Showing posts with label AAP. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AAP. Show all posts

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Approved Slums of Delhi

Approved Slums of Delhi

 Though these ‘unauthorized approved colonies’ are in Delhi, unlike DDA’S well-planned colonies, they have  their own world; no master plan is applicable; no SC or NGT rulings matter
By Mukesh Sharma

With over 895 unauthorized colonies scattered through the length and breadth of this sprawling Delhi where DDA/MCD rules seldom matter, and the proud owners of so-called residential structures ranging from 25 sq yds to 250 sq yds erected in zigzag dingy lanes with varying width from 4ft to 15ft., are approved slums in Delhi; and the proud house owners are the slum lords.

Reasons for growth
Though a few colonies are as old as 40-50 years, the most of colonies have mushroomed in the last 15-20 years. The reason of the growth of such colonies is steeped in corruption. As per available datas, there were approx. 209  villages in Delhi. Then authorities concerned handed over the adjoining lands for agriculture purpose to villagers centuries ago. With the course of time, these farmers stopped cultivation. Furthermore, such lands were acquired by DDA for planned residential colonies in order to meet the demand of ever increasing population. However, some lands couldn’t be developed for a long time for the reasons best known to the authorities. These abandoned parts of land were re-sold by the land owners illegally. Later the land which were not acquired, were also sold out by the paper owners. Furthermore, woken up after decades, the authorities concerned could not remove such unauthorized constructions for political and other reasons. Such colonies fall under the category of PRIVATE COLONIES.

Unique features
Though the most of such colonies are unauthorized, some 40-50 years old colonies have been surprisingly,  re-categorized with the well-coined nomenclature “unauthorized approved colonies”. Such colonies have unique features.

No conveyance deed
Taking advantage of the ignorance of unsuspecting buyers, the ‘ownership’ of the plot/flat is transferred through notarized GPA (General Power of Attorney)   not a valid conveyancing instrument.  Thus stamp duty/taxes are evaded comfortably   no mutation, no registered sale deed.

Construction on Khadar Land
What is more, unmindful of consequences and, allegedly, in collusion with the local authorities so called  owners  erect 4 storey structures even in 5-10ft. narrow lanes. Needless to say, in the event of any fire incident or any unforeseen natural calamity, no help can reach the trapped victims. The situation of the most of colonies standing on ‘khadar’ land nearby Yamuna river is very vulnerable where foundation is laid on loose sand. But who cares? Authorities get wiser only after the event in India. So rampant unauthorized constructions are going on for the reasons best known to all.

Approved Slums of Delhi

Sewer and water lines
Yet another catching feature of these unauthorized approved colonies, is sewer and water line run parallel in all the streets/lanes. When water pumps are used to draw water from main line to fill the overhead water tanks placed on the rooftops of 4 storey houses, it sucks the dirty water from ever full and seeping sewer line. Interestingly enough, nobody cares for the rules/ by laws. What is more, to replenish the water supply to overhead tanks, in the event of non-supply of tap water, the people use submersible pumps to extract water from earth with scant regard of NGT rulings -  there is provision of 50k penalty for unauthorized pumps. In fact it is common knowledge that no construction is possible without the soil water. So almost all the houses have submersible pumps with 'good' understanding with local police.

Flowing nullah
As far as the drains running through the street line of each serpentine lanes are concerned, it mostly remains  choked. It is not easy for the MCD workers to take out the muck and clean it. So they just sweep the streets as they wish and enjoy the salary without doing the required work. As a result, during rainy season, the waterlogged streets look like a flowing nullah. Furthermore, it is ‘customary’ in such colonies that the proud house owners stick out the ramp at the exit gate of their houses to nearly the middle of the narrow street; they take pride and pleasure in causing the inconvenience to immediate neighbors and passersby.

Stray dogs and pigeons
There is no park or any recreation centre in these colonies. But each such colony does have a religious place according to the majority of populace, and these places are,allegedly, used for meeting and other non-religious activities. Such colonies are also 'sweet home' for stray dogs, for, they are permanent residents by birth. Even MCD respects their birth right. These dogs  are unchallenged  rulers of each street. And flock of pigeons  reigns the roof tops of each house. These colonies are ideal place where the man and animals live happily.

