Sunday, November 11, 2018

Confusion, a Quality of the Great Mind

Confusion, a Quality of the Great Mind

Even the God is confused to see that He made man and the man has become Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian; God made earth, man has divided it into countries, and kills one another to live
By Mukesh Sharma

Be it a religious leader, statesman, scientist, writer/poet or any intellectual, all have one thing in common and that is confusion. Study reveals that the most of the great minds of ancient time were confused lot; their chanced creations of thoughts, discoveries and inventions that amazed and changed the world, were the products of their ‘severe’ confusion. The great theoretical physicist who propounded the ‘Theory of Relativity’, Albert Einstein says:

“Confusion of goals and perfectness of means seems to characterize our age.”

The confusion is a state of mind where a confused with a desired goal is not able to decide what to do and how to do in the prevailing present situation because of lack of either past experience or the ability to foresee the future, and it may arise under any situation at any stage of process and at any point of time.

The Confusion

As far as confusion is concerned, only two persons in the world have no confusion –  an ignorant fool and a learned fool. The former is always confirmed in his conviction; he has no doubts or surmises about his abilities and capabilities; he pretends to know everything; he looks at the world through the specs of his ignorance only. The latter is proud of his knowledge collected from various sources; he assesses and assays the world through his ‘acquired’ knowledge only; he cares a damn whether it is fake or genuine.

Moreover, confusion leads to knowledge, and the knowledge further paves the way for the  conviction, and this conviction lays the foundation of creation. The circle moves on and on – from confusion through knowledge and conviction to creation. All the progress and advancement have been made due to this eternally moving circle – from simple wheel to spaceship; from homo erectus to well clad man. Obviously, it is the confusion that has made the progress in the world possible.

Michael Faraday struggled a lot in the shocking confusion before he could stumble upon his invention of Electric Dynamo (in 1831), and that taught the world the practical use of electricity.

Louis Pasteur fought with confusing bacterias and came across the Pasteurization (1864) – the way to prevent the growth of bacterias in substance like wine, beer, and milk in his age.

In his confused bid to develop a cheap substitute to ivory billiard balls, John Wesley Hyath happened to develop Plastic (1869) – a moldable versatile material chemically called celluloid, and be it simple carry bag or any other thing, it has become an inevitable need of daily life today.

Facing lots of confusion in teaching the deaf, Alexander Graham Bell, a teacher for the deaf at Boston University, laid his hands on the technique to transmit sound via electricity, and that led to the invention of Telephone (1876), and android mobile is just an upgraded version today, an indispensable need.

Groping in the darkness of confusion, Thomas Edison chanced upon to develop the idea that led to the discovery of light bulb (1879) – the way to illuminate even after sun-setting.

Encircling in confusion around the big wheel of Penny Farthing (world’s first ever cycle) for years, John Kemp Bicycle (1885) came up with the idea of Bicycle with chain called in his time Velocipedes.

Confused by the sound of motors, German Engineer Karl Benz developed Motor Carriage (1895), the first modern automobile, and today the world enjoys F-1 Formula race.

Rolling in confusion of metallic ductability, Charles Martin came to discover Aluminum (1886), the part and parcel of modern life.

Wright Brothers piloted the first ever Aeroplane (1903) of the world because of the confusion created by the flights of the birds, and today the world has supersonic jets.

Loaded with confusion of snail-mail, Ray Tomlinson worked out the concept of e-mail (1972) that changed the world of communication, likewise PC (personal computer) (in 1980s) and mobile in (1980s).

Out of utter confusion Tim Berners Lee, wrote the software for www (World Wide Web), and that changed the world of internet.

Even the greatest poet and dramatist in Sanskrit language, Kalidas emerged after the matrimonial confusion when he was rebuffed by the learned wife Vidyotama. What is more, even the overconfused Tulsidas became Tulsidas after the spousal rebuke, and he penned down the classic story of lord Rama –  the Ramacharitmanas. Even the Gita came into existence out of the confusion of Arjuna.

The confusion created in the mind of Mohan Dass Karamchand Gandhi when he was thrown out of the first class compartment of the train reserved for white-skin people, made him to lead freedom struggle, and he became Mahatma after independence. As a wanderer, Modi is said to have spent prime years of his life in confusion, and today he is the Prime Minister of India. Yet another man, projected by his ‘home-made’ political party – Congress, Rahul Gandh is said to be the most confused man. People have mixed feelings about him (Rahul Gandhi). Some maintain that he may never come out of the chaos of confusion. However, some contend that he would grow out of confusion and emerge as a ‘creator’,  "a future PM of India."

