Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts

Thursday, November 4, 2021

The Lightless Diwali


The Lightless Diwali

Morning begins with posting of already many times forwarded message with pics of diyas and sweet to all friends far or near. Devoid of true spirit, the messages are dumped like garbage

By Mukesh Sharma

Gone are the days when the much-awaited and talked about Diwali was a festival of shine and serenity, fanfare and feast, cuisine and costumes, gay and gaiety, clamor and crackers and light and lustre.

All the households would be cleaned out and white-washed signifying the wiping out the ego and jealousy, and white washing the ‘mistakes’ with forgive and forget spirit. Deity of Hanuman would be worshipped in the morning and the offerings of mashed puri and batasha would be distributed in the neighborhood. Home cooked dainty dishes would be made – no use of tawa (hotplate) for the next few days.


  Digital sweets with no aroma and taste

Attired in best clothes, kids, women, and men would visit one another’s houses in the evening and exchange wishes and sweets. Overexcited kids would place earthen lamps on the parapet and wait anxiously for the fireworks after Lakshmi poojan (worship).

In fact, Diwali was a festival of collective celebration promoting social bonhomie. Irrespective of caste, creed, and religion, it was a pure festival of light – the light of fellow feelings, light of amity and comity, and the light of mutual love and respect all over.


Lightless Digital green Diwali

Unfortunately, now that divine Diwali has been replaced with deranging DIGITAL DIWALI. Morning begins with posting of already many times forwarded message with pics of diyas and sweet to all friends far or near. Devoid of true spirit, the messages are dumped like garbage. The relatives with sick ego seldom make first move even in posting messages. They often wait for other’s message and then respond selectively. No personal call and no personal visit. However, parents of married off daughters do visit with gifts and blessings, if their daughters are in the same city.

What pains this blogger to observe that over the years, Diwali has also become a business in this shop-keeping society – give and take – just hollow words empty of meanings. 

Netas use Diwali to shore up their pro-Hindu image and show off their secular credentials. Though high ranking government officials, particularly, in vet departments and ministries enjoy freebies all the year, they receive fabulous gifts on Diwali from the well-known vested interest for the reason best known to them only. To a commoner, Diwali is customary and compulsory occasion to buy material happiness within manageable reach, for each member of the family. To a household maid, Diwali is an occasion of expectation for a better ‘pot-luck’. To street children, it is an occasion for hope  for stomach-full of food with some sweet received from some good Samaritan and generous souls.

On the above, to our learned 'milords' Diwali is said to be a "stupid" festival of deadly noise pollution, light pollution, and environmental pollution.

This new digital Diwali doesn’t dispel the darkness of ego, greed, wrath, envy, gluttony, lust and sloth. On the contrary, it gives shelter to all the seven deadly sins. Diwali has become lightless like a city plunged into darkness after the 'power failure'.

Friday, April 30, 2021

Beware of Black Sheeps in Medical Profession

Beware of Black Sheeps
in Medical Profession

"The game begins with the admission and ends either with discharge or death -  rules are always kept secret. Even a death by negligence is, successfully, buried in the bunch of papers. A doctor can commit 'murder' with impunity"

By Mukesh Sharma


The orchestrated rampant corruption is no longer an issue in 'constitutionally' managed democracy in India. The hapless and hopeless teeming millions are perforce to accept it (corruption) as an inalienable part of so-called 'work culture.' Needless to say, the vast medical profession is not an exception. Right from regulatory body Medical Council of India now defunct due to alleged irregularities, replaced by National Medical Commission, through 60 percent private medical colleges out of total 600, owned by influential people, managed by need-based policy, the giant Pharma companies with all 'ingenuity' for profit, and ever catering to the rich the five star hospitals down to 'degree holder' practicing doctors, all are getting richer and richer, allegedly, with malpractices with scant regard to public spirit and health in abject  violation of Hippocratic Oath.

Medical Negligence

Lawful loot goes on and on, and even Hon'ble Courts remain mute spectators. Beware of highly 'placed' and well organized 'black sheeps' in medical profession in India.

