Fullness of Time
Man must learn the lesson of discipline from the heavenly bodies
By Mukesh Sharma
Be it animate or inanimate, life is fixed. Nothing can exist beyond time. Things are born in fullness of time in the universe and meet their end after the completion of assigned time-span.
All the galaxies in the universe follow time. All the stars follow time. All the planets follow time. The sun follows time; it rises at the right time and sets in at the right time at different places on the earth. The moon follows time. Even our mother earth follows time; it revolves around the sun in the right orbit, at the right place and at the right time.
During morning walk a few days ago, this blogger clicked a few pics of full moon making preparation to sink in the western horizon and at the same time the sun was on its way to rise in eastern horizon. While watching the mesmerizing sight, I realized that all the celestial bodies follow very strict discipline of time. Nothing can go beyond time.
Evidently enough, the discipline of time applies to man too. A baby is born in fullness of time. Physically and mentally, man grows up with the time. Those who waste the time, time wastes them. Everyone must respect time. Right action, at the right place and at the right time gets success in life.
Man must learn lesson of discipline from the heavenly bodies.