Beyond confusion of mistakes, there is experience; experience is the name given to mistakes. Beyond confused man, there is nature. Beyond confusing nature, there is God. Even God seems to be confused because he made man and he (man) has become Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian etc. He (God) made the earth, man has divided it into countries, and kills one another to live.

Evidently enough, confusion is the quality of the great mind.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018



She is my soul. She is my body. She is my mind. She is my escort. She has taught me to live. She has taught me to write.

By Mukesh Sharma

So calm, cool and quiet she is,
Like space where the peace lives.

Bright like moon, fair like snow,
She escorts me wherever I go.

With swan-like love, we fly free,
Her warmth hugs vanishes all worries.

Ask not me more about her please,
Body I am, breath she is.

Me just a mind, she is a heart,
Death only can do us part.

Beyond woos and wants, she is just mine,
'Diary' her name, She is so divine.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Darkness, the Mother of Light

Darkness, the Mother of Light

Light is born out of the womb of Darkness, even the shining sun is the son of Darkness

By Mukesh Sharma

It is axiomatic that nothing can be created out of nothing. This universe has been made out of Darkness. All planets and stars have come out of the Darkness. Had there been no Darkness, nothing would have ever existed. Even so-called God lives and loves the Darkness. Prophets and saints realize God with their eyes shut in the depth of darkness of their mind where as an ordinary man just spots the idol in the light. In fact, light is born out of the womb of Darkness; even the shinning sun is the son of Darkness. Undoubtedly, Darkness is the revered mother of the light.

Though a man is born out of the womb of a woman after 9 months of darkness, he is, surprisingly, scared of Darkness. Seeing is believing. What a man can’t see, he doesn’t believe. What an eye doesn’t see, heart doesn’t grieve. The poet laureate William Wordsworth says:

“The eye can’t choose but see,
We can’t bid the ear be still,
Our bodies feel wherever they be,
Against or with our will”

In light, man recognizes the material things but in darkness, he realizes the unformed and unshaped through his vision. Sight can see with light but vision can see through darkness.

Light is ephemeral but darkness is eternal. Light is finite but darkness is infinite. Light is limited but darkness is unlimited. Light ages with time but darkness is ageless. Light just happens but darkness just exists. Light is a matter made of photons but darkness is a non-matter. Light has to travel from one place to another but darkness lives everywhere. In fact, darkness cradles the light. Light is an illusion but darkness is the reality.

With darkness, life comes full circle; it begins from darkness through light ends in darkness. And the circle moves on and on.

Seven deadly sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath and Sloth are nothing but daughters of Darkness. In fullness of time, Pride gives birth to Humility; Greed to Generosity; Lust to Chastity; Envy to Contentedness; Gluttony to Dieter; Wrath to Calm; Sloth to Ambition.

Disease is darkness but entails treatment for the health. Poverty is darkness but gives rise to ambition. Despondency is darkness but sustains hope. Ignorance is darkness but produces desire for knowledge. Failure is darkness but teaches lesson for the success; success comes after the succession of failures. An American poet and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson truly reflects the importance of darkness through his mystic words:

Teach me your mood, O patient stars;
Who climb each night the ancient sky,
Leaving no space, no shade, no stars,
No trace of age, no fear to die

A man is born twice. Lord Krishna in the Gita, sloka 7 refers man with the word “dvijottama” (Sanskrit word) that means twice-born –  a man is born into the world of nature; second birth is into the world of spirit (darkness).

Be not afraid of darkness. Grow up!  It is the law of nature; day ends with night, night culminates in day. Life is transient. Nothing is permanent. Darkness who is mother of light, is the best teacher.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

‘Bhagirathi’ of Signature Bridge


‘Bhagirathi’ of Signature Bridge

Much touted bridge on Yamuna, Delhi, eventually, comes into being after 14 years of wait; delayed chronically, now many self-styled ‘Bhagirathis’ have come forward to stake claim on ‘praises’ for the ‘feat'

By Mukesh Sharma

There is popular saying that Ganga was destined to dawn on the earth from heaven but the credit was taken by Bhagirathi (a king of Kosala, a kingdom of ancient India). What is noteworthy, for Ganga there is only one Bhagirathi but for the Signature Bridge, many ‘Bhagirathis’ have come out to lay claim -  Honest CM of Delhi and Hon’ble MP of East (he has not been invited even in inaugural ceremony) and many other nonentities.

