Showing posts with label light. Show all posts
Showing posts with label light. Show all posts

Monday, November 5, 2018

Darkness, the Mother of Light

Darkness, the Mother of Light

Light is born out of the womb of Darkness, even the shining sun is the son of Darkness

By Mukesh Sharma

It is axiomatic that nothing can be created out of nothing. This universe has been made out of Darkness. All planets and stars have come out of the Darkness. Had there been no Darkness, nothing would have ever existed. Even so-called God lives and loves the Darkness. Prophets and saints realize God with their eyes shut in the depth of darkness of their mind where as an ordinary man just spots the idol in the light. In fact, light is born out of the womb of Darkness; even the shinning sun is the son of Darkness. Undoubtedly, Darkness is the revered mother of the light.

Though a man is born out of the womb of a woman after 9 months of darkness, he is, surprisingly, scared of Darkness. Seeing is believing. What a man can’t see, he doesn’t believe. What an eye doesn’t see, heart doesn’t grieve. The poet laureate William Wordsworth says:

“The eye can’t choose but see,
We can’t bid the ear be still,
Our bodies feel wherever they be,
Against or with our will”

In light, man recognizes the material things but in darkness, he realizes the unformed and unshaped through his vision. Sight can see with light but vision can see through darkness.

Light is ephemeral but darkness is eternal. Light is finite but darkness is infinite. Light is limited but darkness is unlimited. Light ages with time but darkness is ageless. Light just happens but darkness just exists. Light is a matter made of photons but darkness is a non-matter. Light has to travel from one place to another but darkness lives everywhere. In fact, darkness cradles the light. Light is an illusion but darkness is the reality.

With darkness, life comes full circle; it begins from darkness through light ends in darkness. And the circle moves on and on.

Seven deadly sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth are nothing but daughters of Darkness. In fullness of time, Pride gives birth to Humility; Greed to Generosity; Lust to Chastity; Envy to Contentedness; Gluttony to Dieter; Wrath to Calm; Sloth to Ambition.

Disease is darkness but entails treatment for the health. Poverty is darkness but gives rise to ambition. Despondency is darkness but sustains hope. Ignorance is darkness but produces desire for knowledge. Failure is darkness but teaches lesson for the success; success comes after the succession of failures. An American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson truly reflects the importance of darkness through his mystic words:

Teach me your mood, O patient stars;
Who climb each night the ancient sky,
Leaving no space, no shade, no stars,
No trace of age, no fear to die

A man is born twice. Lord Krishna in the Gita, sloka 7 refers man with the word “dvijottama” (Sanskrit word) that means twice-born –  a man is born into the world of nature; second birth is into the world of spirit (darkness).

Be not afraid of darkness. Grow up!  It is the law of nature; day ends with night, night culminates in day. Life is transient. Nothing is permanent. Darkness who is mother of light, is the best teacher.

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