Showing posts with label covid-19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label covid-19. Show all posts

Friday, April 30, 2021

Beware of Black Sheeps in Medical Profession

Beware of Black Sheeps
in Medical Profession

"The game begins with the admission and ends either with discharge or death -  rules are always kept secret. Even a death by negligence is, successfully, buried in the bunch of papers. A doctor can commit 'murder' with impunity"

By Mukesh Sharma


The orchestrated rampant corruption is no longer an issue in 'constitutionally' managed democracy in India. The hapless and hopeless teeming millions are perforce to accept it (corruption) as an inalienable part of so-called 'work culture.' Needless to say, the vast medical profession is not an exception. Right from regulatory body Medical Council of India now defunct due to alleged irregularities, replaced by National Medical Commission, through 60 percent private medical colleges out of total 600, owned by influential people, managed by need-based policy, the giant Pharma companies with all 'ingenuity' for profit, and ever catering to the rich the five star hospitals down to 'degree holder' practicing doctors, all are getting richer and richer, allegedly, with malpractices with scant regard to public spirit and health in abject  violation of Hippocratic Oath.

Medical Negligence

Lawful loot goes on and on, and even Hon'ble Courts remain mute spectators. Beware of highly 'placed' and well organized 'black sheeps' in medical profession in India.

Until September 25, 2020, Medical Council of India was a regulatory body for medical profession and practice. But due to charges of irregularities and inefficiency, it has been replaced by an umbrella regulator called National Medical Commission (NMC) under NMC Act 2019. A 'chameleon' can change its color but not character. Professional solidarity often enjoys biggyback ride over professional integrity — a common man can't dare to give voice to his/her complaint.

Though admission to all medical colleges are made through NEET conducted by NTA (National Testing Agency), it is alleged that private medical colleges often 'manage' admissions, and seats with price tags are sold out to the highest bidders. That is why all moneyed doctors are able to make their son\daughters doctors easily for the sustenance of flourishing 'family business'. The professional integrity of such 'imposed' doctors remains doubtful.

Despite global recession, India's domestic pharma market which was Rs. 128 crores in 2018, reached Rs.1.4 lakh crore in 2019. The most of the companies sell their products under high priced 'brand names' on the pretext of combination of medicines. In US, medicines are sold by its generic names only separately not in combination. Here in India, a 'branded' medicine is sold at a price 20 times higher than generic price — an open loot where authorities / govts, chemists and doctors share the 'booty'. The poor are bled to dry.

The documents reveal that the most of the private hospitals are run by lawfully formed charitable Trusts availing all the govt. concessions. But the charity begins at home and ends at home only. Rest is pure business — from a small nursing home to five star hospitals. High price is no guarantee of high quality.

If one loses one's patient, its ones bad luck. And if one returns alive, credit goes to 'treatment'. "The 'game' begins with the admission and ends either with the discharge or death — the rules are always kept secret. Even a death by negligence is  'professionally' buried in the bunch of papers. A doctor can commit even a 'murder' with impunity." says a victim ruefully.

As per Ministry of Health and family Welfare, there were total 12,01,134 registered allopath doctors between September 30, 0219 to April 2, 2020. Furthermore, nearly 50,000 doctors are added to tally each year in India. The most of qualified doctors are either gainfully employed or running their own lucrative business of 'treatment' because of the huge demand — the ratio is 1:1000 (one doctor per 1000 people). It is because of huge shortage,the people extensively rely on alternative system of medicines  - Homeopathy and Ayurveda.

Be it Allopathic, Homeopathic or Ayurvedic doctors, the black sheeps abound in this sacred medical profession, particularly in India, successfully running their ' business'. Irrespective of relief/result, the 'products' sell like hot cake because of high demand -  a TINA situation where the confused ailing people keep hopping from one doctor to another with the hope against hope for relief. However, docs continue to roll in money.

Apart from profitably employed in hospitals where they, allegedly, boss over the patients playing like a God unto themselves, enjoying absolute freedom for unaccountable action with all immunity from legal action, private practitioners/doctors too behave not less than self styled lords.

A disgruntled patient contends that an allopathic private practioner with some reputation is more interested in number of patients visiting him — Rs.1000-1500 per patient. Based on 'rational therapy', he/she prescribes medicines without bothering to tell either any side effects or knowing much about the medical history of the patient. The most of 'successful' docs now have their own extensively used equipments and maintain own medical store— prescribing medicine of brands for the reasons best known to them and patronizing the pharma companies in return of generous freebies. These docs seldom receive or respond to call of their patients personally for fearing of losing the 'fee'. If in emergency something goes wrong, they ask the patient to rush to hospital.

Ayurvedic docs who rely heavily on symptoms, do prescribe medicine for a long term treatment — no hope for immediate relief. Furthermore, the most of docs ask for 'Panchkarma' therapy in their clinic. Victims allege that very often they have  felt cheated.