Until September 25, 2020, Medical Council of India was a regulatory body for medical profession and practice. But due to charges of irregularities and inefficiency, it has been replaced by an umbrella regulator called National Medical Commission (NMC) under NMC Act 2019. A 'chameleon' can change its color but not character. Professional solidarity often enjoys biggyback ride over professional integrity — a common man can't dare to give voice to his/her complaint.

Though admission to all medical colleges are made through NEET conducted by NTA (National Testing Agency), it is alleged that private medical colleges often 'manage' admissions, and seats with price tags are sold out to the highest bidders. That is why all moneyed doctors are able to make their son\daughters doctors easily for the sustenance of flourishing 'family business'. The professional integrity of such 'imposed' doctors remains doubtful.

Despite global recession, India's domestic pharma market which was Rs. 128 crores in 2018, reached Rs.1.4 lakh crore in 2019. The most of the companies sell their products under high priced 'brand names' on the pretext of combination of medicines. In US, medicines are sold by its generic names only separately not in combination. Here in India, a 'branded' medicine is sold at a price 20 times higher than generic price — an open loot where authorities / govts, chemists and doctors share the 'booty'. The poor are bled to dry.

The documents reveal that the most of the private hospitals are run by lawfully formed charitable Trusts availing all the govt. concessions. But the charity begins at home and ends at home only. Rest is pure business — from a small nursing home to five star hospitals. High price is no guarantee of high quality.

If one loses one's patient, its ones bad luck. And if one returns alive, credit goes to 'treatment'. "The 'game' begins with the admission and ends either with the discharge or death — the rules are always kept secret. Even a death by negligence is  'professionally' buried in the bunch of papers. A doctor can commit even a 'murder' with impunity." says a victim ruefully.

As per Ministry of Health and family Welfare, there were total 12,01,134 registered allopath doctors between September 30, 0219 to April 2, 2020. Furthermore, nearly 50,000 doctors are added to tally each year in India. The most of qualified doctors are either gainfully employed or running their own lucrative business of 'treatment' because of the huge demand — the ratio is 1:1000 (one doctor per 1000 people). It is because of huge shortage,the people extensively rely on alternative system of medicines  - Homeopathy and Ayurveda.

Be it Allopathic, Homeopathic or Ayurvedic doctors, the black sheeps abound in this sacred medical profession, particularly in India, successfully running their ' business'. Irrespective of relief/result, the 'products' sell like hot cake because of high demand -  a TINA situation where the confused ailing people keep hopping from one doctor to another with the hope against hope for relief. However, docs continue to roll in money.

Apart from profitably employed in hospitals where they, allegedly, boss over the patients playing like a God unto themselves, enjoying absolute freedom for unaccountable action with all immunity from legal action, private practitioners/doctors too behave not less than self styled lords.

A disgruntled patient contends that an allopathic private practioner with some reputation is more interested in number of patients visiting him — Rs.1000-1500 per patient. Based on 'rational therapy', he/she prescribes medicines without bothering to tell either any side effects or knowing much about the medical history of the patient. The most of 'successful' docs now have their own extensively used equipments and maintain own medical store— prescribing medicine of brands for the reasons best known to them and patronizing the pharma companies in return of generous freebies. These docs seldom receive or respond to call of their patients personally for fearing of losing the 'fee'. If in emergency something goes wrong, they ask the patient to rush to hospital.

Ayurvedic docs who rely heavily on symptoms, do prescribe medicine for a long term treatment — no hope for immediate relief. Furthermore, the most of docs ask for 'Panchkarma' therapy in their clinic. Victims allege that very often they have  felt cheated.

Though homeopathic treatment too depends on symptomatic history of the patient from mind to body, they too behave like allopaths — prescribe standardized homeopathic medicines keeping in view the existing complaint of the patient. Interestingly, homeopathy is the most preferred destination of ambitious women aspiring to prefix their names with respectable noun ' doctor'. 

Anyway, all doctors continue to make money, allegedly, without any accountability /responsibility. A doc owes a duty of care to his/her patient to provide treatment in line with the medical standard care.

Broadly speaking, the most of the doctors, allegedly make experiments with the patients using newly introduced medicines by Pharma company with vested interests. Despite all that no case is made out for evident MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE — Misdiagnose - failing to diagnose a condition correctly can lead to unnecessary sufferings, Surgical Negligence, Prescription Error, Negligent Medical Advice.

