Showing posts with label write-up. Show all posts
Showing posts with label write-up. Show all posts

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Is Sunday Really a Holiday?


Is Sunday Really a Holiday?

There is no Sunday for an anxious young girl preoccupied with possibilities and their possible results going on her first date; no Sunday for curious young man rife with speculations for an opportunity to encroach on the forbidden 'territory' of a young girlfriend

By Mukesh Sharma


To a common man, Sunday is the most awaited day after a week-long tussle of life, particularly, in the context of India; it is like an oasis in the endless desert of drudgery; it is rejoiced as an OFF DAY in the most parts of the world. With relentless rolling of the wheel of the TIME, Sunday falls after seven days on the human almanac. The working class, euphemistically, marks Sunday as the King of days. But a few pertinent questions do trickle the mind of this blogger. Is Sunday the same for all the people? Is it really a holiday?

Scratching scrutiny reveals that there is no Sunday for a wishful wife;  no Sunday for a harnessed husband; no Sunday for pitiable parents struggling to give their kids the best.

There is no Sunday for the minion milkman; no Sunday for the vegetable vendor; no Sunday for the nursing newspaper vendor; no Sunday for diligent daily wage earners.

There is no Sunday for the always functional farmers; no sunday for lower rung officials and constables in police scouting streets day and night with nobody to pat their back for good work; no Sunday for sentinel-soldiers guarding the border under extreme weather conditions on treacherous terrain and territory.

There is no Sunday for an anxious young girl preoccupied with possibilities and their possible results, going on her first date; no Sunday for curious young man rife with speculations for an opportunity to encroach on the forbidden 'territory' of a young girlfriend.

There is no Sunday for a streetwalker waiting for a right customer who would pay the full price of her modesty and dignity; no Sunday for rag pickers out with a sack on the shoulder to pick plastic stuff from the heap of garbage; no Sunday for the street beggars set on a begging spree at assigned red lights of the city.

There is no Sunday for the prying Pride, garrulous Greed, wretched Wrath, enticing Envy, lumpet Lust, gobbling Glutton, and slacking Sloth. Not to speak of Sunday, all work overtime for  their self preservation.

There is no Sunday of deathless Hope; no Sunday for devil desires. Even God is surprised at their modus operandi and modus Vivendi.

There is no Sunday for the beating heart; no Sunday for thinking Mind; no Sunday for puffing Breath; No Sunday for the libertine Liver; No Sunday for the kind kidneys; No Sunday for ever-flowing blood in artery and veins; no respite even for a split of a second.

There is no Sunday for respected Rahul Gandhi, perhaps, busy in working out 'positive' strategies for the propulsion of INS; it is not his fault that each time 'positivity' results in negativity; he believes in 'action' not in its fruit. If the people don't understand Rahul Gandhi, it is their fault, he can't help.

There is no Sunday for our venerable and Hon'ble Prime Minister Modi Ji. Like a supercomputer, the insiders reveal that Modi remains on all the time. Modi's opponents allege that he remains busy in collecting data and fudging it; he remains busy in juxtaposing facts with fiction and serve it to people with unparallel oratorical skill. No Sunday even for the ever-growing grey beard of Modi. Over the months, he has become more enigmatic than charismatic. The common people opine with a pinch of salt that they never expected that their charismatic leader will turn into a calm and quiet BABA a unique effect of power on Modi never seen in the annals of India.

There is no Sunday even for God. He is not happy with the man on earth who has betrayed his trust. God is worried about the existence of man on earth, for the man has sowed the seed of self-destruction. So God is busy planning a new life on some other planet far away in another galaxy. God has no hope for the man on the earth.

To conclude, there is no Sunday for all and sundry including God except for so-called government servants; it is blessed 'breed' among human beings. The commoners allege that govt. servants in India are simply a chair warmer and clock watcher, particularly, the black sheeps; they work for the public, allegedly, in return for 'money' only;  their monthly salary credited to their account from govt is a monetary honor for being in government service. To black sheeps in  government service,  it is not only Sunday but all days are Sunday they are Sunday unto themselves.

With all due respect, this moron blogger would like to tell the government servants that if you are able to sit and sip tea in the comforts of your home with your family on Sunday, mind you, you owe this Sunday to millions of people who have no Sunday; you must thank them all; you must thank God also. you are blessed; you are lucky.

 Sunday is not  really a holiday for all!

Friday, September 27, 2019

Sexy Success

Sexy Success

Her warm hugs can infuse life even in a dead body; she is a perfect seductress; nothing on earth is more sexy than success; no woman can match the beauty of sexy Success

By Mukesh Sharma

She is as fair as snow. Her contour and curves defy the art of Michelangelo. Her well proportioned countenance, sharp mien and auburn hair make her look like the proverbial goddess of Rome. The bulge of her bolstering breast can soothe the surge of a sea. Her arresting eyes can befriend even a foe. The swing of her carefree gait can turn even an old foggy on. She is seducing Rambha of the Court of Lord Indra. She is beautiful Juliet of Romeo. She is killer Laila of Majnu. She is stunner Mumtaj of Shah jahan. She is lovely Anushka of Virat Kohli. She is par excellent Deepika Padukon of Ranvir. Her warm hugs can infuse life even in a dead body. She is a perfect seductress. Nothing on earth is more sexy than Success. No woman can match the beauty of sexy Success.