No master plan applicable
Since the much touted master plan is not applicable to these colonies of ‘special status’, they are the favorite hunting ground for running any kind of business; one can run government approved primary or secondary school, any factory or any other business even in narrow lane, if one is prepared to pay for convenience.

Vote bank
Braving all the pertinent problems, the slums lords (house owners) who live by rental income, continue to enjoy inhibited life. It is alleged that these colonies are veritable vote banks of the netas; authorities concerned continue to maintain the status-quo. Though these unauthorized approved colonies are in Delhi, unlike DDA’s well planned colonies, they have their own world; no master plan is applicable; no SC or NGT rulings matters.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

‘Bhagirathi’ of Signature Bridge


‘Bhagirathi’ of Signature Bridge

Much touted bridge on Yamuna, Delhi, eventually, comes into being after 14 years of wait; delayed chronically, now many self-styled ‘Bhagirathis’ have come forward to stake claim on ‘praises’ for the ‘feat'

By Mukesh Sharma

There is popular saying that Ganga was destined to dawn on the earth from heaven but the credit was taken by Bhagirathi (a king of Kosala, a kingdom of ancient India). What is noteworthy, for Ganga there is only one Bhagirathi but for the Signature Bridge, many ‘Bhagirathis’ have come out to lay claim -  Honest CM of Delhi and Hon’ble MP of East (he has not been invited even in inaugural ceremony) and many other nonentities.

The project which was started off with all political enthusiasm by then netas of then government to appease the ever neglected North-East Delhi, a huge vote bank of migrants from UP and Bihar with the projected cost for Rs 700 crores in 2004, has reached to a whopping sum for Rs 1500 crores in 2018.

Though the Signature Bridge project dragged on for long 14 years for one or other reasons, the people contend that the possibility of a ‘scam’ can’t be ruled out. In India, to the corrupt,the most of the developmental projects  are milch cow; they continue to milk the 'cow' till the inauguration.  Corruption is the staple diet of Indian politics;  in the span of 14 years, Singnature bridge project, must have made many millionaires.

Expecting laurels, the authorities concerned call it an “iconic structure” that has come up with the technical and material support from China, Italy, Spain, Germany and Switzerland. Had it been exclusive Indian ‘handiwork’, the project would have taken 20 years more. Says authorities concerned, “as a new symbol of capital, the bridge will give a panoramic view of city.” “The bridge is an answer to London Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco” adds an official proudly.

Irrespective of ends and means, comparative developments and progress are made in India only; Noida expressway is also an answer to European roads; hundreds of people have lost their lives in multiple piles-up, perhaps, because of some faulty construction , people allege,  and that has become the order of the day. The road seems to be jinxed.

Authorities reveal that the bridge would be thrown open to LMV and Bikers from Sunday (4 November, 2018) on “Trial Basis Only”. God forbids, if the bridge fails the trial test, it might be shut down. In fact, the work is still not complete. It may take another six months for the completion of “observation desk” to be used to have a “panoramic view of the city”: murky water of Yamuna with nullah dirt; Majnu ka Tila with waving Tibetan flags and buntings; Nigambodh Ghat; jhuggi cluster at old bridge; lutyens Delhi at front where live netas, the rich ‘servants’ of poor ‘public’; hordes of informal settlements in rear; shanties at right, nearby Mukherjee Nagar.

Anyway, despite usual political squabble, among several ‘Bhagirathis’, the front runner the 'Honest' and Hon’ble CM of Delhi would inaugurate the bridge on Sunday (4 November, 2018), hopefully with oft-repeated statement: only an honest government could have made it possible.

 But the unspoken truth is that the bridge is being opened under the pressure and intervention of Delhi High Court where the authorities concerned filed an affidavit to open the bridge in October, the last month. Moreover, elections are drawing nearer. During election time, all netas become humble servants of janta.  Diwali is also round the corner. To Hon’ble CM, it is, politically, the opportune time to give the Diwali gift,the Signature Bridge to valued voters. So what if the bridge is not complete yet.       