These malpractices have become common place in India, usually, perpetrated by 'black sheeps' in the profession. Though there is no dearth of dedicated and devoted doctors, it is the black sheeps who bring a bad name to otherwise a noble profession. Such people must be brought to justice. The Constitution endorses Right to live. Beware of black sheeps in medical profession. 

Saturday, March 20, 2021

An open letter to Respected Modi Ji


An Open Letter to 

Respected Modi Ji

No doubt, with concerted and collective effort of 1.35 billion, India can go north and regain its pristine crowning glory. And the people look at you as a lodestar

By Mukesh Sharma


Respected Sir,

I hope to be pardoned for my zeal to pen down this open letter in a hopeful attempt to attract the attention of Your Goodself in the largest interest of the bemused and confused common man.

Whenever I watch Your Gracious Self on TV channels making political speeches or delivering talks on some serious issue before the select audience, my eyes, unconsciously, get set on your fearless face bubbling with elan and exactitude; your well-combed grey hair falling on the neck gives the reflection of a Greek philosopher; your broad shining forehead makes you a solemn saint; your deep enigmatic eyes seem to be looking beyond the prevailing present; your grey high eyebrows with intuitive intellect exude goodwill; the overall glow of health on your charismatic countenance, evidently, shows that you are free from the deadly human diseases like anger, jealousy, ego, affections, and desires. Hypnotized by the halo, I wonder how a man in public life can maintain such a holistic health in this age of contradictions, conflictions, and clashes of interest.

The Hon'ble Prime Minister Modiji 

By your own candid admission, you left your home at an early age, renounced the worldly life and spent years in solitary prayer and meditation visiting and seeking blessings of many enlightened gurus/yogins for spiritual experience  - the realization of the immortal aspirations through this mortal frame, the achievement of the divine life through intellectual consciousness.

Sir, renunciation means the absence of desires. As far as a common man is concerned, each action is caused by some desire or attachment. This writer is at loss to understand what made you to abandon the spiritual pursuit halfway. What prompted you to take a U-turn from the divine course of spirituality to this demeaning politics?

Being in public life and also as a human being how you liberate yourself from the tyranny of body, the tyranny of desires and cope with the crisis of contrition.

In one of your public interviews, you have revealed that you live a very strict disciplined life - daily yogic exercise, simple vegetable food, porridge (khichri) as supper, and to crown all just three hours deep sleep.

Yogins maintain that self-discipline is not a matter of intelligence; it is a matter of will and emotions. Self-discipline is easy where there is a vision of the Highest. Here, the highest signifies, if I am not mistaken, of supreme God.

As a yogi-turned-politician holding the topmost post of Hon'ble PM of India, what inspires you to live such a 'disciplined' life.

To be honest, your journey from a tea-vendor to the top statesman sounds like a tale from fairyland. People contend that it is not possible without some divine blessings. Despite primary education in a village school and no regular academic studies in any big college/university, you are the best, the brightest, the wisest - leader of the leaders not only in India but at the world forum. How is it possible?

People maintain that you have blessings of Maa Saraswati (goddess Minerva) - the gift of gab. You know how to conquer the stage and command the respect of the audience - no stage phobia, no faux-pas, so fearless and in full control of yourself and your spoken words. You are unsurpassed in oration. It is your oratorical triumph that has saddled BJP in power. People wish to know how one can develop such art of eloquence. What is the secret?

It is common knowledge that you are a staunch nationalist - a votary of Bharat Mata, the mother of 1.35 billion. Bharat flows in your blood. You breathe Bharat. You live Bharat.

It is maintained that the countries have been made by God but nations have been made by man. Each nation is ruled by its handful of able-bodied - intellectually superior rule over the millions. In a democratic dispensation, such rulers are, ironically described as servants of people who live like kings and the so-called Masters, the poor people live like servants - battling for life - fighting with hunger, disease, and poverty endlessly. A common man is of the view that except a day of voting, people are just a scrap. Disgruntled denizens contend and allege that it is not a democracy but "lootocracy". Recent "Vazegate" in Maharashtra is the glaring example  - wolves in sheep clothing can stoop to any extent. So-called public servant enjoying impunity, lord over the hapless people; they are seldom punished for an act of transgression - a national sin against the populace. It is an unpalatable reality that today 1.35 billion are dead to the feelings of corruption-free India and incorrupt netas. Don't you ever think that besides the noble thought of nationalism, there is a need to redress the national grievance in the largest interest of the people of India, the very purpose of our 'holy' Constitution?