Sexy Success

Be it man or material, all things in this universe are made of five elements –  water, fire, earth, space and air. But Success is not composed of these ordinary elements. It is like an infinite dark matter enveloping the indescribable and inexplicable divine world of God. Without this dark matter, even God could have not succeeded in creating all the celestial bodies. Success is not attracted by any black hole; she is the calmness of space; she is the brightness of the sun; she is the twinkle of the stars; she is the gravity of the planets; she is the superb movements of this boundless universe.

In this material and mortal world, Failure is the father of Success and Patience is her mother. In other words, Success comes after the succession of failures. Undauntness in failures and unwavering patience beget Success. All the intellectuals admit that the Success can be achieved after repeated failures only. In his poetic vent, Try and Try Again, William Edward Hickson says:

      ‘Tis a lesson you should
       Try, try again,
       If at first you don’t succeed,
      Try and try again

As luck would have it, a few blessed are born in the house of success –  they are born with silver spoon in their mouth. But it doesn’t mean that Success would remain with them life-long. In fact, Success can’t be enslaved; she has to be won. One of the netas of main opposition parties in India who comes from a family which has given three PMs to country, is not able to carve out a niche for himself in politics. Some rise by gravity, some fall by levity. Slow and steady can’t win the race in this jet-set society. On the other hand, the incumbent PM of India who has humble origin, is riding the crest of success.

All humans long for success in all ages and time. It is the hope for success that rolls the wheel of life. People continue to stalk success through the life. A good physique may fail to attract success. Money and manners don’t interest success much; she likes the warrior of work; she has warm feelings for the people who are not perturbed by failures or fiascos; she loves people who don’t let their enthusiasm die, who don’t let their desire for success dwindle. Those who pass out the test of success, they meet success. In his letter, Oscar Wilde rightly says:

       Success is a science;
       If you have the conditions,
       You get result

Tens of thousands UPSC/SSC etc. aspirants throng  Delhi with heavy baggage of dream and hope for success. In competitive exams, success anoints one who proves that one is first among equals. Contrary to common perception, the exam is not about a course or curriculum; it is the test of all around awareness of a candidate about his/her surroundings that comes from attentive Hearing, voracious Reading, prolific Writing and vocal Speaking. One must have knowledge related to different aspects of life. It is the test of intellectual understanding not a rote-learning; it is an exam to assay whether one has intellectual independence or dependent on opinions and thoughts of others. As a result, ‘followers’ fail and a few ‘leaders’ get through. Says Lord Tennyson Alfred in his The Day Dream

       This proverb flashes throu
       His head,
       The many fails, the
       One succeed.

None can teach anyone how to maintain the balance while riding the bicycle. One learns to balance after many falls. The balancing act comes from within. One is the best teacher of oneself. Arjun can’t match the might of self-taught Ekalavya. Know thyself –  your actual abilities and capabilities; set your goal accordingly; with himalyan determination work doggedly in pursuit of your goal. Where there is will, there is way.

If you have real crush on Success, you can woo her, you can befriend her, you can have romance with her. Once you win her heart, take it from this author, she will be ready to ‘marry’ you. She always marries Mr. Right. Carry the torch. Don’t let it be snuffed. Hope never dies, possibilities never end. There is always time for failure. But do you have time for success?

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Rahul Gandhi God-incarnate?


Rahul Gandhi God-incarnate?
“I seek out those in pain and embrace them. I erase hatred and fear. I love all living beings.”

By Mukesh Sharma

In an interview to a vernacular newspaper, the Congress Supremo Rahul Gandhi is reported to have said: “Congress is the party of the Muslim.”  To take the political leverage of the seemingly catchy statement, ever ready the sharpest knife of BJP Samit Patra rushed to favorite and favorable TV channels and pronounced his speaking judgment that Rahul Gandhi had played the communal card and had tried to polarize the populace which was a threat to secular fabric of India, and it did debunk the pseudo-secularism of Congress party . . . .blah blah.
Smelling the perceptible danger of alienating the majority Hindus, Rahul Gandhi quickly posted a great and grand TWEET:
“I stand with the last person in the line. The exploited, marginalized and the persecuted. Their religion, caste or belief matter little to me. I seek out those in pain and embrace them. I erase hatred and fear. I love all living beings. I am the Congress.

Virat Swaroop of Rahul Gandhi 

The tone and tenor of the tweet reminds me of Lord Krishna’s divine discourse where in X chapter of the Bhagwad Gita, Sloka 32, while revealing His Virat Swaroop (the colossal manifestation of the Self) to confused and cathartic Arjuna in the battlefield of Kurushetra, He says:
“Of creation, I am the beginning, the end and also the middle, O Arjuna; of the science (I am) the science of the self; of those who debate I am the dialect.”

Looking at the Virat Swaroop of Rahul Gandhi portrayed through the words, Rahul Gandhi detractors are in jittery. They fear Rahul Gandhi might don the garb of a saint in future. He may have the large following of disciples rather than Congress workers.
I too salute Rahul Gandhi with folded hands for his Virat Swaroop! May He be merciful to all the creation and creatures. Moral: nothing is impossible for a neta.

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