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Ramshackle Wazirabad Yamuna bridge ̶ a disaster in waiting

Ramshackle Wazirabad 
Yamuna bridge  ̶  a disaster in waiting
       By Mukesh Sharma

NEW DELHI: The Wazirabad Yamuna Bridge in North-East Delhi which is over 70 years old, is the only bridge connecting North-East Delhi, and besides local traffic all the vehicles from Loni, Ghaziabad use this bridge to enter inner parts of Delhi, and today it stands in dilapidated condition. However, thousands of vehicles crawls through this neglected bridge daily, and perhaps the authorities are waiting for some disaster to happen.
Nearly three months ago, the bridge was closed for busses and trucks to ‘repair’ the so called cycle track, nearly 8 ft. wide abutting the bridge. In fact, it was just a footpath and meant for pedestrians. The vested interests changed the nomenclature and renamed it ‘cycle track’. The restoration work is yet to be completed. The shoddy manner the work is being done rises doubts in the mind of the commoner that the contractor and officials concerned have made a fortune. It is open secret that based on public complaints and notings of the top officials, the tender for restoration work is floated; it is awarded to the ‘right’ contractor; work is completed; the calculated and well bargained cut reaches the share holders and the file is wrapped up with  hip hip hurray . . . and three cheers.
      Waterlogged Yamuna Bridge
On last Friday, the heavy rain led to water logging on the bridge. The vehicles were wading through knee deep water. The drain pipe put up by the contractor were chocked with dirt and mortar. Nobody bothered to open it. Moreover, the road over the bridge is full of potholes. The vehicular movement of this rugged bridge is so slow that a long line of bumper to bumper traffic jam can be witnessed from both sides of the bridge  round the clock. Hats off to Delhi Police cops who try to regulate the traffic but in vain. In fact, the authorities concerned should have first mended the road over the bridge for the smooth flow of traffic. But who cares! Enjoying fat salaries with no accountability, the officials who act like demi-gods, take little interest in public work on ground zero  except in file.
Interestingly enough, all the drivers of passing vehicles while moving like a bullock-cart do look at the much-touted Signature Bridge just 100 meters away. The people do dream of the auspicious day when the bridge would be completed and thrown open to public and the people would get rid of this daily tussle of traffic jam. But the next moment, they curse the netas. . . and get going.
The signature bridge was conceived by the respected netas about 14 years ago with a budget of just Rs 700 crores. The work dragged on for years for one or other reasons. The budget continued to be enhanced years after years for the reasons best known to netas only. And now it is said to have crossed  a whooping sum for Rs 1500 crores, and still it is under construction. To raise the hope of people, every year ‘netas’ give a deadline for its completion, but it turns out to be as hollow as their election promises.
Fearing the worst, disgruntle people content that the authorities would wake up after some untoward incident. God forbids, if this Wazirabad bridge collapses, the netas would visit in hordes; inquiry would be instituted; next of kins would be given some solatium; some overactive NGOs would stage candle light protests and some enthusiasts would raise a memorial and lit the candle every year on the day of disaster. But no lesson would be learnt. In all the cases, as usual, it is people who have to pay the price, and remain at receiving end.   

Sobbings of Maa Yamuna


Sobbings of Maa Yamuna

“Narendra Modi makes a great show of respect and addresses Ganga as his mother in Varanasi but to my utter surprise, not to speak of respect, perhaps, he even doesn’t recognize his mausi (Yamuna) in Delhi – pure political reasons” 

 By Mukesh Sharma

Caught in traffic jam nearby ramshackle Wazirabad bridge a few days ago, I decided to get off my car and go down stairs a few steps at the bank in order to have a closer view of maa Yamuna.

I spotted a huge breadth of gushing watercourse brimming between the banks, as Yamuna was in full spate. I was awestruck by the rare sight.

To be honest, it seemed to me that maa Yamuna has come to Delhi after a long time to see her forlorn children (Delhites).

My filial adoration made me to get down a step more and stoop to touch her (Yamuna) feet, and before I could complete gesture of reverence by taking my folded-hands to my forehead, my eyes were welling with tears. I could not hold back my tears from rolling down.

