Showing posts with label writer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label writer. Show all posts

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Monkey Business of English-teaching

Beyond Smoke Screen

Monkey Business of English-teaching

To Crown all, encashing on the mentality of English hungry students, a few well established English newspapers have also launched online English teaching programme. It sounds like teaching someone driving through correspondence course

By Mukesh Sharma

With turnover thousands of crores, English teaching is evergreen business right from Kanyakumari to Jammu & Kashmir in India. While the majority of English speaking aspirants of such nondescript so-called institutes remain disgruntled, the stream of fresh students continues like the ever increasing population of India. And despite all the confusion and poor result, the monkey business of English teaching goes on and on   -  it is neither affected by lax economy nor low GDP.

Monkey Business of English-teaching

The root of this English learning mania can be traced to 200 years of British subjugation of India. Language of the rulers always affects the psyche of the ruled. Slaves often imitate the masters. The dent was so deep and diverse that it could not be mended even after 72 years of Independence. Some scholars contend that the survival of English is not just because of the British influence but the need of multi-lingual India where English serves as a bridge language among Indians of different tongues.

However, the situation has come to such a pass that English is not just an ordinary language. It has become a symbol of class; a symbol of status; a symbol of intellect in India. The people at lower strata of society struggle to join the elite English speaking class. English aspirants get mesmerized by Queen’s English of people like Shashi Tharoor. They are big fan of a man who, allegedly, has scant regard for Hindi or Hinduism.

To Crown all, encashing the mentality of English hungry students, a few well established English newspapers have also launched online English teaching programme. It sounds like teaching someone driving through correspondence course.

Apart from that, one can come across ‘English-speaking’ institutes in every third street of small towns and big cities in India. Tall claims are made  -  each institute has its own self-certified pedagogy. The majority of institutes assert to teach English in a few months through Grammar, translation and mugged up vocabulary. In fact, English is treated as a subject that has a fixed syllabus/curriculum like other subjects; it is not taught as a language which is a means of communication,  is related to life, religion nature, universe and God. As a result, based on rote-learning, students learn English as a subject to pass out the academic exams or any competitive exams. They never learn English as a language which is, essentially, a part of life. As an accredited Journalist, this writer has been to many countries, and even lived in US too for a long time where he was allotted Social Security Number to perform his duty. So, this author has first-hand experience to observe and study ‘English’ of native speakers in US and UK.

A close study reveals that words are sounds that symbolically represent something material or abstract. Sentences which are action based, are composed to denote what is happening. In other words, a language can be picked up through relative understanding of words and sentences to material life only. This is how a native speaker picks up his or her mother tongue without even the knowledge of so-called grammar or without even learning  to write and read. As one grows up in a particular tongue, the relative words and sentences get settled in the mind with pictorial memory through repetitive use. There may be hundreds of people in US or UK who are not able to write or read but still they speak correct English, of course, as Hindi or any other Indian language is spoken in India.

Obviously, the wanting method for teaching English as a second language has led to wide spread confusion, particularly in lower strata of society. Fake English and Hinglish have become very popular. Elite English or standardized English which is used by English newspapers and professionals, and that also makes the basis of English paper in all the competitive exams, have become rather a problem for a sizable number of English learning aspirants.

In the light of his experience and research work, this writer can vouchsafe that the best way to learn any language is to live among the native speaker of that language. But when one tries to learn it at a place where it is not the language of the common man, the right way to learn it through syntax   the Morphology of English sentences, and Semantics – how a ‘verb’ collocates with a  ‘noun’ and how an ‘adjective’ pairs with a ‘noun’, and produce standardized ‘phrase’. The easiest way is to map mother tongue on English syntax, and learn to think, may be, in mother tongue but as per the interpreted equivalent Hindi sentence of English syntax e.g.

“If neta were to resign, he would have resigned.”

“ If she were to marry you, she would have married.”

The above mentioned syntax is one of the standardized syntaxes of English language. Close to such syntax, one can think of scores of sentences in English. And the same can be followed for other syntaxes also.

Mind you, English, predominantly, is a language of phrases and idioms. The meaning of a singled out word in a sentence may be different from its  lexical meaning. The solution to this problem lies in the knowledge of a few hundred  key words/root words. (here, the term ‘root word’( should not be misconstrued with latin/Greek origin). The ‘Root words’ collocate with other words and produce standardized ‘Verb phrases’, ‘Noun phrases’ or ‘Idiomatic phrases’ which are extensively used in English Newspaper, Competitive Exams and by the English in daily life. In the same way,  good knowledge of Root Words helps to build up vocabulary 10-20k. Study reveals that to speak good English one need just 500-1000 words; to be a writer 1000-4000 words, the great English playwright Shakespeare used 8000 words, and average English newspaper uses just 2000 words, and rest is sheer repetition.