Hopeful people are all praise for your clarion call "vocal for local". But the people allege that it is not easy to put a precept into practice when corruption is rampant. It is an open secret that one can’t do business if one doesn’t know how to keep the ‘hawks’ at the hem of affairs in good humor - the bank, police, local authorities, selectively ever‘vigilant' tax departments that usually keeps the eye shut on the free flow of cash to political parties/netas, and , of course,over and above the local toughs. Not to speak of any established business, an honest vegetable vendor squatting roadside can’t earn his livelihood even by selling vegetables without the 'paid blessings' of local police and municipal authority. Sir, don’t you think that these public extortioners are the real threat to the slogan ‘vocal for local’. Don’t you think Sir that  THE SPOIL SYSTEM needs to be changed  - radical changes are the need of the hour.

Sir, you know how to live as a commoner with simple clothes, and you also know how to maintain the dignity of the post of Prime Minister of India, and of course the pride and  self-esteem of 1.35 billion by wearing clothes that reflect nothing but Indianism. Your excellent dress sense makes the style statement. Sir how a Yogi like you do it?

Is brahmacharya (celibacy) is necessary to lead a disciplined life? Can’t a family man perform his karma with the sense of detachment?

No doubt, with concerted efforts of 1.35 billion, India can go north and regain the pristine crowning glory. And the people look at you as a lodestar.

May you live long and all blessings follow the sons and daughters of Bharat Mata.

 Bharat Mata ki Jai!

A Bhartiya Common Man 

Monday, September 28, 2020

From Sexy Clothes to Mystic Mask


From Sexy Clothes 

to Mystic Mask

There is more to this ‘mask’ than meets the eye. Read a curtain raiser write up

By Mukesh Sharma

Man comes to earth in his ‘birthday suit’. In early days of human evolution, he would move around buck naked. The natural sensation in erogenous zones on human body at the sight of opposite sex, made man to feel the need of wearing the loin cloth  – it helps to hide the copulative desires, and passes him for a man of ‘good’ character.

There is more to this ‘mask’ than meets the eye

With the course of time and material advancement, other wears were developed. However, the ‘sex’ was the basis of all the clothing – woman clothes were suitable for woman body – helpful in giving nature’s call and perform quickly and comfortably other ‘acts’ – man’s clothes too were made with compatibility to male ‘needs’. Further clothes were developed to give the man a distinctive identity related to region, tradition, culture, profession and position. In other words, each clothes  worn by the man serves specific purpose.

Now the mystic mask has also joined the wardrobe of the man. Unlike other wears designated for man and woman separately, the mask is not sexist. Irrespective of colour or country, region or religion, rich or poor, it treats all equally. What genius like Karl Marx couldn’t do, the petty mask has done. Right from Donald Trump to common tramp pissing around on the roads of Indian cities, everyone wear mask. Mask is a great leveler.

Though the common man doubts the efficacy of mask being used for the prevention of spread of corona, for,  the tinniest virus can pass through any porous fabric, he sees a big ‘’conspiracy and million dollar business behind the mask”, particularly, in India.

Big names like Reebok, Levis, Nike, etc with good ‘understanding’ with the authorities have flooded the market, allegedly with the “non standard branded fancy masks.” Middle class always takes pride in using branded stuff in India. Even private schools have come up with their own mask going with the uniform of their school. It is easy to squeeze parents.

To hospitals and doctors, it is a “roaring business” behind the mask. Surprisingly enough, India stands at No.2 in the world for corona cases but recovery rate is over 88 per cent that too without the availability of medicine/treatment. No developed country has performed such a ‘grand feat’. What is more, there are news reports  that reveal that government hospitals are not fully equipped to tackle corona; a  great number of hospitals lack oxygen, ventilators, beds, etc. Sources reveal besides donation of  thousands of crores to PM fund by Indians,  India also got $2.9mn from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and  World Bank  aproved $1bn corona fund to India. However,  the poor people are charged for COVID test and treatment, for the reasons best known to ‘honest’ netas only. For VIPs/VVIPs treatment is free of charge. Even if vaccine hits the market, people doubt that govt. can make it available for all. By an estimate, 80,000 crores would be needed to vaccinate all. In a country where a sizable number of populace struggling  with deadliest disease ‘hunger’, it is doubtful that government would spend the estimated whopping sum for the containment of corona.