Yamuna River, Delhi

Surya  (the Sun God) was sinking in the distance, as if He (the sun) was trying to lift maa Yamuna to his lap. All of a sudden, my eyes blurred with tears, caught the sight of a colossal apparition in the form of a woman, springing out of the surge of waves of waterways. With fear and flinch, I rubbed my eyes in disbelief, but the image wouldn’t disappear. My ears pricked up at the sound of deep and distant voice, "Don’t be scared son, I am your maa Yamuna.” I couldn’t  believe my eyes. After a moment of dithering, I summoned my courage and confidence, and folded my hands in the attitude of prayer. And here is the excerpts of spiritual chat, I had with maa Yamuna.

Maa you don’t look happy, and wear a puzzled look.

I am worried about the future of my children in Delhi. Despite all the tall talks by your netas, nothing has been done to clean the waterways. Even rain water is not harvested for future needs.

I can understand your concern maa. You see Robert Burn rightly says: “man’s inhumanity to man makes countless mourn.” 

Man is the worst enemy of himself. And he would be the cause of his own annihilations and extinction in dstant future. Even Mother Nature would not be able to help the man.

Maa tell me about yourself. I wish to pen it down for my valued readers and posterity.

Far beyond the descend of mammals on earth and human knowledge and memory, I was born as per today’s geographical nomenclature in Yamunotri Glacier near Bander poonch peaks in Mussorie range of the lower Himalayas. You know, Surya Dev (Sun God) is my father: Yamah (God of Death) is my brother. Splashing through the untrodden jungles, non descript villages, small towns and big cities, with many younger sisters (tributaries) – Toshi, Betwa, ChamBal, Ken and Sindhu rivers, I (Yamuna) merge with Ganga and Saraswati (my elder sisters) in Allahabad. It is known by today’s man as Prayag confluence of Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati.

Maa with the present condition of your watercourse, no one can think that you have such a glorious past.

Not only that it is fact that whoever takes a dip in my waterways with all devotion, gets rid of unfounded fears. From time immemorial, humans have been nurturing this belief. My innumerable children (devotees) still have this age old faith.

I know maa, I have seen your children taking holy dip in your waterways when thousands of people throng, particularly, on special days - puran mashi, Ganga dussehra, magh months, kartik Purnima, Chhat puja even today.

What you call your government doesn’t care about my waterways. Still hundreds of nullah and drain spill into my watercourse, making it contaminated beyond cleaning. It is not just present generation but posterity shall bear the brunt.

Maa our netas are corrupt beyond correction. They always play politics for their self –preservation and self- aggrandizement. Nobody cares for the time-tested values.

With Narendra Modi on PM seat, my hope for the betterment was raised. He makes a great show of respect and addresses Ganga as his mother in Varanashi but to my utter surprise, not to speak of respect, he, perhaps, even doesn’t recognize his mausi (Yamuna) in Delhi - pure political reasons. And your Kejriwal, born yesterday, is more interested in his childish prank - brag and boast. I doubt whether he would ever grow up or not. But beta my heart sobs to see the pitiable plight of children of Delhi. Ignorant lots don’t know what they have done and what they are doing. Beta, it is time to make a move. May all blessing follow you.

Pranam Maa (saluting mother Yamuna)

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Of ‘Gandhi’ Tree


Of ‘Gandhi’ Tree
The clamorous claim on the ‘tree’ has become a nonsensical ‘national’ dispute between Name Changer Gandhis and Game Changer Modi

By Mukesh Sharma

Our learned forefathers had discovered the medicinal and religious importance of plants and trees ages ago. Charak Samhita by rishi Charak, a worldwide acclaimed ancient treatise is authenticated even by modern pathologists and physicians. Among the vast variety of vegetation, the most revered are: tulsi (holy basil), a household name in India; neem’s medicinal properties are known to the world; peepal (sacred fig) has deep cultural significance in India; banyan is worshipped by the Hindu for their strong religious belief, and it is said Mahatma Buddha attained enlightenment under this tree only.