Once Lord Macaulay made a statement in the Parliament of England:
“I have drafted such an education system for the Indian subjects that after 70 years, there would be black English who would have little sympathy for vernacular tongues, and would be fit to follow rather unfit to think.”

Evidently enough, Indian examination system which is based on rote-learning, robs students of thinking power  – they eat what there are served; they don’t know how to cook. It is maintained that a slave population is on the rise in India. It has become rather a society of followers than thinkers.

What is more, the plight of thoroughly confused students is like the situation of a blind man who is looking for a black hat in a dark room which is not there.

It is common knowledge that hustling is the staple diet of the most of the business in India. So monkey business of English teaching is flourishing like anything.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Confusion, a Quality of the Great Mind

Confusion, a Quality of the Great Mind

Even the God is confused to see that He made man and the man has become Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian; God made earth, man has divided it into countries, and kills one another to live
By Mukesh Sharma

Be it a religious leader, statesman, scientist, writer/poet or any intellectual, all have one thing in common and that is confusion. Study reveals that the most of the great minds of ancient time were confused lot; their chanced creations of thoughts, discoveries and inventions that amazed and changed the world, were the products of their ‘severe’ confusion. The great theoretical physicist who propounded the ‘Theory of Relativity’, Albert Einstein says:

“Confusion of goals and perfectness of means seems to characterize our age.”

The confusion is a state of mind where a confused with a desired goal is not able to decide what to do and how to do in the prevailing present situation because of lack of either past experience or the ability to foresee the future, and it may arise under any situation at any stage of process and at any point of time.

The Confusion

As far as confusion is concerned, only two persons in the world have no confusion –  an ignorant fool and a learned fool. The former is always confirmed in his conviction; he has no doubts or surmises about his abilities and capabilities; he pretends to know everything; he looks at the world through the specs of his ignorance only. The latter is proud of his knowledge collected from various sources; he assesses and assays the world through his ‘acquired’ knowledge only; he cares a damn whether it is fake or genuine.

Moreover, confusion leads to knowledge, and the knowledge further paves the way for the  conviction, and this conviction lays the foundation of creation. The circle moves on and on – from confusion through knowledge and conviction to creation. All the progress and advancement have been made due to this eternally moving circle – from simple wheel to spaceship; from homo erectus to well clad man. Obviously, it is the confusion that has made the progress in the world possible.

Michael Faraday struggled a lot in the shocking confusion before he could stumble upon his invention of Electric Dynamo (in 1831), and that taught the world the practical use of electricity.

Louis Pasteur fought with confusing bacterias and came across the Pasteurization (1864) – the way to prevent the growth of bacterias in substance like wine, beer, and milk in his age.

In his confused bid to develop a cheap substitute to ivory billiard balls, John Wesley Hyath happened to develop Plastic (1869) – a moldable versatile material chemically called celluloid, and be it simple carry bag or any other thing, it has become an inevitable need of daily life today.

Facing lots of confusion in teaching the deaf, Alexander Graham Bell, a teacher for the deaf at Boston University, laid his hands on the technique to transmit sound via electricity, and that led to the invention of Telephone (1876), and android mobile is just an upgraded version today, an indispensable need.

Groping in the darkness of confusion, Thomas Edison chanced upon to develop the idea that led to the discovery of light bulb (1879) – the way to illuminate even after sun-setting.

Encircling in confusion around the big wheel of Penny Farthing (world’s first ever cycle) for years, John Kemp Bicycle (1885) came up with the idea of Bicycle with chain called in his time Velocipedes.

Confused by the sound of motors, German Engineer Karl Benz developed Motor Carriage (1895), the first modern automobile, and today the world enjoys F-1 Formula race.

Rolling in confusion of metallic ductability, Charles Martin came to discover Aluminum (1886), the part and parcel of modern life.

Wright Brothers piloted the first ever Aeroplane (1903) of the world because of the confusion created by the flights of the birds, and today the world has supersonic jets.

Loaded with confusion of snail-mail, Ray Tomlinson worked out the concept of e-mail (1972) that changed the world of communication, likewise PC (personal computer) (in 1980s) and mobile in (1980s).