Though homeopathic treatment too depends on symptomatic history of the patient from mind to body, they too behave like allopaths — prescribe standardized homeopathic medicines keeping in view the existing complaint of the patient. Interestingly, homeopathy is the most preferred destination of ambitious women aspiring to prefix their names with respectable noun ' doctor'. 

Anyway, all doctors continue to make money, allegedly, without any accountability /responsibility. A doc owes a duty of care to his/her patient to provide treatment in line with the medical standard care.

Broadly speaking, the most of the doctors, allegedly make experiments with the patients using newly introduced medicines by Pharma company with vested interests. Despite all that no case is made out for evident MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE — Misdiagnose - failing to diagnose a condition correctly can lead to unnecessary sufferings, Surgical Negligence, Prescription Error, Negligent Medical Advice.

These malpractices have become common place in India, usually, perpetrated by 'black sheeps' in the profession. Though there is no dearth of dedicated and devoted doctors, it is the black sheeps who bring a bad name to otherwise a noble profession. Such people must be brought to justice. The Constitution endorses Right to live. Beware of black sheeps in medical profession. 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Of Virus and Vermin

Of Virus and Vermin

Man has seeds of his ruin in himself. Man is the worst enemy of man

By Mukesh Sharma 

It was a cold day but very still. The sky was clear and the sun had packed up for the day. Though roads were choked with vehicles, none was plying.  Traffic signals were blinking but there was no vehicular movement   - no honking, no screech of tyres and no whizzing. It seemed that the time had stopped. Lifeless bodies of humans were strewn here and there. The bodies with seemingly leftover sign of life could be seen on the sidewalks in different postures. Groan, and grunts, moans and murmurs, hiccups and hush could be heard in the midst of scary silence. None was there to help out the dead or half dead. But still a few were holding hope against hope hugging their last breath tenaciously unmindful of the fact that the death is the great doctor that vanishes away even the last vestige of human pain. Even death has a heart. When life betrays, death embraces. Despite all beautiful landscape, wide roads and winding flyover, glittering lights, it looked like a haunted city.

The horrific and heart rending scene described above is not from any Hollywood movie but an imaginary scene of a modern city hit by the deadly virus.  An eye witness says that the imaginary details are rather close to Wuhan city of China, an epicenter of corona virus outbreak. The people maintain that this could be the probable scenario if God forbids, next world war breaks out; it would be altogether a different war - no boom or bang, no bomb or bloodshed but just countless dead bodies of humans snuffed by deadly virus and vermin - a weapon of future warfare.

The rumour is doing rounds in close circle and social media that the China has cultivated the deadly virus called as corona virus in its laboratory that mutates in human body only; it can transmit through contacts as well as through air; it affects human body only not any other animal. And as luck would have it, the virus got unleashed accidently and engulfed the Wuhan city. And rest is history.

The sources reveal that a book entitled "The Eye of Darkness" by Dean Koontz was published in 1981. The author made a mention specifically on page 352 - 353 of his book that China has developed a man made micro-organisms named Wuhan-400 at its RDNA lab located at the outskirt of Wuhan city. The book says:

" Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon. It affects only human beings. No other living creature can carry it. And like syphilis, Wuhan 400 can't survive outside living human body for a longer than a minute which means it can't permanently contaminate object or entire place the way anthrax and other virulent  micro- organisms can. And when the host expires, the Wuhan 400 within perishes a short while later as soon as the temperature of the corpse drops below 86 F. Do you see the advantage of this"

The Eyes of Darkness

Though the Wuhan city is the worst affected, the deadly virus has reached to 120 countries across the globe as per WHO report; it has already taken the toll of 4500 lives across the world so far and still counting. Tens of thousands are reported to have infection and have been battling for life. Besides Italy, France, Germany, Iran etc. who have already declared emergency in their respective counties, America has also declared national emergency.  With reported deaths and rising number of infections, US is shutting down - no social gathering, travel ban across border  - all schools, entertainment programme have been shut sine die. GDP of US has slumped to 4 %. The situation is getting more and more serious with each passing day.

Further, WHO in its report no.51 dated March 11, has characterized the corona virus as " "pandemic" - an epidemic that is geographically widespread or throughout the world without containment.

However, an Australian scientist has claimed to have isolated the virus and is nearing the solution to contain it. Even Germany and US are making such unsubstantiated claims. But nothing tangible has come out so far.

Now referred to as COVID 19, if this virus goes controlled and uncontained, it may give rise to a cataclysmic situation; it might further jeopardise the existence of humans on the earth.

Latest status of COVID 19 outbreak as per WHO report

It won't be wrong to say that the man has seeds of his ruin in himself. Man is worst enemy of the man. Robert Burn rightly says:

Man's inhumanity to man,
Makes countless mourn.

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