Learning Practical Letter-writing
Through standardized format and chunks, anyone can learn letter-writing needed in day-to-day life
By Mukesh Sharma
After Alexander Graham Bell, the world has come of age. The prototype of wired-telephone, the internet has brought about a revolution in the field of communication, and has shrunk the world into a tiny cell-phone. No longer the much-awaited postman of yesteryears knocks at the door and shouts ‘postman’ today.
But it doesn’t mean that age-old practice of letter-writing has become ‘extinct’ and has lost its importance. To lovers of English literature and writers, still it is a classified genre of English literature; and the students love to read the collected letters of Thackrey, George Eliot, Swinburne Henry, James, Kathenn Mansfield, D.H. Lawrence, etc. To advocates, it is an instrument to serve legal notice. To authorities, it is the way to communicate specifically. To school-goers, it is the most important question in English paper. To government services aspirants (SSC, UPSC, etc.), it is an unavoidable part of descriptive English.
What is noteworthy, during long writing/teaching profession, this blogger has observed that not only students but also common people who use English as a second language, face problem in the Practical Letter-writing, needed in day-to-day life. This blogger wrote a book entitled Whom and How to write Complaint Letter by Mukesh Sharma in 2001; it turned out to be the best seller and was approved for purchase by 17 American Universities/Institutions including US library of Congress (New Delhi), Delhi Text Bureau, Delhi University etc for school/college libraries.
English is based on standardized phrases and chunks. To a second language learner who doesn’t have good knowledge of these indispensable phrases/chunks, the letter writing becomes rather a taxing exercise.
To a student or any person who use English as a second language, the easiest way to learn letter-writing is through standardized FORMAT based on standardized CHUNKS; with basic knowledge of English, anyone can write any type of letter. In fact, the most professionals use standardized formats and chunks related to particular matter. All budding advocates rely on precedents (standardized method of writing affidavit, petitions, etc.) for quick disposal of work.
Defining a letter
What is a letter? A letter can be defined as a purposeful and persuasive and to the point written communication through which the writer 'speaks' to the addressee with due respect in order to seek his/her personal indulgence/intervention in some specific matter, for its needful solution.
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Learning Practical Letter-writing
According to practical needs of letters in day-to-day life, letters can be categorized as follows:
1. Personal letters: Though all the letters are personal letters, it reflects the feelings and knowledge of the writer, specifically speaking, any letter addressed to kith and kins or friends may be termed as personal letters. It may further be related to: well being, congratulations, condolence, advice and invitation.
2. Official letters: usually addressed to official holding public office/authorities. It may be complaint letter, grievance letter or a whistle blower.
3. Letter to Editor: Since newspapers are looked upon as surrogate of public opinions, it is an age old practice to write letters to Editor related to some social/political issue or comments on any write-up/article/news published in the newspaper.
4. Letter to Ambassador: It is not an ordinary letter related to any ordinary issue/matter. An Ambassador represents his/her country in the host country where he/she is posted, and tackles the matter of bilateral interests diplomatically. Even the government of host country can’t give ‘direction’ to the Ambassador; it can simply request or send the ‘demarche’. However, being a member of public, any citizen of the host country may write to Ambassador on merit.
5. Business letter: It is a common correspondence between two persons or companies doing some business in mutual interest. It is usual letters may be related to introduction, payment or any other matter pertaining to business.
6. Job letter: As the nomenclature suggests, it is related to ‘job’ – a letter written to any business organization that has advertised the vacancies in its company or business establishment.
Contents and Format
A letter consists of certain contents which are essential ingredients of letter-writing:
1. Senders address 2. Date 3. Address of the addressee 4. Subject 5. Addressing 6. Introductory para 7. Middle 8. Request 9. Concluding line/remarks 10. Salutation 11. Closing
The format of the letter as shown below would give the idea of the placement of the contents in the letter:
Ground Rules and Chunks
The students-writers must keep certain ground rules/useful tips in their mind for acquiring letter-writing skill:
1. Every letter should be,preferably, on printed letter-head. If no printed letter-head is available, better type out name, address, and mobile number at extreme right at the top of the page:
Ramlal Sanwal,
B-14, Mukherjee Nagar,
Mob.: 9874561000
2. A letter must follow left hand alignment, the popular format. Each content must start from fixed left hand, starting from 1.5’ left margin as shown in format.
