Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Of Virus and Vermin

Of Virus and Vermin

Man has seeds of his ruin in himself. Man is the worst enemy of man

By Mukesh Sharma 

It was a cold day but very still. The sky was clear and the sun had packed up for the day. Though roads were choked with vehicles, none was plying.  Traffic signals were blinking but there was no vehicular movement   - no honking, no screech of tyres and no whizzing. It seemed that the time had stopped. Lifeless bodies of humans were strewn here and there. The bodies with seemingly leftover sign of life could be seen on the sidewalks in different postures. Groan, and grunts, moans and murmurs, hiccups and hush could be heard in the midst of scary silence. None was there to help out the dead or half dead. But still a few were holding hope against hope hugging their last breath tenaciously unmindful of the fact that the death is the great doctor that vanishes away even the last vestige of human pain. Even death has a heart. When life betrays, death embraces. Despite all beautiful landscape, wide roads and winding flyover, glittering lights, it looked like a haunted city.

The horrific and heart rending scene described above is not from any Hollywood movie but an imaginary scene of a modern city hit by the deadly virus.  An eye witness says that the imaginary details are rather close to Wuhan city of China, an epicenter of corona virus outbreak. The people maintain that this could be the probable scenario if God forbids, next world war breaks out; it would be altogether a different war - no boom or bang, no bomb or bloodshed but just countless dead bodies of humans snuffed by deadly virus and vermin - a weapon of future warfare.

The rumour is doing rounds in close circle and social media that the China has cultivated the deadly virus called as corona virus in its laboratory that mutates in human body only; it can transmit through contacts as well as through air; it affects human body only not any other animal. And as luck would have it, the virus got unleashed accidently and engulfed the Wuhan city. And rest is history.

The sources reveal that a book entitled "The Eye of Darkness" by Dean Koontz was published in 1981. The author made a mention specifically on page 352 - 353 of his book that China has developed a man made micro-organisms named Wuhan-400 at its RDNA lab located at the outskirt of Wuhan city. The book says:

" Wuhan-400 is a perfect weapon. It affects only human beings. No other living creature can carry it. And like syphilis, Wuhan 400 can't survive outside living human body for a longer than a minute which means it can't permanently contaminate object or entire place the way anthrax and other virulent  micro- organisms can. And when the host expires, the Wuhan 400 within perishes a short while later as soon as the temperature of the corpse drops below 86 F. Do you see the advantage of this"

The Eyes of Darkness

Though the Wuhan city is the worst affected, the deadly virus has reached to 120 countries across the globe as per WHO report; it has already taken the toll of 4500 lives across the world so far and still counting. Tens of thousands are reported to have infection and have been battling for life. Besides Italy, France, Germany, Iran etc. who have already declared emergency in their respective counties, America has also declared national emergency.  With reported deaths and rising number of infections, US is shutting down - no social gathering, travel ban across border  - all schools, entertainment programme have been shut sine die. GDP of US has slumped to 4 %. The situation is getting more and more serious with each passing day.

Further, WHO in its report no.51 dated March 11, has characterized the corona virus as " "pandemic" - an epidemic that is geographically widespread or throughout the world without containment.

However, an Australian scientist has claimed to have isolated the virus and is nearing the solution to contain it. Even Germany and US are making such unsubstantiated claims. But nothing tangible has come out so far.

Now referred to as COVID 19, if this virus goes controlled and uncontained, it may give rise to a cataclysmic situation; it might further jeopardise the existence of humans on the earth.

Latest status of COVID 19 outbreak as per WHO report

It won't be wrong to say that the man has seeds of his ruin in himself. Man is worst enemy of the man. Robert Burn rightly says:

Man's inhumanity to man,
Makes countless mourn.

Sunday, March 15, 2020



Learn lesson from Sanjive. Never lose heart. Don't fear failures. You can make yourself what you wish to make

By Mukesh Sharma

This blogger has great pleasure to introduce his valued readers to one of his students Sanjive Sikarwar who  has been promoted to the coveted post of  'Inspector' with Delhi police and is posted with a special department, a few days ago.