The project which was started off with all political enthusiasm by then netas of then government to appease the ever neglected North-East Delhi, a huge vote bank of migrants from UP and Bihar with the projected cost for Rs 700 crores in 2004, has reached to a whopping sum for Rs 1500 crores in 2018.

Though the Signature Bridge project dragged on for long 14 years for one or other reasons, the people contend that the possibility of a ‘scam’ can’t be ruled out. In India, to the corrupt,the most of the developmental projects  are milch cow; they continue to milk the 'cow' till the inauguration.  Corruption is the staple diet of Indian politics;  in the span of 14 years, Singnature bridge project, must have made many millionaires.

Expecting laurels, the authorities concerned call it an “iconic structure” that has come up with the technical and material support from China, Italy, Spain, Germany and Switzerland. Had it been exclusive Indian ‘handiwork’, the project would have taken 20 years more. Says authorities concerned, “as a new symbol of capital, the bridge will give a panoramic view of city.” “The bridge is an answer to London Bridge and Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco” adds an official proudly.

Irrespective of ends and means, comparative developments and progress are made in India only; Noida expressway is also an answer to European roads; hundreds of people have lost their lives in multiple piles-up, perhaps, because of some faulty construction , people allege,  and that has become the order of the day. The road seems to be jinxed.

Authorities reveal that the bridge would be thrown open to LMV and Bikers from Sunday (4 November, 2018) on “Trial Basis Only”. God forbids, if the bridge fails the trial test, it might be shut down. In fact, the work is still not complete. It may take another six months for the completion of “observation desk” to be used to have a “panoramic view of the city”: murky water of Yamuna with nullah dirt; Majnu ka Tila with waving Tibetan flags and buntings; Nigambodh Ghat; jhuggi cluster at old bridge; lutyens Delhi at front where live netas, the rich ‘servants’ of poor ‘public’; hordes of informal settlements in rear; shanties at right, nearby Mukherjee Nagar.

Anyway, despite usual political squabble, among several ‘Bhagirathis’, the front runner the 'Honest' and Hon’ble CM of Delhi would inaugurate the bridge on Sunday (4 November, 2018), hopefully with oft-repeated statement: only an honest government could have made it possible.

 But the unspoken truth is that the bridge is being opened under the pressure and intervention of Delhi High Court where the authorities concerned filed an affidavit to open the bridge in October, the last month. Moreover, elections are drawing nearer. During election time, all netas become humble servants of janta.  Diwali is also round the corner. To Hon’ble CM, it is, politically, the opportune time to give the Diwali gift,the Signature Bridge to valued voters. So what if the bridge is not complete yet.       

India Need to Observe Halloween


India Need to Observe Halloween

Hosts of evil spirits ­– ignorance, inoccupation, poverty, communalism, corruption and crime have possessed India; no hope of redemption in near future

By Mukesh Sharma

Despite all tall talks and tall claims, right from first PM to incumbent PM, the helpless and hapless India so-called largest democracy in the world seems to have been haunted by the evil spirits – ignorance, inoccupation, poverty, communalism, corruption and crime. The situation is getting from worse to worst day-by-day. Generation after generation, the poor populace has been hoping against hope but in vain. The wily netas are quick to manufacture datas and figures to portray a rosy picture. But ground realities are poles apart. It appears nothing is working – no religious rituals or prayers are answered at any place of worship. This blogger sincerely believes, like the wealthy West, India need to observe ‘halloween’ to ward off the evil spirits; after all, India is a country of belief and it may work.

The much scary day of Halloween has just passed by. Each year, it is celebrated on 31 October in US and other parts of the West. It has its origin from ancient celtic festival of Samhain. Going by their belief, people light bonfire and wear scary masks to ward off ghosts with other fascinating activities like trick or treating, carving jack-o-lanterns, festive gathering, donning weird costumes and eating sweets treats besides Church services, prayer, fasting and vigil. The festival is also called All Halloween, All Hallows Eve and All Saint Eve.