‘Dutiful’ police, the next 'regiment' of corona ‘warriors’ which has been given free hand, always remains on its toe to ‘salute’ the mighty, and ‘sanitize’ the commoner with danda and ‘comfort-fee’. People allege brisk ‘businesses behind the mask.

People contend  that in this this tough and trying time, only government servants who have secured jobs, fat salary and no work, have been enjoying life. Private giant players like Amazon(Jeff Besos, US), Ambani, Hinduja, Shiv Nadar, Adani, Azim Premi,  even in COVID situation have amassed wealth. Rest more or less are doomed.  But all 'hon’bles' as ever are busy in discussion and suggestions. Here in India words speak louder than action. Thanks to media, the mouth piece of elitist and political class.

Duly and democratically elected government with 30-40 per cent vote share armed with managed magic numbers  is busy working overtime in passing bills after bills in the Parliament where the most of the session scores of seats remain empty – 'devoted and diligent' law makers remain busy in other more important 'public' activities than the parliament session. Notwithstanding, laws are made for the common peoples, the mighty rules the law. Indian netas have mastered the ‘rules' of the 'game’ precisely and perfectly from the wily Britisher who ruled for 200 years and bled the Indians for every penny through bills/laws. Always preoccupied with the politics of brinkmanship and one-upmanship , netas are successfully using ‘mask’ to hide all failings – low GDP, unemployment, alleged rampant corruption at implementation level by over smart government officials, widespread poverty and hunger in flood affected areas etc. There is more to this mystic mask than meets the eye.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Self-made Billionaires (series)

A Man Who Dreams to ‘Conquer’ Earth and ‘Colonize’ Space

As a President and CEO of Amazon and with reported net worth US $ 196.6 billion till July 13, 2020, Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world.

With 5,66,000 employees, Amazon operates in 14 countries across the world.

Under Blue Origin, a flagship company of Amazon, Jeff Bezos has also started selling commercial spaceflight tickets for US $ 200,000 to 300,000 per passenger.

Jeff Bezos also owns a widely circulated American English daily, The Washington Post which he purchased on August 5, 2013 for US $ 250 million cash.

In this corona time when the most of the business has gone nose dive, Jeff Bezos has seen a rise in his fortune by US $ 74 billion this year.

Alexa, a household name in US, an Amazon product looks after the household of Americans.

By Mukesh Sharma

In this shop keeping society, everyone is selling something for their daily bread. Of course, business lies in selling something to somebody. But genius Jeff Bezos went ahead of sheer selling; he made service a giant global phenomena; in his game, he decided to play a ‘carrier’ between the seller and buyer. And this idea turned out to be super hit.

Jeff Bezos, man who dreams to ‘conquer’ the earth and ‘colonize’ space

Naming his business after the name of Amazon river, the biggest river in the world, Jeff planned the biggest store in the world.

On July, 1994, Jeff got his Amazon incorporated as a company and started it from the garage of his house on 28th street in Belleue, Washington in September, 1994. Since then he never looked back. Today US based Amazon operates from 13 countries  -- Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain and UK.

In September, 2000, Jeff also founded Blue Origin, a human spaceflight startup company. In July, 2018 , the company announced that it had priced commercial spaceflight ticket from US $ 200,000 to 300, 000.

Early life of Jeff was not without struggle. Born on Jan12, 1964 in Albuquerque, New Mexico to a teenage mother, Jacklyn Gise Jorgensen and his biological father Ted Jorgensen,his mother remarried another man, Mike Bezos, a Cuban immigrant when Jeff was just 4. Thus Jeff got his surname Bezos.

While at High School, Jeff worked at Mc Donald as a short-order line cook during the breakfast shift. He graduated from Princeton University in 1986 with a degree in electrical engineering and computer science. Rest is history.