Inspector Sanjive Sikarwar

Sanjive has been very promising  and hardworking from the very beginning. He joined  prestigious Delhi police as a Constable. And it was this time when he joined the classes of this blogger for the improvement of his English.  This blogger can  recollect his words: "sir my father has spread the words in the village that I have become 'thanedaar'. I have not told him the truth. But I must become somebody in life." Keeping in view his hardwork and devotion to duty, the department promoted him as a Head Constable. With the patience, perseverance and incessant hardwork, the luck smiled on him and Sanjive cleared the departmental exam of Delhi Police and stood first as the best sub inspector cadet a few years ago only. And today he has been  promoted to the post of inspector with 3 stars on his shoulder. Frankly speaking, this blogger feels  these three stars on his shoulders too. 

You see Sanjive comes from a nondescript village of UP where knowledge of English is abysmally poor. He never lost heart and worked hard to brush up his English. Today, he not only speaks well but also writes well. His knowledge of law is excellent. He wanted to appear for UPSC exam but couldn't because of age restrictions. Surprisingly enough, UPSC doesn't give any age relaxation even to in-service police officials.

Sanjive is an honest officer. He performs his duty religiously. He is fired with the desire to work for  the country and countrymen. He never compromises his principles.

Sanjive knows how to have dreams and live them. In response to my blessings, he says : Sir I will continue my  journey  to north with your blessings."

Learn lesson from Sanjive. Never lose heart. Don't fear failures. You can make yourself what you wish to make.

Monday, February 24, 2020

The Secret of America Power and Prosperity

The Secret of America's Power and Prosperity

America seems to have redefined democracy after the great Abrahim Lincoln -  government of duteous people, by the duteous people for the duteous people. None can beat a country where each citizen earns one’s rights on the basis of the performance of one’s duties

By Mukesh Sharma

Man is a creature of society; he can’t live without a society; he is born to believe; he is raised to observe the customs of society. Even kings and queens follow the customs. As an indispensable part of the society, each man has well-defined duties and rights also. In fact, duties lay the foundation of a society, and rights give it a structural stability. Further, harmony between duties and rights bring progress and prosperity in the society. And a strong society gives rise to a strong nation. The secret of America's prosperity and power lies in its well ordered and well-disciplined society where the people prefer duties to rights; duties are given more importance than rights. And in turn, the system ensures and safeguards the inalienable rights of its each citizen.

Right from Hon’ble President of America to a nonentity peon all perform their duties rather religiously, no compromise in the performance of duties. Be it in government or in opposition, each Hon’ble members  of  American parliament enjoys free votes and  just think of his/her country only. They collectively mull how more and more wealth can be earned for the country and how it can be used to maintain the supremacy in the world, how it can be used on welfare of the American populace. They perform their duties honestly. In contrast, unruly and uproarious scenes can be witnessed in the Indian parliament where political parties seem to indulge in gang-fight for their narrow  ends.

Though America is a capitalist country, rights of the employees are protected by the authorities like anything. Companies offer what they claim – best possible products and services at best possible prices. So the best food, best clothes and best houses that entails the best life, are within the easy reach of the common man of America. Even business class has strong sense of duty towards country and the people. But in India, anyone with social and political clout can swindle banks and hustle the common man  – Nirav Modi, Vijay Malaya, Ponji Scheme etc and  many big names in real estate business are in jail.

In America, with zero tolerance on corruption entire government machinery including the wet-departments perform their assigned duties honestly  - no favoritism, no preferential treatment, no prejudice or biases. The work is done as per the very well defined law purely on the basis of merit. In the other hand, in India, everything has a price-tag.

What is noteworthy, it is not only people in government services or in private business, even the common American is very well aware of his or her duties towards an individual, society and the country. Each respects law. Each observes rules. He or she can’t think of violating any rules or law even in his or her wildest dream -  no cop on the road but no violation of any traffic rule -strict lane driving; the pedestrians are duteously given the first right on the road. If a man on foot wishes to cross the road in local residential areas, motorists would pull up their cars and wait for the passes-by to cross the road.

Irrespectively of their place or position wherever they are  people never shirk their duties. And the system protects their rights. People at large do understand that non-performance of duties brings chaos; unearned rights bring doom. The sense of duty must not be enforced, it must come from within. In the light of justice, each object of duty is followed by the shadow of right. One must do something to get something. - no pain, no gain.

America seems to have redefined democracy after the great Abrahim Lincoln  -  government of duteous people, by the duteous people for the duteous people. None can beat a country where each citizen earns one’s right on the basis of the performance of one’s duty. And this is the secret of America’s power and prosperity.

