Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label democracy. Show all posts

Friday, April 30, 2021

Beware of Black Sheeps in Medical Profession

Beware of Black Sheeps
in Medical Profession

"The game begins with the admission and ends either with discharge or death -  rules are always kept secret. Even a death by negligence is, successfully, buried in the bunch of papers. A doctor can commit 'murder' with impunity"

By Mukesh Sharma


The orchestrated rampant corruption is no longer an issue in 'constitutionally' managed democracy in India. The hapless and hopeless teeming millions are perforce to accept it (corruption) as an inalienable part of so-called 'work culture.' Needless to say, the vast medical profession is not an exception. Right from regulatory body Medical Council of India now defunct due to alleged irregularities, replaced by National Medical Commission, through 60 percent private medical colleges out of total 600, owned by influential people, managed by need-based policy, the giant Pharma companies with all 'ingenuity' for profit, and ever catering to the rich the five star hospitals down to 'degree holder' practicing doctors, all are getting richer and richer, allegedly, with malpractices with scant regard to public spirit and health in abject  violation of Hippocratic Oath.

Medical Negligence

Lawful loot goes on and on, and even Hon'ble Courts remain mute spectators. Beware of highly 'placed' and well organized 'black sheeps' in medical profession in India.

Until September 25, 2020, Medical Council of India was a regulatory body for medical profession and practice. But due to charges of irregularities and inefficiency, it has been replaced by an umbrella regulator called National Medical Commission (NMC) under NMC Act 2019. A 'chameleon' can change its color but not character. Professional solidarity often enjoys biggyback ride over professional integrity — a common man can't dare to give voice to his/her complaint.

Though admission to all medical colleges are made through NEET conducted by NTA (National Testing Agency), it is alleged that private medical colleges often 'manage' admissions, and seats with price tags are sold out to the highest bidders. That is why all moneyed doctors are able to make their son\daughters doctors easily for the sustenance of flourishing 'family business'. The professional integrity of such 'imposed' doctors remains doubtful.

Despite global recession, India's domestic pharma market which was Rs. 128 crores in 2018, reached Rs.1.4 lakh crore in 2019. The most of the companies sell their products under high priced 'brand names' on the pretext of combination of medicines. In US, medicines are sold by its generic names only separately not in combination. Here in India, a 'branded' medicine is sold at a price 20 times higher than generic price — an open loot where authorities / govts, chemists and doctors share the 'booty'. The poor are bled to dry.

The documents reveal that the most of the private hospitals are run by lawfully formed charitable Trusts availing all the govt. concessions. But the charity begins at home and ends at home only. Rest is pure business — from a small nursing home to five star hospitals. High price is no guarantee of high quality.

If one loses one's patient, its ones bad luck. And if one returns alive, credit goes to 'treatment'. "The 'game' begins with the admission and ends either with the discharge or death — the rules are always kept secret. Even a death by negligence is  'professionally' buried in the bunch of papers. A doctor can commit even a 'murder' with impunity." says a victim ruefully.

As per Ministry of Health and family Welfare, there were total 12,01,134 registered allopath doctors between September 30, 0219 to April 2, 2020. Furthermore, nearly 50,000 doctors are added to tally each year in India. The most of qualified doctors are either gainfully employed or running their own lucrative business of 'treatment' because of the huge demand — the ratio is 1:1000 (one doctor per 1000 people). It is because of huge shortage,the people extensively rely on alternative system of medicines  - Homeopathy and Ayurveda.

Be it Allopathic, Homeopathic or Ayurvedic doctors, the black sheeps abound in this sacred medical profession, particularly in India, successfully running their ' business'. Irrespective of relief/result, the 'products' sell like hot cake because of high demand -  a TINA situation where the confused ailing people keep hopping from one doctor to another with the hope against hope for relief. However, docs continue to roll in money.

Apart from profitably employed in hospitals where they, allegedly, boss over the patients playing like a God unto themselves, enjoying absolute freedom for unaccountable action with all immunity from legal action, private practitioners/doctors too behave not less than self styled lords.