Jeff says his goal is to create “the Star Trek Computer.”

Genius Jeff Bezos knows how to have Big Dreams, live for them and fulfil them. He is the man who dreams to ‘conquer’ the earth and ‘colonize’ space.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

An Interview with Corona


An Interview with Corona

"You human animals can’t think beyond your minion mind; you can’t understand beyond your phoney perception; you cannot hear without air; you can’t see without light. And you call yourself the most civilized and developed creature of the animal kingdom on the earth"

By Mukesh Sharma

Through a doctor friend of mine here in US, this blogger, with some divine blessings, managed to interview the most dreadful and the deadliest ‘thing’ in the world today known as Coronavirus by the petrified man, claiming to be the landlord of this planet earth. Here are the excerpts from the intriguing interview:

Good morning Mr. Corona

Who the hell are you?  You fucking asshole! How dare you use the word ‘good’ before me. We are votary of always the great ‘Bad’. We hate anything ‘good’ in this universe. So never ever use this abominable word ‘good’.


Aa . . .Aa. . .I am sorry Mr. Corona. Kindly accept my apologies. Very very bad morning! I am a blogger and with your permission, wish to ask a few questions so that the world could know about the 'magnanimity' of Your Gracious self.

What blogger? Say you are a pen-pusher struggling for your daily bread.

You can never be wrong Sir.

So now bark away what you want to say. Be brief, I am very busy in duteous task “killing Spree”

Where are you from?

You asshole . . . Do you wish to travel to my place. . . Ha.  Ha. Ha. . .  I am from ‘black hole’ where your all what you call science fails. You moron man.

No . . Never. Just for knowledge sake Sir.

You human animals can’t think beyond your minion mind; you can’t understand beyond your phoney perception; you cannot hear without air; you can’t see without light. And you call yourself the most civilized and developed creature of the animal kingdom on the earth. Come out of chaos and confusion. Don’t you understand that you are not able to tackle even a size of 60 nano meter so-called virus taking on your huge 'size' of six feet, and you still make tall talks and make tall claims about your so-called scientific advancement. . .You insignificant snipe. . .

What is the purpose of your visit on the earth?

You dunghead! I am an earthling. I am an original inhabitant of this planet earth from the day one when the earth came into existence as a big chunk separated accidently from the Sun. All the planets and stars in this cosmos belong to us (virus). We are the original landlord/owner. Even this two legged animal what is known as man, has been developed from a single celled animal like protozoans - our great, great, great grand kids, through a long process of biological evolution on earth - Protozoans, Amphibians, Reptiles, Aves, and Mammals and so on.

Okay! Now I understand.

Better you understand. We, virus, are omnipresent and omnipotent. We may not be God but not less than God. The man must learn to pay obeisance to us(viruses).

So, who has woken you up from your deep slumber (dormant state)?

That’s the intelligent question. Let me tell you the truth. It is our ardent devotee China. Chinese enjoy each living and no living things which is our abode. They respect viruses and bacteria. I am here on the request of the great China. They want me to help them become the superpower on the earth.

Are you not doing great injustice to other countries and the teeming millions by giving them death?

What injustice! Death is the destiny of all the living beings. I am just cutting short their journey. Furthermore, look at audacity and arrogance of so called developed nations. Are they not responsible for the ecological imbalance – global warming, encroachments, forest fires and dumping the garbage in the sea and collection of nuclear arsenal  - the man has seed of its ruin in himself. The power and pelf have gone to the head of developed nations. First and Second world countries are guilty of sin of omission. In contrast, third and fourth world countries are battling for life against hunger and disease. So I am here on cleansing operation – the man must learn to respect Mother Nature. However, Darwin theory shall be observed - Survival of the fittest.

An allegation is being leveled against you that your operation is not free from biases. You are attacking developed nations with more vehemence than the developing or underdeveloped nations across the world - China has recovered up and is back to business; you seem to have soft corner for other Asian countries, particularly, India– with population of 1.35 billion there are just 3577 case of infection and just 83 deaths. On the contrary, death toll is mounting day by day in thousands in developed nations.