Friday, February 21, 2020

The Sun Rising in West

The Sun Rising in West

So, the sun had gone to lighten up my India. What a great sacrifice! The sun burns itself to dispel darkness from earth. But when the man will come out of darkness of his ego. When the man will behave like a man

By Mukesh Sharma

As an early riser, I am used to watching the sun-rising almost daily. But the day, I landed in US, I was waiting for the most magnificent moment of sun-rising after a few days of reclusive rest, usually, needed to get over the jet-lag and for the adaptability of the body to the new geographical time-zone  –  India’s day time is the night, and the night is the day time in America. So I expected a different experience of watching sun-rising from the amazing land of America -  undoubtedly a country of intellectuals.

Sun-rising in West

Geographically speaking, the sun never rises from the West. It is always the East from where the sun rises –  the sun, the moon, the planets, and the stars all rise in the East, and set in the West because the earth spins towards the east. But here, I wish to share my self-spawned thoughts while watching the sun-rising from the western part of the earth.

Finally, the much awaited moment arrived. Since I am in Peoria, Arizona, I set my eyes towards East. Well before an hour, the sky began to lighten in East. At the scheduled time (sun-rise in the Peoria 6:47 and set in 17:36 during winter) the sun began to peep from the cleavage of hills – Peoria is surrounded by the hills. With all devotion and difference, I folded my hands in the attitude of prayer, and chanted: Ohm Surya Namah. But when I opened my eyes to have the glimpse of the mesmerizing sun-rising, I found it was not at all different -  shine and sheen was same. It was the same sun-rising, I used to watch from my motherland, India.

To believers, the sun is the only manifestation of God on earth; it nurtures life on earth. Existence of earth depends on the sun only. Though there is only one sun, one sky, one ocean, one earth, the wily man has divided the earth into 195 countries. We earthlings share the common sky, common sun, common ocean, common air to breath, same color of blood, and the same physical structure, but still we are Indian, American, Chinese, etc. We are everything but we are not the man. We are no better than animals that have strong territorial instinct, and fight for their ear-marked areas. Sovereignty and boundaries are the causes of war in many parts of the world. All the claims of advancement sound phony and flimsy, for, the so-called man has not evolved yet who can be differentiated from animals. When the man will learn to be man? When the man will behave like a man?

And with the sun sunk in the horizon, my thoughts floated to India. So, the sun had gone to lighten up my India. What a great sacrifice!  The sun burns itself to dispel darkness from earth. But when the man will come out of darkness of his ego? When the man will behave like a man.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Smell of the Soil

Smell of the Soil
When I look inside, I hear an undaunted voice: I love my India to the moon and back. I miss the smell of the soil
By Mukesh Sharma

Living in one’s own motherland, one seldom realises the importance of the soil; it gives a definite shape. It gives specific color; it gives distinctive mien; it gives discernible countenance; it gives formidable thoughts; it gives typical expression; it gives coercive desires; it gives wishful wishes. The soil is one’s natural identity. The soil delineates one’s life. The soil is one’s whole existence. What soul is to body, soil is to life. Being a son of soil -  motherland India, I too miss that intoxicating smell of my soil here in Peoria, Arizona (US), far away across the globe.

Peoria, Arizona, US

 It is the third consecutive day since I am here all the way from Delhi, India, but still my body is struggling with the jet-lag, and the mind with the geographically changed time-zone. I have been sleeping during the day, and have been spending wakeful nights. It is said that it takes couple of days to get used to US time zone.

Surrounded by picturesque hills which are usually the home of Xerophytes – plants and trees of cactus family. Peoria is the major suburb of Phoenix, and is one of the cities in the state of Arizona (AZ). People are unknown to any kind of pollution here. Well planned city is inhabited by well-disciplined people.  Here I miss the smothering pollution of Delhi, the traffic snarls, road hogs and road rages. Nestled in beauty of nature, the place has quietness of countryside. 

The estimated population of Peoria is around 168,185.  With good physique, people are very hard-working. They follow the laws of land religiously. With reddish skin, there is glow on their face that exudes confidence and contentment. However, I miss here my fellow Indians brethren ever struggling on day-to-day basis for their survival. India is a survival society. And that makes the Indian rather selfish. Those who manage to survive successfully become rather egoist. Though India is multi-lingual and multi-religious society, all are true sons and daughters of the soil.