A disgruntled patient contends that an allopathic private practioner with some reputation is more interested in number of patients visiting him — Rs.1000-1500 per patient. Based on 'rational therapy', he/she prescribes medicines without bothering to tell either any side effects or knowing much about the medical history of the patient. The most of 'successful' docs now have their own extensively used equipments and maintain own medical store— prescribing medicine of brands for the reasons best known to them and patronizing the pharma companies in return of generous freebies. These docs seldom receive or respond to call of their patients personally for fearing of losing the 'fee'. If in emergency something goes wrong, they ask the patient to rush to hospital.

Ayurvedic docs who rely heavily on symptoms, do prescribe medicine for a long term treatment — no hope for immediate relief. Furthermore, the most of docs ask for 'Panchkarma' therapy in their clinic. Victims allege that very often they have  felt cheated.

Though homeopathic treatment too depends on symptomatic history of the patient from mind to body, they too behave like allopaths — prescribe standardized homeopathic medicines keeping in view the existing complaint of the patient. Interestingly, homeopathy is the most preferred destination of ambitious women aspiring to prefix their names with respectable noun ' doctor'. 

Anyway, all doctors continue to make money, allegedly, without any accountability /responsibility. A doc owes a duty of care to his/her patient to provide treatment in line with the medical standard care.

Broadly speaking, the most of the doctors, allegedly make experiments with the patients using newly introduced medicines by Pharma company with vested interests. Despite all that no case is made out for evident MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE — Misdiagnose - failing to diagnose a condition correctly can lead to unnecessary sufferings, Surgical Negligence, Prescription Error, Negligent Medical Advice.

These malpractices have become common place in India, usually, perpetrated by 'black sheeps' in the profession. Though there is no dearth of dedicated and devoted doctors, it is the black sheeps who bring a bad name to otherwise a noble profession. Such people must be brought to justice. The Constitution endorses Right to live. Beware of black sheeps in medical profession. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Devils of Democracy

Devils of Democracy

Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know 

By  Mukesh Sharma

 They are ‘super-humans’. Though they look like human-beings in shape, size and form, they are endowed with phenomenal powers. Their unfounded utterances can be heard all over the world through their mouthpiece media. Their public acts which are mostly charm offensive, can be seen by teeming millions from every nook and corner of the world through TV channel. They manage to get the blind support of seemingly sizable number of Zombie-like supporters who are said to have surrendered their souls to their respective devils in return of certain favours. Of course, they are none other than the Devils of Democracy.

Devils of Democracy

In epics, parables, fables or fairy tales, these devils have been given different names: Satan, vampire, evil spirits, he-wolf. Rakchhas, Asuras, etc. In the age of Kings and Queens, they were known as robbers, dacoits, looters or marauders. But today, in so-called democracy,  devils are recognized and respected as netas, leaders or politicians.

The most of the devils are well-built, and are born with dynastic leanings. They appear as a  common human, but they possess several ‘uncommon’ qualities. Devoid of phobias,  devils  are stage-conquerors; they have gift of gab; with their suave talks and glib tongue, they can convince, confuse or corrupt anybody. Each devil has his own army of so-called ‘party-workers’; these workers  are paid in cash or kind; they are used to create a perception that their respective ‘devil’ is Devta; he is a redeemer; he is a messiah. Though  devils are not God, they are not less than God. With his clouts, a devil can make life of a commoner heaven or hell.

It seems that the most of the devils are blessed sons of goddess  Lakshmi; they have umpteen independent source of income; they roll in money. In rarest of rare case, if any devil doesn’t have money, once in power, he makes his pile just in five years not only for himself but for his seven generations. Devil continues to get richer and richer year after year that too surprisingly, without any material business. Devils  have mind boggling power to digest; they can chew and fart out at the same time. Even the most-scared  IT department is afraid of devils.If by the turn of fate, something goes wrong, a devil’s worst is far better than the best of a common man.

If a cat has nine lives, a devil has eighteen. An ordinary man may die of a  petty malaria,  Devil survives successfully kidney, liver transplants and even multiple heart surgeries. The most of the old foggies are alive and kicking even in their 80s and 90s. The dreaded terrorists  can attack the convoy of soldiers easily, but they seldom dare to touch the cavalcade of a Devil. Undoubtedly, even death thinks ten times before claiming the life of a Devil, maybe,  out of natural reasons.