An old timer alleges, the evil spirits possessed the nation at the time of partition of India (1947) well conspired by the Britisher with the help of a few then self-styled netas; the innocent teeming millions lost their lives just for the whims and wants of handful of netas; later the curse of millions gave rise to evil spirits and it possessed the netas too and turned them into Zombies; and these Zombies further divided India into Hindus, Muslim, Sikh and Christians; the Zombies didn’t stop here, they further split the populace into dalit, schedule caste, schedule tribe, OBC (other backward classes) etc., there is no Indian left in India except in passports.

The old timer further adds, no Diwali, Holi, Eid, or Christmas brings amity; on the contrary, it gives rise to jealousy – bigotry and zealotry.

Concurring with the assertions of old timers, the survivors (the poor people) with utter dismay and distress maintain, the zombies (netas) have made their gangs so-called political parties. The Zombies are so powerful that thousands of unfortunate people from under class join the gangs, for, they believe that they can’t avoid rape so they must enjoy it. The powers of Zombies are phenomenal; if they sneeze, it will be heard throughout India; even their ‘farts’ reverberate all the corners of India – all newspapaer and TV channels carry their words (farts). The over shrewd Zombies call themselves ‘servants’ of people. Ironically, so called servants live like kings and knights of ancient time; ride spanking new cars; fly in air; roll in money, and the people so called masters live in abject poverty, not better than the flightless insects. When the Zombies organize rally, thousands of unsuspecting people throng the place just for their darshan (have a glimpse). Some lesser souls contend that these zombies are God unto themselves; they have started even doubting the existence of God when they look at almighty Zombies.

So wisemen suggest if nothing is happening, like West, India should also start observing ‘halloween’ in order to keep off the evil spirits – ignorance, inoccupation, poverty, hunger, communalism, corruption and crime, and their cruel and crooked representatives, Zombies. Belief is stronger than reasons.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Farting Netas


Farting Netas
A neta can stoop to any extent to win the farting competition; when arguments cease farts begin
By Mukesh Sharma

Though all the Homo sapiens make wind and that everyone knows, exits from the right place, a neta is an advanced version of man, and he can fart not only from natural hole provided by the nature but also from the mouth. Over the years, the stock of such ‘super human’ neta is on the rise, particularly, in India.

Some fart like the hiss of a snake. It is a warning to stay away; the next move is to squirt deadly poison. Some fart like the sputter of fire-crackers. It is like a caution to be careful; a pre-emptive strike. Some fart loud like the sound of bugle; it is like declaration of a war on the adamant adversaries who are supposedly, responsible for their present pitiable plight from good to bad. The most dangerous of all these farting netas, is the one who while farting, doesn’t make any sound and releases such an ‘evil’ smell that can send millions into concussion without the aid of anesthesia.

Farting Neta

A neta has a phenomenal farting capacity. He can chew and fart out at the same time; a divine digestive powers! His fart is more threatening than gunfire; the bark is more harmful than bite. Unlike a common man, a neta can fart at anytime and at any place as per his convenience and comfort; he is ever ready like a terrorist who waits the chances to sabotage. A common man can face police, ED, CBI or any other agency but not the fear of fart of a neta.

To a neta, the best place to fart is the Press Conference. Whenever, he has an urge, he calls the press conference; TV channels and newspapers are always ready to get the whiff of the fart of a celebrated neta; a good fart is the staple diet of the media, for, it adds to TRP (television rating point).

Yet another right place for the fart is the rally where the people from underclass gather in return for cash and kind; it is a mobile crowd; one day it may be with one neta and the other day with another. Anyway, it helps a neta to create an illusory perception that he is a popular neta. What a neta doesn’t understand is a neta is temporary but the people are permanent.

The world over, India is known as a country of festivals – from Holi through Eid and Christmas to Kumbh Mela. But all these festivals are for the commoners. So-called hon’ble netas celebrate a very special festival that is called Fart Festival. Unlike the festivals of common people, which fall on fixed day every year, it comes after every five years. It is celebrated by the netas with all fury and fervor, for; it can make or mar the future of a neta.

This year, the much awaited fart Festival is being celebrated in five states in India –  Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, Mizoram & Telangana; assembly elections are due in the states this year.

Netas of all political hues are on the pitch; they think that their quality farts can get them to a seat of power to loot and boot people for five years. So a fierce competition is going on for the farts to demolish and discredit the opponents; the competition seems tougher than UPSC exam.
Succeed by hook or crook is the buzzword. A neta can stoop to any extent to win this fart competition; when arguments cease farts begin.