With golden brown hair and white skin, women here are very well shaped. They are self-dependent. They are respected career women. They have their individuality. They too perform their duties towards their families religiously. They are second to none. They are not second fiddle to their menfolk. However, in my motherland, I find women of my soil surpassingly  beautiful  -  mentally and physically. They are epitome of love and devotion. They grow up as a pampered daughter of their parents. They live as a faithful wife of their hubbies. They are the best mothers  who can make any sacrifice for their kids. I do salute the women of my soil.

To be honest, here I also miss the wily netas of my soil who remain busy in politics of self-preservation and self-aggrandizement. They continue to betray the trust of unsuspecting masses. They continue to cheat the populace  year after year in the name of religion , caste and region.

Frankly speaking, despite all the anachronism and anomalies, prevailing in my motherland, India, I miss my soil here. When I look inside, I hear an undaunted voice: I love my India to the moon and back. I miss the smell of the soil!

Saturday, January 25, 2020

My School days Girlfriend Grammar

My School Days Girl-friend Grammar

All of a sudden, Grammy threw her arms around my neck, her head resting on my shoulder. I could feel the warmth of her silent tears rolling down from her eyes

By Mukesh Sharma

A few days ago, I visited US library at K.G. Marg, New Delhi for the renewal of my membership. I was surprised to spot my school days girl-friend Grammar sitting quietly and calmly in the reading hall, engrossed in some book. When I was at school, she was a good friend of mine. She would never indulge in small-talks. She would always preach discipline. All classmates used to respect her a lot. Out of love and respect, I would also call her by a nick name ‘Grammy.’

My School days Girlfriend

The moment ‘Grammy’ caught my sight, she sprang to her feet; she walked up to me and gave me a hug. We sat down for an hour and had warm chit-chat in the light of sweet memories of the past. Here, this blogger shares the excerpts of that interesting talks with his valued readers:

What a great pleasure to see you here Grammy after such a long time! How do you do?

How do I look? You see! A woman is as old as she looks and a man is as old as he feels.

Great! You are an ageless beauty. Even mighty time respects your beauty. And ever yours, I am one of your votaries.

Okay. I am flattered! I am flattered! You writers know how to play with the words. Where and how to use Simile, Metaphor, Hyperbole, Euphemism, Antithesis, Oxymoron, Personification, Apostrophe, Epigram, Irony, Pun and Metonymy.

I have learnt this all from you only. You are my teacher. You are my best friend. I am a writer because of you. To be honest, you are my first love; you are my love-lady.

Frankly speaking, I don’t have very high opinion of men. I have bitter experience with the men. Naked truth is a man loves a woman for sex,  and a woman gives sex for the love of man.  Men are attracted towards women for sheer sexual urge. In the beginning, they make great show of love and affection. They would love to hang out with their girls. After winning her confidence, they use her, they misuse her, they abuse her and at last they disuse her for another body (woman). So is the situation with me (Grammar) also. Once one has good command of the language, Grammar is given good-bye. In US, over 45 per cent women above the age of 50 end up as single. It's a male chauvinist society. I don’t trust man. I enjoy celibacy.

Don’t generalize it. You can’t draw a conclusion on the basis of the behavior of some selfish men. You know, those who understand you, love and respect you the most.

Don’t placate me with your words.

It is not an exaggeration Grammy! It’s truth. You are the epitome of discipline. You teach discipline. You are like nature that teaches nothing but discipline. The sun rises in east; it sets in west. The earth and all the planets revolve around the sun in a synchronized orbit – it is a perfect example of discipline.

You see, Grammar is a crux of life. God has succeeded in creating all planets and stars because He knows the Grammar of universe.

It is the Grammar of the body that brings man and woman close to each other.

Truth is stranger than fiction. Handful of wily netas who are public servants rule over the masters (the public), for, they know the Grammar of Democracy. On the contrary, the public can simply maunder and mumble but can’t do anything, for, it doesn’t understand the Grammar of Politics.

Hold you horses, I am impressed! I am impressed! But, you know, many scholars contend that Grammar is more confusing than comprehensive, and cite reasons:

-          If one studies the grammar from very first chapter to the last, rules are progressively discarded one after the other. There are no hard and fast rules in conventional grammar. It is full of exceptions. So a student remains confused even after studying the whole grammar.