Common man  believes  Devils  are above the law; even the Supreme Court, predominantly, remains busy in settling the cases  of Devils  only. A Devil can get Supreme Court gates opened even in the dead of night, and  commoners  cases are  dragged  on for years with date after date. A Devil is seldom convicted, for, his accomplices remain ready to take the blame for any crime committed by the Devil. Thousands are incarcerated in jails for petty crimes or as under trials, but a devil manages  to get bail. Devils are not only lawmakers but they are law unto themselves.

A Devil never gets  old or retires  until the bitter end of life. Even with one foot in grave, he can contest the election. If he loses Lok Sabha, he can manage to enter the Parliament through back door, Rajya Sabha. And thus a Devil becomes an institution in himself. By the quirk of fate, if any Devil dies, he is  declared as Martyr.

Devils are just promise peddlers. They never keep up their promises. Jobs can be created, if India like China becomes a manufacturing country. Wealth can be created, if exports are increased; natural resources are harnessed technologically. By promising doles, Devils  want to make people beggars; they don’t want to provide them economic independence.

On the stage, a devil sounds as a  servant of the people but off the stage, he turns into a Satan. Devils fight against one another in public. But in private life,  they all are close buddies. To a Devil, public is like an old woman who can maunder and mumble, can’t do anything. Except on the day of voting, the people are just a trash/scrap. This is how devils  continue to rule the people in the name of so-called democracy. The ‘coalition’ government formed by Devils by holding each other’s  hands is a Government of the Devils  by the Devils for the Devils, not for the Welfare of the People.

No devil is Devta. Some are more devilish than others. So cast your vote judiciously. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.

Friday, January 25, 2019

A Portrait of PM

A Portrait of PM

The people don’t want any Lame duck, Accidental PM, ‘Pappu’ PM or any ‘Family’ PM; they want a peerless leader of democracy – a true PM of India who can make both nation and its people happy; he must be spotless like star
By Mukesh Sharma

Democracy begins with the ‘votes’ and ends with the ‘numbers’ in India. Anyone with numbers in his/her favour can be anointed as Prime Minister/ Pradhan Mantri even without contesting or winning a single Lok Sabha election. Not the common wish of the people but the coveted numbers cobbled up by hook or crook make one PM. And that is why India has witnessed with awe and rues many sitting duck PMs -   Indra Kumar Gujral, H.D. Deve Gowda, Chandra Shekhar, Charan Singh, Morarji Desai, Guljarilal Nanda who couldn’t last even their full term. Before the incumbent government, India had a PM who never won any Lok Sabha election and remained allegedly a “PROXY” PM for 10 years. Keeping in view the recent Kolkata jamboree and if media reports are to be believed, India may be foisted with a “pappu” PM in future. It is vain to look for silver and gold in the mine of iron and lead. However, the majority of Indian populace cherishes an ideal portrait of an Indian PM.
Prime Minister 2019

Charismatic personality
With charm and charisma, PM must be blessed with charismatic personality. Standing tallest among the leaders, his gait must exude confidence of a disciplined soldier. With elated chest and head in high-esteem, he must be able to see the world leaders straight in their face and command a respect; grey in experience but with a young heart of gold.

Man of soil
The people ideate a PM who must be the man of soil; he must look at the rivers and mountains of land with the reverence; he must be very well acquainted with all the ‘seasons’ and ‘crops’; he must have the knowledge of all the flora and fauna of the land; he must know how to make the ‘marigold’ bloom and flourish even in the roughest weather, and hold it with all care and caress. To him, Bharat must not just be a piece of land with geographical boundaries but a motherland and her honour dearer than life.

Man of masses
As a man of masses, would-be PM must be able to interact with the people in their simple tongue; he must understand not only their requirement of hours but also the demand of the future; he must know their wants and wishes; he must feel their pain and pleasure.