However, the mainline ‘gangs’ so called national political parties have come out in open to stake claim on this miracle ‘Gandhi’ tree. It has become a more serious property dispute than Ram mandir temple at Ayodhya. Of course, the dispute is beyond petition. Even overactive Oracles of law would not dare to step in. On 2nd October, the day of the birth of the said tree, the poor populace watched the drama of netas at Sevagram Ashram (where Mahatma Gandhi is said to have spent 11 years of his life).

Though the tree in question is 150 years old which was planted by the respected Gujarati couple一Karamchand Gandhi (father) and Putlibai Gandhi (mother) at Porbander, a coastal town in Kathiawar, Gujarat, the property ‘hawk’ have set their eyes on it (tree) to grab and usurp.

The much talked ‘Gandhis’ stake their claim on the basis of their ‘surname’. But documentary evidences indicate that their claim is not beyond doubt. What is noteworthy, the real ‘Gandhis’ are silent on the issue. In fact the history of Gandhi surname can be traced in Gujrat and Punjab一there are so many renowned Gandhis一Rustom K.S. Gandhi (1924-2014, an Indian Navy Admiral), Sorab K Gandhi (Prof Emeritus at Ranssellaer Polytechnic Institute), Devang  Gandhi (an Indian cricketer) and so on.
Interestingly, the real Gandhis are not the party to this dispute. It is the doubtful ‘Gandhis’ who are the  First Party.
The doubt get credence by the oft-told interesting story and that goes like that:
Thousands of moon ago, a devout Muslim from Junagadhi area of Gujarat, named Faredoon Jehangir marries a Parsi woman after converting her to Islam. In old times, surname used to be the window to day-to-day life of a person. So all the grocers selling grocery, oil, ghee etc would suffix their name with ‘Ghandy’’ derived from Sanskrit  word gandh (smell). So the full name of that Muslim was Faredoon Jehangir Ghandy.  Influenced by the fierce freedom struggle of then Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi (now Mahatma Gandhi), young and handsome son of aforesaid muslim Firoz Jehangir Ghandy changes the spelling of his surname from ‘Ghandy’ to ‘Gandhi’. Now historically known as Firoz Gandhi. He marries the daughter of then political star Jawahrlal Nehru, Priyadarshini Nehru. After the marriage, she also changes her maiden name to Indira Gandhi. Out of the wedlock, two baby boys are born - Rajiv Gandhi and Sanjay Gandhi. In his youth, the former falls in love with an Italian chic, named Edvige Antonia Albina Maino. K.M. Rao, an author of An Indian Dynasty  alleges: “ the strong crush makes Rajiv Gandhi to change his religion and he embraces Christianity (Catholic) to marry Maino. He becomes Roberto and the marriage is solemnized in church as per Christian custom. The love-birds are blessed with  two kids ä¸€Raul (sonl) and Bianca (daughter). And later for the reasons best known to the family, Raul becomes Rahul Gandhi, Bianca, Priyanka Gandhi, and their respected mother becomes Sonia Gandhi.”
Now the latest news is that overgrown ‘boy’ has become Janaudhari pandit and also a devotee of lord Shiva that too overnight.
Even the chameleon would shy to see the way the netas change their ‘colours’.
Irrespective of vehement claim, made by ‘Gandhis’, the First Party, the common people contend that they are not lawful and rightful claimant to ‘Gandhi Tree’.
 At this juncture, another ‘party’ joins this so called ‘national dispute’ as a Second Party. And they claim that Mahatma Gandhi is Father of Nation, and India is their Bharat Mata. So they are the only legal heir and legitimate claimant to the tree. Taking the wind out of the sail and stealing the march, the Second Party has decided to celebrate 150 years of birth anniversary of the tree in a big way and the celebrations would continue till 2 October, 2020. 
Axiomatically, if the ‘First Party’ is Name Changer, the Second Party’ is Game Changer! The dispute has become a clamorous claim and nonsensical national dispute between Gandhis (the First Party)  and Modi’s BJP (the Second  Party)
However, the common people believe, true to their self, the selfish netas seldom uphold the virtuous values the grand old ‘Gandhi’ Tree stands for. They eye up its national importance based on the reverence and trust of teeming millions in India and across the world.

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