-           It is also silent on the rules of preposition. Why the meaning of a word changes with different preposition e.g. call on, call for, call upon etc.

-          It is also maintained that conventional grammar doesn’t teach sentence making. It teaches one how to correct a sentence, not how to make sentences . . .

These morons know only conventional grammar taught at school level in conformity to colonial education system which is based on rote-learning and it is a corrective grammar only; it teaches to correct the sentence. These so-called scholars have no knowledge of your other parts – Syntactical Grammar that teaches the sentence making and Generative Grammar that teaches to generate the sentences. Those who are acquainted with all the parts, know that Grammar is comprehensive, not confusing.

Further, as far as rule of preposition is concerned, standardized collocations are the answer. English is a language of phrases. Root words/key words pair with other words and produce standardizes collocations and convey different senses. So, no need to go into the rule of preposition.

Well, some find fault even in my eugenics. Scholars cast aspersions and take jibe at me saying English has no grammar of its own. An American Lindley Murray who was  a Latin Scholar and he was of the view that Latin was the most scientific language in the world and it's  grammar could  justify any language. So he just converted the Latin Grammar into English Grammar in 1795. And his book set the precedent for succeeding books on English Grammar.

So what, you know Latin is the direct descendant of Sanskrit. All the European languages are genetically related to Sanskrit only which is looked upon as parent language for all the European languages. So you should take pride in the fact that you are the pampered daughter of Latin, and a great,  great . . . . grand daughter of Sanskrit – a divine language which was fully developed and advanced even 5000 years ago at a time when the world was a savage and even most of the modern languages were non-existent.

Oh my goodness, you know a lot about me. You think a lot about me? Now I can understand your sneaking love for me, right!

I understand only one fact. If you love your children, you must respect their mother. I love English language. So I respect the mother of English language i.e. you Grammy.

So, you have great respect for women!

Of course, like mother-nature, only a woman has power of procreation. Man is a child of woman. His life revolves around woman only. Without woman, this little world of man will cease to exist.

O man, you are a true man. I never knew that you had such warm feelings for me.

That’s not all. I would like to unfold my heart today. You see, I wanted to marry you, but I couldn’t summon the courage to pop the question. I contented myself with the thought: those who can’t be held in arms, can be had in heart. Even today, you live in my heart. You are the queen of my heart.

All of a sudden, Grammy threw her arms around my neck, her head resting on my shoulder. I could feel the warmth of her silent tears rolling down from her eyes. Tears welled in my eyes too. Consoling and comforting her,  I whispered in her ear:
“Worry not honey, the next birth would witness the grand and gala union  of the body and soul. ‘Amen, Amen, Amen’ she blurted out in deep voice echoing from the heart. And with a good-bye kiss, we parted to meet again in the next birth . . .

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Sententious Squabble

Sententious Squabble

'The foolish man thinks that he has mind to think. In fact, it is we who make his mind to think'

By Mukesh Sharma

Last week, I visited Central library of Delhi University for some research papers after ages. I was rather surprised to hear a commotion in English from the reading hall. Out of curiosity, I stepped into the hall and flinched at the sight of eight white guys sitting at the table and squabbling over some matter. I recognized them in no time. They were Noun, Pronoun, Adjective, Verb, Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction and Interjection. During my school days, I used to call them Grammar monsters. Surprisingly, there was no change in their physical appearance even after years. Even mighty time couldn’t wither their sheen and serenity. Ducking behind an almirah, I quietly settled in a chair at the corner table just behind them at some distance with a wish to overhear their heated conversation.

Sententious Squabble

Since the Grammar monsters were fully occupied with their boisterous blah-blah, my mind plunged deep into past memories of school days.

In those older days, Noun was a humpty dumpty white skinned, short-statured bespectacled guy. His eyes were little squinted. He was very aggressive and short-tempered. He would always bully others. Native speaker of Hindi and learners of English as a second language would always fear him. He had six hurly burly brothers: Proper Noun, Common Noun, Collective Noun, Abstract Noun, Countable Noun and Uncountable Noun.

Pronoun was a thin and lanky guy. He was very talkative. He would always drop names and make a great show of his acquaintances. He would always claim to have friends at high places.

