Democracy, a Well Organized Hypocrisy
“It is the government of the netas, by the netas, for the netas”
By Mukesh Sharma
When India
got freedom from the clutches of the Britisher, China was said to be lagging
behind by 60 years in comparison to India because of certain developmental
works and infrastructure like railways, roads, Institutions etc. carried out by
British regime in then India, and today, as the facts reveal, China must be 100
years ahead of India in almost all the fields. Even after 72 years of
Independence, unofficially, over 45 per cent populace is below the poverty
line, battling for life in the morass of hunger and poverty. Though these
hopeless and hapless masses, euphemistically are called as ‘masters’ in democratic
dispensation and their elected representatives as ‘servants of masters,’ the
‘masters’ reel under abject poverty, and the ‘servants’ roll in riches.
Undoubtedly, democracy sounds to be a well organized hypocrisy, particularly,
in India.
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Democracy, a Well Organized Hypocrisy |
As an
answer to tyrannical rules of predestined Kings and Queens who used to have
divine right to rule their subjects in savage world, perhaps some victimized or
a public spirited mind must have coined the most attractive word ‘DEMOCRACY’ in
good faith.
Meaning of Democracy
maintain that the term ‘democracy’ first appeared in ancient Greek; it
originates from ‘demos’ (common people) and ‘kratos’ (strength) where Cleisthenes is referred to as “the father of Athenian democracy.” Wikipedia says “Democracy means rule by the
people.” Further, one of the most revered and a renowned president of America
Abhram Lincoln spells it out tersely as “the
Government of the people, by the people, for the people”.
common people argue that the democracy seems ‘safe and sound’ on the pages of
holy ‘Rule Book’ only; out of the book, she (democracy) is only abused, misused
and disused. In the name of democracy handful of able bodied and minded people
manage to grab the power by their ‘poly-tricks’,
and shrewdly call themselves ‘servants of people; they live like kings and the
people remain at the mercy of their ‘servants’.
Lucrative business
Over the
years, politics has become the most lucrative and the most-sought after
business; no material investment except ‘TIME’, and assured unaccountable
wealth. No business gives such huge returns. Though this GRAVY TRAIN attracts everyone, only careerist politicians with
political link and muscle power manage to ‘board’ it. Of course, a few
exceptions are always there.
As per the
Election Commission report, there are 1866 registered political parties. Out of
these, 56 are recognized as registered national or state parties. The people
allege that the most of the political parties are like private limited
companies headed by the self-appointed ‘chairman’ and ‘directors’. These
political parties are run like family business; the title is always passed on
to son or daughter of the family. With muscle and money power, the family
members of the family develop a ‘pocket
borough’ so-called ‘constituency’. They continue to get elected years after
years and become an ‘institution’ in politics. Even if by some quirk of fate,
they happen to lose an election, they manage to enter the Parliament through
‘back door’ (Rajya Sabha).
Demi Gods
Since there
is no restriction in the formation of political parties, there is plethora of
political parties in India that has marred the democracy; votes are divided. And after election, such
small parties gang-up to share the ‘loot’. The poor electorate have no SAY in the
well chalked out SYSTEM loaded heavily in favour of netas; no provision of
referendum; no rule to recall a non-performer representative. It is a crime to
speak against an ‘elected representative’ at least for five years; they are not
accountable to anybody; they become demi-gods.
India is a
country of under-class and free loaders. Except a few blessed, the majority of
the youth are jobless or not gainfully employed. They just scrape through the
life. Such youth are easy prey of these ‘gangs’. They ‘recruit’ them as
members. The youth join these ‘gangs’ for an identity tags. Such youth are used
to organize rally, bandh, etc. as per
the directives of the ‘directors’ of the ‘companies’. And such companies
continue to thrive because of their clouts and alleged ‘extortions’ from the unknown
sources; crime and corruption go hand-in hand. The free-loaders and public extortionists
continue to get richer and richer. It is open secret that almost all the
political parties have crores of rupees in their coffers beyond the reach of
Income Tax Department, with no material business.
No Free Votes
What is
noteworthy, if any candidate is elected on the ticket of any ‘gang’,
irrespective of social or national interest, he or she will have to toe the
‘party line, and look after the interest of the party (chairman and directors).
Thus he/she becomes a prisoner within the party. He has no FREE VOTES. Even in
British Parliament elected representative have FREE VOTES; they can express
their views in national or social interests and can vote also even against their
own party. So is in US, but not in India. That is why unruly scenes are
witnessed in the Parliament. ‘Debates’ look like ‘gang-fight’.
See-saw Game
In the eye
of the world, elections are held regularly after every five years. Mainline
‘gangs’ handpick candidates as per their worth and benefit, the party can drive
out of their clout, and these candidates are imposed on the electorate. If you
can’t avoid rape, enjoy it. On the Election Day, out of despair, the people
line up to vote to teach a lesson to sitting MLA/MP who usually betrays the
trust of the people, resulting in the election of the opposite candidate. It is
like a sea-saw game; if one is down, the other comes up. Ironically, thus
elected candidate declares himself as a popular leader of the masses. His
‘victory is celebrated by the ‘party’ workers for the ‘spoil system’, not by
the people. Professionals call this anti-incumbency. Thus governments after
governments are changed after every five years. Grasping netas get richer and
richer and the poor populace continues to hope against hope for betterment but
in vain; however democracy goes on and on.
Here the
role of so-called FOURTH ESTATE (media) is also not beyond doubts. It is
national misfortune that the most of the newspapers/TV channels are partisan.
In collusion with netas, they, allegedly, side with one party or the other.
They are no longer servants of light; they are no longer surrogate of public
opinion; they remain busy in creating the PERCEPTION either in favour or
against a neta/party. It is all business; everything has a price-tag in this
materialistic world. If God governs people by belief, netas with the perception.
of democracy has come to such a pass that any political party with no mandate
can form the government. Netas call it the ‘game’ of numbers. Anyone who has
never contested any Lok Sabha election, can become PM.
valued readers would agree that the duty of the elected government is to use
collective wisdom of parliamentarians and earn wealth for the nation and use it
for the welfare of the electorate (people). Professionals might dismiss it as an
inverted snobbery, but people do maintain, it is not democracy but mockery of
constitution starts with the phrase ‘we the people’. But irony is ‘people’ are nowhere except on the day of election and after that they are just a scrap.
Man on the street alleges “it is
government of the netas, by the netas, for the netas.” Evidently enough,
Democracy is a well organized hypocrisy in India.