Showing posts with label sun. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sun. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Fullness of Time

Fullness of Time

Man must learn the lesson of discipline from the heavenly bodies

By Mukesh Sharma


Be it animate or inanimate, life is fixed. Nothing can exist beyond time. Things are born in fullness of time in the universe and meet their end after the completion of assigned time-span.

Full moon making preparation to sink in the western horizon

All the galaxies in the universe follow time. All the stars follow time. All the planets follow time. The sun follows time; it rises at the right time and sets in at the right time at different places on the earth.  The moon follows time. Even our mother earth follows time; it revolves around the sun in the right orbit, at the right place and at the right time.


Full moon shinning in the western horizon in front of rising sun. 
Sun rays are seen falling on the houses

During morning walk a few days ago, this blogger clicked a few pics of full moon making preparation to sink in the western horizon and at the same time the sun was on its way to rise in eastern horizon. While watching the mesmerizing sight, I realized that all the celestial bodies follow very strict discipline of time. Nothing can go beyond time.

Sun on its way to rise in eastern horizon

Evidently enough, the discipline of time applies to man too. A baby is born in fullness of time. Physically and mentally, man grows up with the time. Those who waste the time, time wastes them. Everyone must respect time. Right action, at the right place and at the right time gets success in life.

Man must learn lesson of discipline from the heavenly bodies.

Friday, February 21, 2020

The Sun Rising in West

The Sun Rising in West

So, the sun had gone to lighten up my India. What a great sacrifice! The sun burns itself to dispel darkness from earth. But when the man will come out of darkness of his ego. When the man will behave like a man

By Mukesh Sharma

As an early riser, I am used to watching the sun-rising almost daily. But the day, I landed in US, I was waiting for the most magnificent moment of sun-rising after a few days of reclusive rest, usually, needed to get over the jet-lag and for the adaptability of the body to the new geographical time-zone  –  India’s day time is the night, and the night is the day time in America. So I expected a different experience of watching sun-rising from the amazing land of America -  undoubtedly a country of intellectuals.

Sun-rising in West

Geographically speaking, the sun never rises from the West. It is always the East from where the sun rises –  the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars all rise in the East, and set in the West because the earth spins towards the east. But here, I wish to share my self-spawned thoughts while watching the sun-rising from the western part of the earth.

Finally, the much awaited moment arrived. Since I am in Peoria, Arizona, I set my eyes towards East. Well before an hour, the sky began to lighten in East. At the scheduled time (sun-rise in the Peoria 6:47 and set in 17:36 during winter) the sun began to peep from the cleavage of hills – Peoria is surrounded by the hills. With all devotion and difference, I folded my hands in the attitude of prayer, and chanted: Ohm Surya Namah. But when I opened my eyes to have the glimpse of the mesmerizing sun-rising, I found it was not at all different -  shine and sheen was same. It was the same sun-rising, I used to watch from my motherland, India.

To believers, the sun is the only manifestation of God on earth; it nurtures life on earth. Existence of earth depends on the sun only. Though there is only one sun, one sky, one ocean, one earth, the wily man has divided the earth into 195 countries. We earthlings share the common sky, common sun, common ocean, common air to breath, same color of blood, and the same physical structure, but still we are Indian, American, Chinese, etc. We are everything but we are not the man. We are no better than animals that have strong territorial instinct, and fight for their ear-marked areas. Sovereignty and boundaries are the causes of war in many parts of the world. All the claims of advancement sound phony and flimsy, for, the so-called man has not evolved yet who can be differentiated from animals. When the man will learn to be man? When the man will behave like a man?

And with the sun sunk in the horizon, my thoughts floated to India. So, the sun had gone to lighten up my India. What a great sacrifice!  The sun burns itself to dispel darkness from earth. But when the man will come out of darkness of his ego? When the man will behave like a man.

Saturday, August 3, 2019

Chandamama’s Abode, No longer far off

Chandamama’s Abode,
No longer Far off

Scientists, optimistically, think that one day man would be able to live on the Moon, and from there even ‘House’ of God wouldn’t be farther

By Mukesh Sharma

The timeless household lullaby “Chandamama door kay . . . ." is being crooned by moms to put their kids to sleep for ages in India. Now, 130 million children of Bharat Mata are very excited that the Chandrayaan-2 which was launched on July 22, 2019, would reach Mama’s house, most probably, in the first week of September. All are very happy that Chandamama is no longer far off (door kay).

All time favorite revered Granny’s stories which are acknowledged and acclaimed by all for centuries, reveal that  Moon is younger brother of  Earth.

 Billions of years ago when our tiny so-called solar system was in the process of being born, and was taking shape for its distinctive identities, Sun sired Earth and Moon as twins. Both brother and sister spent only a few happy days together in their early childhood. But, before they could grow up together, as luck would have it, they (Earth and Moon) got separated by the quirk of fate, supposedly, in a solar ‘stampede’ when a mars seized object smashed into earth. Unable to come to terms, Earth was prostrate with grief. She was worried about younger brother Moon. She (Earth) approached the God for the injustice meted out to her by the callous Destiny.