Adjective was a slim and slick girl with very fair complexion, golden brown long hair, oval cherubic faces with sharp features. She would always use eyes to speak rather than tongue. She was full breasted even at the age of 16. The boys would steal glances and ogle her in the class. She was a vision in white skirt and top. She was the beauty of the class. She looked so divine that the boys were scared of her beauty. All had crush on her, but it was difficult to woo and win her.

Another heart throb of the class was Verb. She was not blonde. Though she was  English, she had wheatish complexion. She looked more like Indian than English, and would easily mix up with the Indian. She would love Indian dress, culture and cuisine. She was a go-getter and very friendly to all. Her smile was very sexy. She would always get the things moving even under the most static unfavorable circumstances.

Adverb was a sober guy with average height. He was soft-spoken. He would never talk non-sense. He was not extrovert. His talks would always carry deep sense and weight. The Native speakers of Hindi had great sense of respect for him.

Preposition was a medium built English guy. Native speakers of Hindi would call him buddy. He was very intelligent. He had cosmopolitan outlook. He was a good counselor. He would always pacify the agitated people even in deep problem.

Conjunction, had leadership quality. He would always bring the warring factions to negotiating table, and settle even gravest dispute. He would never compromise his principle. The native speakers of Hindi had very high opinion of him.

Interjection was a theist. She would believe in power of prayer. She would love to help the needy. In fact, she was an emotional girl. She would always bubble with optimism and confidence. She would always cheer up the people around her. She was a sinew of energy and enthusiasm to all. She would always preach:  enjoy the present, you never know what is next.

All of a sudden a bang on table jolted me back from interesting past to intriguing present. High feverish talks were going on among Grammar monsters. I meekly overheard their talks. Here I wish to share the excerpts with my valued readers and dear students:

Noun:            Guys, be it man or material, each thing in this universe is known by me only. I have given a name to each and everything of this universe. Even the God so-called creator is not beyond my reach. I am a proud Latin – an official language of the Great Romans who had subjugated the most part of Europe – the great ruler. I am second to none.

Pronoun:       Mr. Noun, self-praise is no recommendation. Don’t blow your own trumpets. You see, I am the guy who can replace you. I can function as you. And my eugenic makes me even superior to you – I am proud son of Latin and French parents.

Adjective:      Calm down! Calm down guys. We are in library. You both would accept the fact that I am capable of modifying you. A flower is recognized by it color and fragrance not just by its name. A rose will smell like a rose, even if you change its name. I am a pampered daughter of my Latin and French parents. So come down an earth.

Verb:             You see, the most important thing in this universe is action. I give force to things to move or act. God is not just a noun but an action. Of victory, I am triumph; of body, I am breath; of wind, I am blow; of water, I am flow; of sex, I am cohabitation. Without me, no one will respect noun or pronoun. You are shape. I am a force within. I am also lovely daughter of my Latin and French parents.

Adverb:         Well! Bring the temperature down. I am also here, your close friend. You all know, I am the intensifier. I give greater description to a verb. Even tomorrow is an adverb. I am the future.

Preposition: Don’t waste your breath guys. You know, it is a well acknowledged and acclaimed fact that I govern noun or pronoun. I have power to link noun, pronoun and phrase to other words in a sentence. I am not a bastard like you. I am a pure proud Latin.

Conjunction: No swearing words please. We are in public place. Don’t overlook my constructive role in your life. You can’t erect a building just by the use of bricks. You need mortar to join the brick. And I am the mortar. It is me who puts you at the right place and make you worthy of recognition and  respect. You are nothing without me.

Interjection: Enough is enough! Rise above selfishness and self-praise guys. We all are indispensable parts of a sentence. We have collective identity. You see, head is not body, torso is not body, hands and legs are not body. However, all these essential parts together make the complete body. Mind you, we all are unique creation of Mother Nature.  We have unique identity and unique characteristics qualities. Nothing can replace us from our place in the sentence. It is the sentence that makes a man to think, write and speak. Without us, a man will be an animal. So the Mother Nature is kind enough to bestow on us the undisputed power to rule the psyche of man – so called the most civilized creature in animal kingdom on planet earth. The foolish man thinks that he has mind to think. In fact, it is we who make his mind to think. Cheer up guys!

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