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Showing posts with label lawyers. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Rahul Gandhi God-incarnate?


Rahul Gandhi God-incarnate?
“I seek out those in pain and embrace them. I erase hatred and fear. I love all living beings.”

By Mukesh Sharma

In an interview to a vernacular newspaper, the Congress Supremo Rahul Gandhi is reported to have said: “Congress is the party of the Muslim.”  To take the political leverage of the seemingly catchy statement, ever ready the sharpest knife of BJP Samit Patra rushed to favorite and favorable TV channels and pronounced his speaking judgment that Rahul Gandhi had played the communal card and had tried to polarize the populace which was a threat to secular fabric of India, and it did debunk the pseudo-secularism of Congress party . . . .blah blah.
Smelling the perceptible danger of alienating the majority Hindus, Rahul Gandhi quickly posted a great and grand TWEET:
“I stand with the last person in the line. The exploited, marginalized and the persecuted. Their religion, caste or belief matter little to me. I seek out those in pain and embrace them. I erase hatred and fear. I love all living beings. I am the Congress.

Virat Swaroop of Rahul Gandhi 

The tone and tenor of the tweet reminds me of Lord Krishna’s divine discourse where in X chapter of the Bhagwad Gita, Sloka 32, while revealing His Virat Swaroop (the colossal manifestation of the Self) to confused and cathartic Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurushetra, He says:
“Of creation, I am the beginning, the end and also the middle, O Arjuna; of the science (I am) the science of the self; of those who debate I am the dialect.”

Looking at the Virat Swaroop of Rahul Gandhi portrayed through the words, Rahul Gandhi detractors are in jittery. They fear Rahul Gandhi might don the garb of a saint in future. He may have the large following of disciples rather than Congress workers.
I too salute Rahul Gandhi with folded hands for his Virat Swaroop! May He be merciful to all the creation and creatures. Moral: nothing is impossible for a neta.




“Judgement is like an idea of a river without its banks”

By Mukesh Sharma

Surprisingly enough. the Oracles of Law took 158 years to understand that a woman is not a commodity or property of man,  and out of collective wisdom of the bench declared the Section 497 of IPC (Indian Penal Code)  as unconstitutional and archaic. However, the IPC which was conceived and created in 1860 by the sharpest knife of the British regime Lord Macaulay for the Indian subjects, would continue to rule the Indian judiciary.

Though ‘Right to Have Sex’ doesn’t figure in much-touted Fundamental Rights, Sir Oracles have endorsed it through their historic observations, a watershed:

Adultery can be a ground for divorce but not a criminal offence: Justice Deepak Mishra

Husband is not the Master of wife: Justice Y.D. Chandrachud

What is noteworthy, the Oracles of law in all spirit and overtone, have concurred with the great and garrulous minds ¬ poets and writers of wayward West.

An English American poet, Wystan Hugh Auden in his poem entitled To Christopher Isherwood,(1930), says:

Let us honour if we can,
The vertical man,
Though we value none,
But the horizontal one.

A promiscuous American poet Ogden Nash goes further and in his poem entitled Sweet Home give vent to his outpourings:

Home is heaven and
Orgies are vile,
But you need an orgy
Once in a while

The renowned American novelist Joseph Heller in his novel Catch 22 (1961) opines:

Prostitution gives her an opportunity to meet people. It provides fresh air and wholesome exercise, and it keeps her out of trouble. 

Yet another American British Screen writer Frederic Raphael in his script to Darling,  minces no words and gets it straight:

Your idea of fidelity is not having more than one man in bed at the same time.

Hurt by Hon’ble Oracles’ rulings, some ‘narrow’ minded men arrogantly argue that complete ‘autonomy’ to a woman may ‘upset the Apple Cart,’ as an autonomy to J&K may lead to secession of the state from India. “The Oracles rulings have hurt the male pride” says a male-chauvinist vehemently. “Be it a minister or minion, a woman has to lie down beneath the man.”

Some skeptical men from ‘lower strata’ contend that so-called historical judgement may trigger off ‘sex war’ in the society, and dismantle and demolish the age old ‘sacred’ institution of marriage in India as in Western world. “The judgement is like an idea of a river without its banks” says an old timer grudgingly. “The English did understand the complexities but the ‘black’ English failed.”

However, all the mighty and moneyed, men who are and now wish to become ‘Sugar Daddy’, welcome the judicious ‘move’ with three cheers. They maintain that sex is the most sought after natural fun that a man has without laughing. The freedom to fair sex to court and cuckold would take ‘love’ to a new height even unknown to Epicurus.

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