Out of utter confusion Tim Berners Lee, wrote the software for www (World Wide Web), and that changed the world of internet.

Even the greatest poet and dramatist in Sanskrit language, Kalidas emerged after the matrimonial confusion when he was rebuffed by the learned wife Vidyotama. What is more, even the overconfused Tulsidas became Tulsidas after the spousal rebuke, and he penned down the classic story of lord Rama –  the Ramacharitmanas. Even the Gita came into existence out of the confusion of Arjuna.

The confusion created in the mind of Mohan Dass Karamchand Gandhi when he was thrown out of the first class compartment of the train reserved for white-skin people, made him to lead freedom struggle, and he became Mahatma after independence. As a wanderer, Modi is said to have spent prime years of his life in confusion, and today he is the Prime Minister of India. Yet another man, projected by his ‘home-made’ political party – Congress, Rahul Gandh is said to be the most confused man. People have mixed feelings about him (Rahul Gandhi). Some maintain that he may never come out of the chaos of confusion. However, some contend that he would grow out of confusion and emerge as a ‘creator’,  "a future PM of India."

Beyond confusion of mistakes, there is experience; experience is the name given to mistakes. Beyond confused man, there is nature. Beyond confusing nature, there is God. Even God seems to be confused because he made man and he (man) has become Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc. He (God) made the earth, man has divided it into countries, and kills one another to live.

Evidently enough, confusion is the quality of the great mind.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

English, Incomprehensible Like a woman


English, Incomprehensible Like a Woman

Her moist juicy lips with cryptic smile superseding the smile of Monalisa of Leonardo De Vinci; the bulging bolstering breast that can make even a devout Muslim a pagan; well carved out waist surpassing the skill of Michel Angelo; her swing and swagger overtaking the beats of Beethoven
By Mukesh Sharma

Of course, it is a flabby fact! To majority of English aspirants learning English as a second language, particularly, from Hindi heartland, the most coveted English is like the inscrutable and incomprehensible legendary Menaka seducing rishi Vishwamitra. The naive so-called the lovers of English fall in love with the seemingly sleek and slim English at the very first gaze. But the gloating love remains unrequited, for, English wards off their all the overtures and advances ruthlessly. And like the jilted lover, the hapless lots continue to hold torch for the coquettish English until their last breath.

The spurned and obsessed lovers first try to understand the ‘anatomy’ of English – the curves and contour; her flowing auburn hair; glowing face with attractive mien and arresting eyes; her moist juicy lips with cryptic smile superseding the smile of Monalisa of Leonardo De Vinci; the bulging bolstering breast that can make even a devout Muslim a pagan; well carved out waist surpassing the skill of Michel Angelo; her swing and swagger overtaking the beats of Beethoven; the hallowed navel, an epicentre of attraction making a bystander imagine that the heaven is not far off; even to a casual onlooker, English appears like living mannequin of erotica.

The majority of so called ‘language trainers’ claim that the thorough knowledge of grammatical rules ‑ noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction and interjection coupled with understanding of tenses - present indefinite .... modals.... can bring an English aspirant close to English. But all this turn out to be the tall claims of Indian netas. However, western scholars contend that English grammar is wanting. It may help to woo but not win the heart of English. The well known English writer Thomas Carlyle goes a step further and says: “Best grammarian are the worst writer and the best writers are the worst grammarian.”

Interestingly enough, English aspirants are legion. They are ready to pay any fee. English speaking course is a flourishing business with collective turnover of crores of rupees in India. What is more, in the most of competitive exams for government services conducted by SSC, UPSC, etc , English paper is mandatory. Sheer nodding acquaintances with English don’t work. Irrespective of all the affirmations, English is the unassailable language of elitist class and ruling class. Article 348 of the Indian Constitution clearly states that English shall be the official language in High Courts and Supreme Court. So the respected mother tongue remains at the mercy of English.

Further, to take advantage of the psyche of dejected aspirants, some self styled ‘teachers’ have even shunned their Indian names and have ‘baptised’ themselves with English sounding names without any ‘Church service’ so that they can pass them off as a ‘next of kin’ of English, and draw and fool the flock. It is a common sight in well known hub of coaching centres at Mukherjee Nagar, North Delhi. “It is a mandi of English”, says a local property dealer ironically. The most of the such so called English gurus claim to be the great grammarian having so phenomenal knowledge of English that they can find mistakes even in English of Shakespeare and Wordsworth. Amusingly and seemingly being blissfully ignorant of the stature of the word ‘Sir’, these ‘gurus’ suffix their names with ‘Sir’.