A good salesman
Under the steermanship of PM, Indian soil must produce more than the people can consume; factories must manufacture more than the people need to enable India to have a sizable share in foreign trade. China has made remarkable progress due to its manufacturing units ever churning out everything from needle to rocket for the world market. It is a fact that all the big and prosperous nations owe their prosperity to small and poor nations. All the heads of rich countries also look after the political and commercial interest of their respective countries while maintaining the relations with developing or underdeveloped nations. To rich nations, the poor nations are just customers. Indian PM must also be a good ‘salesman’; he must be able to generate orders in international market for Indian products. PM must see that national debt must be paid through the prosperity of the people; he must see that the money must be made not by law but by labour. PM’s entire team must be engaged in earning wealth for the country and spend it for the welfare of the people.

A man of courage
The people wish to see their PM as a man of superb moral courage who prefers reformations to radicalism; a man of intelligence; a man of integrity above suspicion; he should not be just a good leader but also a good statesman; he should be a diplomat of par excellence who knows well how to maintain relations of his government with the government of other nations, keeping the interest of own country at top.

A Commander
During war time, God forbids, if war is imposed on India, PM must be able to act like a commander; a silver tongue orator like Demonsthene leading the people and army from the front; must be able to goad the armed forces to achieve even impossibilities, and make the countrymen stand-by the army like bedrock.

The hapless Indian populace has already suffered a lot. The Britisher ravaged and plundered for 200 years. And now the people allege that ‘netas’ have been looting and booting the poor populace since independence. The people are sick of ‘POLITICS’ of crimination, recrimination, name-calling, self-preservation, self-aggrandizement and ‘gang-fight’ in the august House of the Parliament. The people wish to live as a respectable member of public rather than as beggars living off government doles.

Needless to say,the people don’t want any lame duck PM, accidental PM, “Pappu” PM or any “Family” PM; they want a peerless leader of democracy – a true PM of India who can make both nation and its people happy; he must be spotless like star.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Democracy, a Well Organized Hypocrisy

Democracy, a Well Organized Hypocrisy
“It is the government  of the netas, by the netas, for the netas”
By Mukesh Sharma
When India got freedom from the clutches of the Britisher, China was said to be lagging behind by 60 years in comparison to India because of certain developmental works and infrastructure like railways, roads, Institutions etc. carried out by British regime in then India, and today, as the facts reveal, China must be 100 years ahead of India in almost all the fields. Even after 72 years of Independence, unofficially, over 45 per cent populace is below the poverty line, battling for life in the morass of hunger and poverty. Though these hopeless and hapless masses, euphemistically are called as ‘masters’ in democratic dispensation and their elected representatives as ‘servants of masters,’ the ‘masters’ reel under abject poverty, and the ‘servants’ roll in riches. Undoubtedly, democracy sounds to be a well organized hypocrisy, particularly, in India.
Democracy, a Well Organized Hypocrisy

As an answer to tyrannical rules of predestined Kings and Queens who used to have divine right to rule their subjects in savage world, perhaps some victimized or a public spirited mind must have coined the most attractive word ‘DEMOCRACY’ in good faith.

Meaning of Democracy
Scholars maintain that the term ‘democracy’ first appeared in ancient Greek; it originates from ‘demos’ (common people) and ‘kratos’ (strength) where Cleisthenes is referred to as “the father of Athenian democracy.”  Wikipedia says “Democracy means rule by the people.” Further, one of the most revered and a renowned president of America Abhram Lincoln spells it out tersely as “the Government of the people, by the people, for the people”.
However, common people argue that the democracy seems ‘safe and sound’ on the pages of holy ‘Rule Book’ only; out of the book, she (democracy) is only abused, misused and disused. In the name of democracy handful of able bodied and minded people manage to grab the power by their ‘poly-tricks’, and shrewdly call themselves ‘servants of people; they live like kings and the people remain at the mercy of their ‘servants’.