3. Date must be written on the left in the style:
November 30, 2018
4. No ‘To’ on the letter-head above the address of addressee. It is always on the envelop.
5. Address of addressee must follows the style:
Police Head Quarter (HQ),
NEW DELHI-110002
6 The name of the addressee may be mentioned after the address (except in personal letter).
Kind Attn.: Sh. Ramlal Tiwari
7. Don’t forget to mention ‘subject’. It must reflect the content of the letter in nutshell like the headline of a news story:
Sub.: Complaint against Mr. X, S/o Mr.Z, R/o………….(Mob…….), with respect to …………. (contents of subject may vary as per the subject matter of letter)
8. Addressing the addressee:
i. My adorable Mom/Dad/ My dear friend/ My respect-worthy uncle etc. (for personal letters)
ii. Dear Sir,/Hon’ble Sir (if addressed to Minister/PM etc.) (for official letter)
iii. Sir, (letter to Editor)
iv. Your Esteemed Execellency (letter to Ambassador)
v. Dear Sir/Dear Mr. Sachin Singh, (Business letter)
vi. Dear Sir/Respected Madam (Job Letter)
9. The main body of the letter must consist of I)Introductory para, ii) Middle, iii) Request, iv) Concluding para/lines, v) Salutation, vi) Closing followed by sender name in capital.
i) Introductory Para
a. Personal letter (well being chunks)
Hope this letter of mine finds you all in pink of health, and with the grace of God, and blessings of elders, I am also doing well here
b. Personal letter (congratulatory chunks)
My joy knew no bounds when I learnt from newspaper that you had cracked UPSC and had secured 10th rank.
c. Personal letter (condolence chunks)
It is a matter of great sorrow that your beloved grandfather is no more.
d. Personal letter (advisory chunks)
I have learnt that you have not fared well in your class test.
e. Personal letter (invitation chunks)
Thanks for your invitation letter regarding the marriage of your …………. Indeed, it is a matter of celebration.
Official letter (chunks)
a. As a victim, I would like to lodge complaint against the captioned person in the light of certain hard facts as under
b. With due respect, I wish to bring to your kind notice the problem of …………..
c. As an over harassed/disgruntled citizen, I would like to draw your kind attention to ….
Letter to Editor (chunks)
Through the columns of your prestigious newspaper, I wish to wake up the authorities concerned with respect to problem of …………….in the largest interest of public.
Letter to Ambassador (chunks)
At the very outset, I apologize for intruding upon the precious time of Your Gracious self by writing this letter, but I am constrained to do so for seeking the personal intervention with respect to ……………………
Business letter (chunks)
a. Introductory
We have great pleasure to introduce ourselves as a fast upcoming company dealing in …………with five years business standing in the market.
b. Payment
This has reference to captioned outstanding bill raised against the supply of …….two month ago and it is still unpaid despite many follows up which is against the paytment terms.
Job letter (chunks)
This has reference to your ad published in HT dated ……….regarding the vacancy for the post of Sale Executive in your prestigious organization, and I wish to submit my candidature for the same.
ii) Middle:
The middle of all the letters consists of all the important points related to purpose of writing-letter mentioned in separate paragraphs in brief. A writer may describe it in simple English/simple sentences.
The middle of all the letters consists of all the important points related to purpose of writing-letter mentioned in separate paragraphs in brief. A writer may describe it in simple English/simple sentences.
iii) Request:
It is inevitable part of all the letters. It may be put in simple standardized sentences which are common to all the letters e.g.:
I, therefore, request you to kindly look into the matter and take needful action in the largest interest of justice and the common people.
iv) Concluding lines:
In almost all types of letters, a common chunks can be used as a part of concluding remarks/line:
In almost all types of letters, a common chunks can be used as a part of concluding remarks/line:
Hope my prayer would be answered favourably.
v) Salutation
The salutatory phrases usually used at the end of the letter which is common to all the letters, us:
With most respectful regard.
vi) Closing:
Common to all the letters, and may be written:
Common to all the letters, and may be written:
Yours truly,
Mind you, writing is a matter of practice. More you write, more you learn to write. This blogger sincerely believes, the valued readers who use English as second language, would find the tips useful.
Copyright © 2018 by Mukesh Sharma