Among the Indian, the attraction of English is more than the gravitational pull of Jupiter. To them, it is the symbol of status; symbol of class; symbol of intellect. Hon’ble MP Shashi Tharoor mesmerises the ‘crowd’ with his flowery English and accent. Over the years, Republic TV Editor Arnab Goswami has carved out a niche in the hearts of the ‘herd’ with his bold and bullish English.

Despite all English gurus there is a sizable number of students who are not able to either understand or know the ‘custom’ of ‘English’, and such people turn ‘misogynist’- hater of English. She is allegedly rated as a woman of loose morals. Such people argue that the rampant flirtation of English has led to several illegitimate progeny - American English, British English, Canadian English, Welsh English, Irish English, Indian English etc. Some self proclaimed linguists maintain that though genetically related to Sanskrit, English has made off with words from almost all the languages and stands as the most corrupted. Even celebrated Anglo Irish satirist and author of Gulliver’s Travels Jonathan Swift also endorses the view. And the latest jibe against English has been made by none other than the Hon’ble Vice President of India M Venkaiah Naidu: “English is like an illness left behind by the British.”

Anyway, in the light of all these inconclusive never ending squabble, the much sought after love-lady English remains incomprehensive despite all the clash and crush.




“Judgement is like an idea of a river without its banks”

By Mukesh Sharma

Surprisingly enough. the Oracles of Law took 158 years to understand that a woman is not a commodity or property of man,  and out of collective wisdom of the bench declared the Section 497 of IPC (Indian Penal Code)  as unconstitutional and archaic. However, the IPC which was conceived and created in 1860 by the sharpest knife of the British regime Lord Macaulay for the Indian subjects, would continue to rule the Indian judiciary.

Though ‘Right to Have Sex’ doesn’t figure in much-touted Fundamental Rights, Sir Oracles have endorsed it through their historic observations, a watershed:

Adultery can be a ground for divorce but not a criminal offence: Justice Deepak Mishra

Husband is not the Master of wife: Justice Y.D. Chandrachud

What is noteworthy, the Oracles of law in all spirit and overtone, have concurred with the great and garrulous minds ¬ poets and writers of wayward West.

An English American poet, Wystan Hugh Auden in his poem entitled To Christopher Isherwood,(1930), says:

Let us honour if we can,
The vertical man,
Though we value none,
But the horizontal one.

A promiscuous American poet Ogden Nash goes further and in his poem entitled Sweet Home give vent to his outpourings:

Home is heaven and
Orgies are vile,
But you need an orgy
Once in a while

The renowned American novelist Joseph Heller in his novel Catch 22 (1961) opines:

Prostitution gives her an opportunity to meet people. It provides fresh air and wholesome exercise, and it keeps her out of trouble. 

Yet another American British Screen writer Frederic Raphael in his script to Darling,  minces no words and gets it straight:

Your idea of fidelity is not having more than one man in bed at the same time.

Hurt by Hon’ble Oracles’ rulings, some ‘narrow’ minded men arrogantly argue that complete ‘autonomy’ to a woman may ‘upset the Apple Cart,’ as an autonomy to J&K may lead to secession of the state from India. “The Oracles rulings have hurt the male pride” says a male-chauvinist vehemently. “Be it a minister or minion, a woman has to lie down beneath the man.”

Some skeptical men from ‘lower strata’ contend that so-called historical judgement may trigger off ‘sex war’ in the society, and dismantle and demolish the age old ‘sacred’ institution of marriage in India as in Western world. “The judgement is like an idea of a river without its banks” says an old timer grudgingly. “The English did understand the complexities but the ‘black’ English failed.”

However, all the mighty and moneyed, men who are and now wish to become ‘Sugar Daddy’, welcome the judicious ‘move’ with three cheers. They maintain that sex is the most sought after natural fun that a man has without laughing. The freedom to fair sex to court and cuckold would take ‘love’ to a new height even unknown to Epicurus.

Sobbings of Maa Yamuna


Sobbings of Maa Yamuna

“Narendra Modi makes a great show of respect and addresses Ganga as his mother in Varanasi but to my utter surprise, not to speak of respect, perhaps, he even doesn’t recognize his mausi (Yamuna) in Delhi – pure political reasons” 

 By Mukesh Sharma

Caught in traffic jam nearby ramshackle Wazirabad bridge a few days ago, I decided to get off my car and go down stairs a few steps at the bank in order to have a closer view of maa Yamuna.