Lucrative business
Over the years, politics has become the most lucrative and the most-sought after business; no material investment except ‘TIME’, and assured unaccountable wealth. No business gives such huge returns. Though this GRAVY TRAIN attracts everyone, only careerist politicians with political link and muscle power manage to ‘board’ it. Of course, a few exceptions are always there.
As per the Election Commission report, there are 1866 registered political parties. Out of these, 56 are recognized as registered national or state parties. The people allege that the most of the political parties are like private limited companies headed by the self-appointed ‘chairman’ and ‘directors’. These political parties are run like family business; the title is always passed on to son or daughter of the family. With muscle and money power, the family members of the family develop a ‘pocket borough’ so-called ‘constituency’. They continue to get elected years after years and become an ‘institution’ in politics. Even if by some quirk of fate, they happen to lose an election, they manage to enter the Parliament through ‘back door’ (Rajya Sabha).

Demi Gods
Since there is no restriction in the formation of political parties, there is plethora of political parties in India that has marred the democracy;  votes are divided. And after election, such small parties gang-up to share the ‘loot’. The poor electorate have no SAY in the well chalked out SYSTEM loaded heavily in favour of netas; no provision of referendum; no rule to recall a non-performer representative. It is a crime to speak against an ‘elected representative’ at least for five years; they are not accountable to anybody; they become demi-gods.

India is a country of under-class and free loaders. Except a few blessed, the majority of the youth are jobless or not gainfully employed. They just scrape through the life. Such youth are easy prey of these ‘gangs’. They ‘recruit’ them as members. The youth join these ‘gangs’ for an identity tags. Such youth are used to organize rally, bandh, etc. as per the directives of the ‘directors’ of the ‘companies’. And such companies continue to thrive because of their clouts and alleged ‘extortions’ from the unknown sources; crime and corruption go hand-in hand. The free-loaders and public extortionists continue to get richer and richer. It is open secret that almost all the political parties have crores of rupees in their coffers beyond the reach of Income Tax Department, with no material business.

No Free Votes
What is noteworthy, if any candidate is elected on the ticket of any ‘gang’, irrespective of social or national interest, he or she will have to toe the ‘party line, and look after the interest of the party (chairman and directors). Thus he/she becomes a prisoner within the party. He has no FREE VOTES. Even in British Parliament elected representative have FREE VOTES; they can express their views in national or social interests and can vote also even against their own party. So is in US, but not in India. That is why unruly scenes are witnessed in the Parliament. ‘Debates’ look like ‘gang-fight’.

See-saw Game
In the eye of the world, elections are held regularly after every five years. Mainline ‘gangs’ handpick candidates as per their worth and benefit, the party can drive out of their clout, and these candidates are imposed on the electorate. If you can’t avoid rape, enjoy it. On the Election Day, out of despair, the people line up to vote to teach a lesson to sitting MLA/MP who usually betrays the trust of the people, resulting in the election of the opposite candidate. It is like a sea-saw game; if one is down, the other comes up. Ironically, thus elected candidate declares himself as a popular leader of the masses. His ‘victory is celebrated by the ‘party’ workers for the ‘spoil system’, not by the people. Professionals call this anti-incumbency. Thus governments after governments are changed after every five years. Grasping netas get richer and richer and the poor populace continues to hope against hope for betterment but in vain; however democracy goes on and on.

Here the role of so-called FOURTH ESTATE (media) is also not beyond doubts. It is national misfortune that the most of the newspapers/TV channels are partisan. In collusion with netas, they, allegedly, side with one party or the other. They are no longer servants of light; they are no longer surrogate of public opinion; they remain busy in creating the PERCEPTION either in favour or against a neta/party. It is all business; everything has a price-tag in this materialistic world. If God governs people by belief, netas with the perception.

Degeneration of democracy has come to such a pass that any political party with no mandate can form the government. Netas call it the ‘game’ of numbers. Anyone who has never contested any Lok Sabha election, can become PM.
Hopefully, valued readers would agree that the duty of the elected government is to use collective wisdom of parliamentarians and earn wealth for the nation and use it for the welfare of the electorate (people). Professionals might dismiss it as an inverted snobbery, but people do maintain, it is not democracy but mockery of democracy.
Our constitution starts with the phrase ‘we the people’. But irony is ‘people’ are nowhere except on the day of election and after that they are just a scrap. Man on the street alleges “it is government of the netas, by the netas, for the netas.” Evidently enough, Democracy is a well organized hypocrisy in India.

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