Chandamama’s Abode, No Longer Far Off

“My darling daughter”, God exhorted Earth with a caressing pat on her head. “In this boundless universe, all material or non-material things are governed by the law of nature. Destiny sees that the laws are strictly obeyed with zero tolerance. Be it animate or inanimate, its existence is predestined. What is born is bound to die one day.” “So beta, don’t be sad and shed tears for the transient life; however, I am pleased to see your platonic love for your brother Moon. I bestow on you the boon that your brother would always remain in front of eyes just 2,84,400 km away from you in the space till the eternity, till the days sun loses his shine.” Since then, Moon, may be, little away, remains in front of the eyes of Earth. He (Moon) never takes his eyes off his sister (Earth). Like other planets, as it is said, he doesn’t spin even on his axis. That is why earthlings continue to watch only the same side always facing the Earth. The rear part so called far side of Moon remains always hidden from the sight of earthlings. Moon helps Earth to move around the sun in synchronized orbit. A little disturbance may jeopardize the existence of Earth. What is noteworthy, when Sun goes out to sleep in the night, Moon stays up all night to lighten Earth with his moonshine. He (moon) never leaves his sister (Earth) in infinite darkness of space.

Evidently enough, Moon as a  brother fulfills his all the responsible towards his sister Earth. His love is above material life. It is holiest in universe; its divinity is saluted even by God. Earth and Moon, may be too celestial bodies but they are just one soul. It is believed that the day Moon shuffles off his mortal coil, Earth would also breathe to last. Whole life, they have lived separately, but they shall be united in death.

Chandamama holds great promises to his myriads of nephew and nieces. Chandrayaan-2 is likely to touch the southern part of the Moon    uncharted and unexplored and it is contended that it is rich in certain elements which can be inordinate source of energy; it can meet the energy need of earth for millions of years. Scientists maintain that the moon has water too in form of frozen ice, and that can help to sustain life on the Moon. Scientists, optimistically, think that one day man would be able to live on the Moon, and from there even ‘House’ of God wouldn’t be farther.

So all the children of mother Earth are very happy to think that one day, we would visit Mama’s house, for, Mama’s house is no longer far off.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Darkness, the Mother of Light

Darkness, the Mother of Light

Light is born out of the womb of Darkness, even the shining sun is the son of Darkness

By Mukesh Sharma

It is axiomatic that nothing can be created out of nothing. This universe has been made out of Darkness. All planets and stars have come out of the Darkness. Had there been no Darkness, nothing would have ever existed. Even so-called God lives and loves the Darkness. Prophets and saints realize God with their eyes shut in the depth of darkness of their mind where as an ordinary man just spots the idol in the light. In fact, light is born out of the womb of Darkness; even the shinning sun is the son of Darkness. Undoubtedly, Darkness is the revered mother of the light.

Though a man is born out of the womb of a woman after 9 months of darkness, he is, surprisingly, scared of Darkness. Seeing is believing. What a man can’t see, he doesn’t believe. What an eye doesn’t see, heart doesn’t grieve. The poet laureate William Wordsworth says:

“The eye can’t choose but see,
We can’t bid the ear be still,
Our bodies feel wherever they be,
Against or with our will”

In light, man recognizes the material things but in darkness, he realizes the unformed and unshaped through his vision. Sight can see with light but vision can see through darkness.

Light is ephemeral but darkness is eternal. Light is finite but darkness is infinite. Light is limited but darkness is unlimited. Light ages with time but darkness is ageless. Light just happens but darkness just exists. Light is a matter made of photons but darkness is a non-matter. Light has to travel from one place to another but darkness lives everywhere. In fact, darkness cradles the light. Light is an illusion but darkness is the reality.

With darkness, life comes full circle; it begins from darkness through light ends in darkness. And the circle moves on and on.

Seven deadly sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth are nothing but daughters of Darkness. In fullness of time, Pride gives birth to Humility; Greed to Generosity; Lust to Chastity; Envy to Contentedness; Gluttony to Dieter; Wrath to Calm; Sloth to Ambition.

Disease is darkness but entails treatment for the health. Poverty is darkness but gives rise to ambition. Despondency is darkness but sustains hope. Ignorance is darkness but produces desire for knowledge. Failure is darkness but teaches lesson for the success; success comes after the succession of failures. An American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson truly reflects the importance of darkness through his mystic words:

Teach me your mood, O patient stars;
Who climb each night the ancient sky,
Leaving no space, no shade, no stars,
No trace of age, no fear to die

A man is born twice. Lord Krishna in the Gita, sloka 7 refers man with the word “dvijottama” (Sanskrit word) that means twice-born –  a man is born into the world of nature; second birth is into the world of spirit (darkness).

Be not afraid of darkness. Grow up!  It is the law of nature; day ends with night, night culminates in day. Life is transient. Nothing is permanent. Darkness who is mother of light, is the best teacher.

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