Showing posts with label western countries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label western countries. Show all posts

Saturday, November 3, 2018

India Need to Observe Halloween


India Need to Observe Halloween

Hosts of evil spirits ­– ignorance, inoccupation, poverty, communalism, corruption and crime have possessed India; no hope of redemption in near future

By Mukesh Sharma

Despite all tall talks and tall claims, right from first PM to incumbent PM, the helpless and hapless India so-called largest democracy in the world seems to have been haunted by the evil spirits – ignorance, inoccupation, poverty, communalism, corruption and crime. The situation is getting from worse to worst day-by-day. Generation after generation, the poor populace has been hoping against hope but in vain. The wily netas are quick to manufacture datas and figures to portray a rosy picture. But ground realities are poles apart. It appears nothing is working – no religious rituals or prayers are answered at any place of worship. This blogger sincerely believes, like the wealthy West, India need to observe ‘halloween’ to ward off the evil spirits; after all, India is a country of belief and it may work.

The much scary day of Halloween has just passed by. Each year, it is celebrated on 31 October in US and other parts of the West. It has its origin from ancient celtic festival of Samhain. Going by their belief, people light bonfire and wear scary masks to ward off ghosts with other fascinating activities like trick or treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gathering, donning weird costumes and eating sweets treats besides Church services, prayer, fasting and vigil. The festival is also called All Halloween, All Hallows Eve and All Saint Eve.

An old timer alleges, the evil spirits possessed the nation at the time of partition of India (1947) well conspired by the Britisher with the help of a few then self-styled netas; the innocent teeming millions lost their lives just for the whims and wants of handful of netas; later the curse of millions gave rise to evil spirits and it possessed the netas too and turned them into Zombies; and these Zombies further divided India into Hindus, Muslim, Sikh and Christians; the Zombies didn’t stop here, they further split the populace into dalit, schedule caste, schedule tribe, OBC (other backward classes) etc., there is no Indian left in India except in passports.

The old timer further adds, no Diwali, Holi, Eid, or Christmas brings amity; on the contrary, it gives rise to jealousy – bigotry and zealotry.

Concurring with the assertions of old timers, the survivors (the poor people) with utter dismay and distress maintain, the zombies (netas) have made their gangs so-called political parties. The Zombies are so powerful that thousands of unfortunate people from under class join the gangs, for, they believe that they can’t avoid rape so they must enjoy it. The powers of Zombies are phenomenal; if they sneeze, it will be heard throughout India; even their ‘farts’ reverberate all the corners of India – all newspapaer and TV channels carry their words (farts). The over shrewd Zombies call themselves ‘servants’ of people. Ironically, so called servants live like kings and knights of ancient time; ride spanking new cars; fly in air; roll in money, and the people so called masters live in abject poverty, not better than the flightless insects. When the Zombies organize rally, thousands of unsuspecting people throng the place just for their darshan (have a glimpse). Some lesser souls contend that these zombies are God unto themselves; they have started even doubting the existence of God when they look at almighty Zombies.

So wisemen suggest if nothing is happening, like West, India should also start observing ‘halloween’ in order to keep off the evil spirits – ignorance, inoccupation, poverty, hunger, communalism, corruption and crime, and their cruel and crooked representatives, Zombies. Belief is stronger than reasons.

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