
man’s sexual autonomy is concerned, he doesn’t like to guard it. Even
proverbial rishi Vishwamitra would
love to lose it (sexual autonomy) for a killer Maneka. Though the man shrewdly pretends to guard it with tacit complicity,
particularly, where there is no opportunity to let any intruder (woman) violate
it, once there is an opportunity he throws open all the gates of sexual territory for
a seductress selectively. Opportunity
gives rise to thoughts, thoughts give rise to desires, and desires lead to
action. Most men/women are saints by daylight and Satan in the dark.
enough, even the security of the sexual territory of women is not foolproof. The border is porous. The boundary wall is low. Moreover, she too doesn’t like to guard it
fully. After the age of consent, she is also ready to open all the portals for
a deserving suitor.
A woman is
like a book – an alluring cover page, prodding prologue, comforting contents, chivalrous
chapters, euphoric epilogue, and a banging back blurb. What she needs is a ‘voracious’
The coy,
calm, comfortable, and civilized woman may turn out to be the most clamorous and
clumsy on the bed. Once aroused, she wants to engulf man like a hydra. A
volcano is silenced only after the lava is split out. Most of the manly men
are dejectedly defeated by the ‘she-devil’ on the bed. The ocean can’t be
covered with a bedsheet. The gravitational pull of the black hole is so
intense that the poor man like a midget is sucked into the vast whirlpool – it’s
like a free fall from space. Even death can’t deter him. Once the moonwalk is
over, a man falls on the earth.
A man is welcomed,
like a long-awaited guest into the ‘castle’ during the moment of Elysian action
– a divine bliss of heaven. As soon as ‘ammunition’ is exhausted and guns
are dismounted, man is forced to dispose the courted ‘castle’. And the sexual
autonomy is ruefully restored.
marriage is nothing but a celebration of coitus. The institution of marriage is
popular for, it provides maximum opportunities to have sex with minimum fear.
Sex is a natural necessary act between man and woman where both enjoy heavenly
pleasure, where a taker is a giver and a giver is a taker, and where the unbridled
consent flows freely in favorable circumstances and situations when two adults
with dying ‘hunger’ fling on the bed.
To be
honest, this blogger has intuitive apprehension that a fair trial can be
conducted by Your Lordship in this intricate matter of SEX – all know it, feel it, experience it generation after generation but
none can claim to have mastered it – a divine providence - nature may be the creation of God but sex essentially is its driving force.