I spotted a huge breadth of gushing watercourse brimming between the banks, as Yamuna was in full spate. I was awestruck by the rare sight.

To be honest, it seemed to me that maa Yamuna has come to Delhi after a long time to see her forlorn children (Delhites).

My filial adoration made me to get down a step more and stoop to touch her (Yamuna) feet, and before I could complete gesture of reverence by taking my folded-hands to my forehead, my eyes were welling with tears. I could not hold back my tears from rolling down.

Yamuna River, Delhi

Surya  (the Sun God) was sinking in the distance, as if He (the sun) was trying to lift maa Yamuna to his lap. All of a sudden, my eyes blurred with tears, caught the sight of a colossal apparition in the form of a woman, springing out of the surge of waves of waterways. With fear and flinch, I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, but the image wouldn’t disappear. My ears pricked up at the sound of deep and distant voice, "Don’t be scared son, I am your maa Yamuna.” I couldn’t  believe my eyes. After a moment of dithering, I summoned my courage and confidence, and folded my hands in the attitude of prayer. And here is the excerpts of spiritual chat, I had with maa Yamuna.

Maa you don’t look happy, and wear a puzzled look.

I am worried about the future of my children in Delhi. Despite all the tall talks by your netas, nothing has been done to clean the waterways. Even rain water is not harvested for future needs.

I can understand your concern maa. You see Robert Burn rightly says: “man’s inhumanity to man makes countless mourn.” 

Man is the worst enemy of himself. And he would be the cause of his own annihilations and extinction in dstant future. Even Mother Nature would not be able to help the man.

Maa tell me about yourself. I wish to pen it down for my valued readers and posterity.

Far beyond the descend of mammals on earth and human knowledge and memory, I was born as per today’s geographical nomenclature in Yamunotri Glacier near Bander poonch peaks in Mussorie range of the lower Himalayas. You know, Surya Dev (Sun God) is my father: Yamah (God of Death) is my brother. Splashing through the untrodden jungles, non descript villages, small towns and big cities, with many younger sisters (tributaries) – Toshi, Betwa, ChamBal, Ken and Sindhu rivers, I (Yamuna) merge with Ganga and Saraswati (my elder sisters) in Allahabad. It is known by today’s man as Prayag confluence of Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati.

Maa with the present condition of your watercourse, no one can think that you have such a glorious past.

Not only that it is fact that whoever takes a dip in my waterways with all devotion, gets rid of unfounded fears. From time immemorial, humans have been nurturing this belief. My innumerable children (devotees) still have this age old faith.

I know maa, I have seen your children taking holy dip in your waterways when thousands of people throng, particularly, on special days - puran mashi, Ganga dussehra, magh months, kartik Purnima, Chhat puja even today.

What you call your government doesn’t care about my waterways. Still hundreds of nullah and drain spill into my watercourse, making it contaminated beyond cleaning. It is not just present generation but posterity shall bear the brunt.

Maa our netas are corrupt beyond correction. They always play politics for their self –preservation and self- aggrandizement. Nobody cares for the time-tested values.

With Narendra Modi on PM seat, my hope for the betterment was raised. He makes a great show of respect and addresses Ganga as his mother in Varanashi but to my utter surprise, not to speak of respect, he, perhaps, even doesn’t recognize his mausi (Yamuna) in Delhi - pure political reasons. And your Kejriwal, born yesterday, is more interested in his childish prank - brag and boast. I doubt whether he would ever grow up or not. But beta my heart sobs to see the pitiable plight of children of Delhi. Ignorant lots don’t know what they have done and what they are doing. Beta, it is time to make a move. May all blessing follow you.

Pranam Maa (saluting mother Yamuna)

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Of ‘Gandhi’ Tree


Of ‘Gandhi’ Tree
The clamorous claim on the ‘tree’ has become a nonsensical ‘national’ dispute between Name Changer Gandhis and Game Changer Modi

By Mukesh Sharma

Our learned forefathers had discovered the medicinal and religious importance of plants and trees ages ago. Charak Samhita by rishi Charak, a worldwide acclaimed ancient treatise is authenticated even by modern pathologists and physicians. Among the vast variety of vegetation, the most revered are: tulsi (holy basil), a household name in India; neem’s medicinal properties are known to the world; peepal (sacred fig) has deep cultural significance in India; banyan is worshipped by the Hindu for their strong religious belief, and it is said Mahatma Buddha attained enlightenment under this tree only.