Though there is no dearth of good ‘fartmen’ in any political party, the so called Indian National Congress is the frontrunner; divested of power after 70 long years, it (INC) has lost its mental balance; bereft of real issues, it has allegedly started manufacturing lies with concoction and conspiracy to nail down PM Modi, the most ‘feared’ man by the opposition as ‘animals’ fear the lion in jungle.

Happy in the knowledge that India is the largest democracy in the world, and Indian constitution provides the guarantee for Freedom of Expression (Act 19), netas think they can ‘defecate’ and ‘piss’ anywhere as they want.

Mani Shankar Aiyar, a seasoned neta of Congress, decrepit by age  calls Hon’ble PM Modi “neech” (a man of base origin). A Congress MLA Praneeti Shinde (daughter of Sushil Shinde, the former Home Minister in UPA Government)  calls  Modi “Dengue Mosquito”. A protégé of  Rahul Gandhi and Vadgam (Gujrat) MLA, Jignesh Mewani crosses all the limit and calls PM “namak haram”. Angrez of India and so called Hon’ble MP Shashi Tharoor never loses the opportunity to use ‘invectives’ against PM Modi since the initiation of Criminal proceedings in “Sunanda Murder Case.” To top all, the “loose tongue” “Pappu” calls Modi “chor”.

 People know the truth about these farting netas. Farting netas have nothing to do with national or public interest. They fart rigorously and vigorously for self-preservation and self-aggrandizement. In fact, all these fartmen are scared of mystic Modi – a Yogi who knows how to control the ‘wind’, breathe in and breathe out. He knows how to romp a race.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Badhaai Ho

(Beyond smoke screen)

Sex Among Elderly Couples not a Stigma

The latest movie Badhaai ho seeks to expose the pseudo morality of middle class, scared of sex talks beyond bed room
By Mukesh Sharma

The story starts with a typical middle class family with an elderly couple blessed with two grown-up sons – one working with an MNC and the other still a school goer making preparation to take board exams, and a rough spoken grandmother, and as usual ever poking and peeping neighbors of a government colony. Head of the family, the father is a government employee working with Railways as TT, and he faithfully looks after his wife and family.

The little and limited world of two youngman in the family turns upside down when they learn from their hesitant father about the pregnancy of their mother. The startling revelation comes as a bolt from blue. At the age of becoming a mother-in-law and a respected granny, the mother of grown up sons of the family is herself in a family way. Unable to cope with the crisis of clashing generations, the grown up sons throw tantrums. The scene evokes laughters when the duo look at their parents as if they have committed some ‘heinous‘crime. The titillating and troublesome ‘news’ spreads like wildfire in neighborhood and among relatives. It becomes a talk of town in the small word of the family and around.

When the eldest son reveals this fact to his girl friend, she too bursts into laughters. And in turn, when she confides it to her mother, she expresses her dismay and disbelief. Quick to imagine, she says a baby at the age of retirement would become a liability on the eldest son of the family. However, the boy friend of the girl happens to overhear the daughter-mother private conversation. He reacts in strong words. As a result, the love birds fall out. They don’t remain on speaking terms for some days.
Here the story takes the turn. The grown up sons of the family realize their mistakes, and ask for forgiveness from their parents. And, of course, tense audience is also relieved. The grown up sons stand by their parents. Now the entire family including granny prepare themselves for the welcome of the new member of the family. In fullness of time, a baby girl arrives. The scene of united family becomes a tear jerker. It is the eldest son of the family who first takes the newborn baby girl in his hands and pampers it as an elder brother. And the story ends on a happy note like usual Indian story.

The theme of the story not only revolves around the sex life of an elderly couple but also two young hearts – the eldest son of the family and his girl friend. The young lovers don’t mind enjoying the pre-marital sex although it is a taboo in Indian society. The dialogues are written in Hinglish, a typical characteristic quality of middle class. With hunky-dory attitude, it always remains busy in playing good and upwardly mobile family that can’t talk without English sentences and words.
The critics have given this small budget movie 4 stars, and it has been successfully drawing the crowd. This blogger also watched the movie at Cinepolise theatre at Rohini in West Delhi, last Sunday.

The message is loud and clear that sex among elderly couple should not be looked at with squinted eyes, and be not frowned upon, by the young. Sex is a nature, and the world moves around it.
The movie which is every family story is a feast to elderly people in their third age, and also a lesson to young people who have aged parents.

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