You see, underdeveloped and developing countries always respect virus and bacteria. They are the veritable home of all kinds organism. For instance, India is the home of scores of our (virus) distant relatives- TB, flu, influenza, malaria, chikungunya, dengue etc. you name it India has it. So for the sake of fraternity I cannot harm much. However, a few audacious people need to be taught lessons. The majority of Indians respect not only living beings but nonliving beings too. I appreciate them for their hospitability and their unique culture. Developed nations must learn several good things from India.

And . . .

What and . . .  no more questions now. I am very busy now. Don’t you ever try to see me again. I am sparing you because you are an Indian.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona, a curse or boon

Corona, a Curse or Boon

Message is loud and clear that in this boundless régime of God, man is no better than a midget; don't mess with the nature; live as a servant of nature not the master of nature

By Mukesh Sharma

From Wuhan to Washington, with over 24,000 deaths across the world and still counting, the invisible, inexplicable, indefatigable, invincible, indefinite etc ' thing' so named Coronavirus is feared more than Yamaraj (God of death in Hindu  Scriptures) today. Death penalty by Reverend Yamaraj can never be without justification; it is always, of course, self certified reasoned order like the Supreme Court of India - no appeal, no appellant Court. But Corona seems to know no reason except merciless 'man' hunt. Though Corona's unnerving enemity against human 'animals' is yet to be understood and studied by the so-called all- know man, this blogger thinks that Corona's curse is not without a boon.


The valued readers would agree with this blogger that the 'life' exists in dualities  - there can be no right without wrong; no knowledge without ignorance; no happiness without sorrow; no darkness without light; no failure without success; no death without birth. So there can be no curse without boon.

Look at Corona from an eye of an optimist - the glass is not half empty but half full. Corona's relentless attack has united the world. Hostilities have been put to rest in most of the disturbed countries in the world like Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, Libya etc. for the time being. Even arch rivals US and China have joined hands for the concerted efforts in a fight against Corona.

For the first time in post independent history, it has been witnessed that India has risen above the region and religion in a bid to give corona a good fight. Phenomenal unity has been seen in the diversity from Kanya kumari to Kashmir. Ever squabbling opposition parties have not opposed the PM Modi's call for nation wide lockdown.

Thanks to Corona terror, the people contend that the crime rate has come down dramatically - no news of rapes, murders, dacoity, theft etc. What is more, the most of Indian metropolitan cities which were known for smothering air, are free from pollution - no noise pollution and air pollution - the sky is so clear. The deserted roads give the cities the feeling of a western landscape. The sun shines brightly. The moon gleams with full glare at night.

Frankly speaking, it occurs to my mind that the Corona has taught perverted man to behave. Lockdown in houses has re-established family values.

Corona seems to have reaffirmed the faith of the world in Indian culture and cuisine – so called civilized people of the developed west are exchanging pleasanteries by saying namaste with folded hands. The respect for veggies has increased manifold in the world. The government and the rich have loosened the strings of their purses to help out the poor - the food free of charge along with other essential services. In fact, Carona has revived the socialism, maybe, for sometime. But the people wish to live in present. IMF, World Bank and other institutions are contemplating the much needed help to the poor nation battling for life and survival. The most of the nations have announced stimulus package as relief. Even RBI has also suggested the bank to declare moratorium for at least 3 months on all kinds of loans. Loanees are shouting hip hooray! hip hooray! hip hooray ! Socialism has come. The humanity seems to have been re-structured.

Undoubtedly, Corona has reminded the man his place. God made the beautiful earth for all kinds of non-living and living organisms – Protozoans, Amphibians, Raptiles, Aves and Mammals. But the wily man has encroached upon the rights of other creatures too. To assert his phony hegemony, the man has abused his powers and misused the natural resources; the man has drawn lines and divided  the earth into countries. Surprisingly enough with just an average life span of 60 years, the man has declared himself the owner of the earth.

Though the man boasts of his material progress touching the moon and mars sending robotic machines into space to travel, supposedly, through intra-galaxies, he has failed to face a tinniest virus to the size of 60 mm micron – his ego stands shattered. The virus Corona has cut the man down to size; it has shown the mirror to man.

The message is loud and clear that in  this boundless regime of God, man is no better than a midget. Don’t mess with nature. Live as a servant of nature not master of nature.

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