However, the mainline ‘gangs’ so called national political parties have come out in open to stake claim on this miracle ‘Gandhi’ tree. It has become a more serious property dispute than Ram mandir temple at Ayodhya. Of course, the dispute is beyond petition. Even overactive Oracles of law would not dare to step in. On 2nd October, the day of the birth of the said tree, the poor populace watched the drama of netas at Sevagram Ashram (where Mahatma Gandhi is said to have spent 11 years of his life).

Though the tree in question is 150 years old which was planted by the respected Gujarati couple一Karamchand Gandhi (father) and Putlibai Gandhi (mother) at Porbander, a coastal town in Kathiawar, Gujarat, the property ‘hawk’ have set their eyes on it (tree) to grab and usurp.

The much talked ‘Gandhis’ stake their claim on the basis of their ‘surname’. But documentary evidences indicate that their claim is not beyond doubt. What is noteworthy, the real ‘Gandhis’ are silent on the issue. In fact the history of Gandhi surname can be traced in Gujrat and Punjab一there are so many renowned Gandhis一Rustom K.S. Gandhi (1924-2014, an Indian Navy Admiral), Sorab K Gandhi (Prof Emeritus at Ranssellaer Polytechnic Institute), Devang  Gandhi (an Indian cricketer) and so on.
Interestingly, the real Gandhis are not the party to this dispute. It is the doubtful ‘Gandhis’ who are the  First Party.
The doubt get credence by the oft-told interesting story and that goes like that:
Thousands of moon ago, a devout Muslim from Junagadhi area of Gujarat, named Faredoon Jehangir marries a Parsi woman after converting her to Islam. In old times, surname used to be the window to day-to-day life of a person. So all the grocers selling grocery, oil, ghee etc would suffix their name with ‘Ghandy’’ derived from Sanskrit  word gandh (smell). So the full name of that Muslim was Faredoon Jehangir Ghandy.  Influenced by the fierce freedom struggle of then Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (now Mahatma Gandhi), young and handsome son of aforesaid muslim Firoz Jehangir Ghandy changes the spelling of his surname from ‘Ghandy’ to ‘Gandhi’. Now historically known as Firoz Gandhi. He marries the daughter of then political star Jawahrlal Nehru, Priyadarshini Nehru. After the marriage, she also changes her maiden name to Indira Gandhi. Out of the wedlock, two baby boys are born - Rajiv Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi. In his youth, the former falls in love with an Italian chic, named Edvige Antonia Albina Maino. K.M. Rao, an author of An Indian Dynasty  alleges: “ the strong crush makes Rajiv Gandhi to change his religion and he embraces Christianity (Catholic) to marry Maino. He becomes Roberto and the marriage is solemnized in church as per Christian custom. The love-birds are blessed with  two kids ä¸€Raul (sonl) and Bianca (daughter). And later for the reasons best known to the family, Raul becomes Rahul Gandhi, Bianca, Priyanka Gandhi, and their respected mother becomes Sonia Gandhi.”
Now the latest news is that overgrown ‘boy’ has become Janaudhari pandit and also a devotee of lord Shiva that too overnight.
Even the chameleon would shy to see the way the netas change their ‘colours’.
Irrespective of vehement claim, made by ‘Gandhis’, the First Party, the common people contend that they are not lawful and rightful claimant to ‘Gandhi Tree’.
 At this juncture, another ‘party’ joins this so called ‘national dispute’ as a Second Party. And they claim that Mahatma Gandhi is Father of Nation, and India is their Bharat Mata. So they are the only legal heir and legitimate claimant to the tree. Taking the wind out of the sail and stealing the march, the Second Party has decided to celebrate 150 years of birth anniversary of the tree in a big way and the celebrations would continue till 2 October, 2020. 
Axiomatically, if the ‘First Party’ is Name Changer, the Second Party’ is Game Changer! The dispute has become a clamorous claim and nonsensical national dispute between Gandhis (the First Party)  and Modi’s BJP (the Second  Party)
However, the common people believe, true to their self, the selfish netas seldom uphold the virtuous values the grand old ‘Gandhi’ Tree stands for. They eye up its national importance based on the reverence and trust of teeming millions in India and across the world.

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