Saturday, August 3, 2019

Chandamama’s Abode, No longer far off

Chandamama’s Abode,
No longer Far off

Scientists, optimistically, think that one day man would be able to live on the Moon, and from there even ‘House’ of God wouldn’t be farther

By Mukesh Sharma

The timeless household lullaby “Chandamama door kay . . . ." is being crooned by moms to put their kids to sleep for ages in India. Now, 130 million children of Bharat Mata are very excited that the Chandrayaan-2 which was launched on July 22, 2019, would reach Mama’s house, most probably, in the first week of September. All are very happy that Chandamama is no longer far off (door kay).

All time favorite revered Granny’s stories which are acknowledged and acclaimed by all for centuries, reveal that  Moon is younger brother of  Earth.

 Billions of years ago when our tiny so-called solar system was in the process of being born, and was taking shape for its distinctive identities, Sun sired Earth and Moon as twins. Both brother and sister spent only a few happy days together in their early childhood. But, before they could grow up together, as luck would have it, they (Earth and Moon) got separated by the quirk of fate, supposedly, in a solar ‘stampede’ when a mars seized object smashed into earth. Unable to come to terms, Earth was prostrate with grief. She was worried about younger brother Moon. She (Earth) approached the God for the injustice meted out to her by the callous Destiny.

Chandamama’s Abode, No Longer Far Off

“My darling daughter”, God exhorted Earth with a caressing pat on her head. “In this boundless universe, all material or non-material things are governed by the law of nature. Destiny sees that the laws are strictly obeyed with zero tolerance. Be it animate or inanimate, its existence is predestined. What is born is bound to die one day.” “So beta, don’t be sad and shed tears for the transient life; however, I am pleased to see your platonic love for your brother Moon. I bestow on you the boon that your brother would always remain in front of eyes just 2,84,400 km away from you in the space till the eternity, till the days sun loses his shine.” Since then, Moon, may be, little away, remains in front of the eyes of Earth. He (Moon) never takes his eyes off his sister (Earth). Like other planets, as it is said, he doesn’t spin even on his axis. That is why earthlings continue to watch only the same side always facing the Earth. The rear part so called far side of Moon remains always hidden from the sight of earthlings. Moon helps Earth to move around the sun in synchronized orbit. A little disturbance may jeopardize the existence of Earth. What is noteworthy, when Sun goes out to sleep in the night, Moon stays up all night to lighten Earth with his moonshine. He (moon) never leaves his sister (Earth) in infinite darkness of space.

Evidently enough, Moon as a  brother fulfills his all the responsible towards his sister Earth. His love is above material life. It is holiest in universe; its divinity is saluted even by God. Earth and Moon, may be too celestial bodies but they are just one soul. It is believed that the day Moon shuffles off his mortal coil, Earth would also breathe to last. Whole life, they have lived separately, but they shall be united in death.

Chandamama holds great promises to his myriads of nephew and nieces. Chandrayaan-2 is likely to touch the southern part of the Moon    uncharted and unexplored and it is contended that it is rich in certain elements which can be inordinate source of energy; it can meet the energy need of earth for millions of years. Scientists maintain that the moon has water too in form of frozen ice, and that can help to sustain life on the Moon. Scientists, optimistically, think that one day man would be able to live on the Moon, and from there even ‘House’ of God wouldn’t be farther.

So all the children of mother Earth are very happy to think that one day, we would visit Mama’s house, for, Mama’s house is no longer far off.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Monkey Business of English-teaching

Beyond Smoke Screen

Monkey Business of English-teaching

To Crown all, encashing on the mentality of English hungry students, a few well established English newspapers have also launched online English teaching programme. It sounds like teaching someone driving through correspondence course

By Mukesh Sharma

With turnover thousands of crores, English teaching is evergreen business right from Kanyakumari to Jammu & Kashmir in India. While the majority of English speaking aspirants of such nondescript so-called institutes remain disgruntled, the stream of fresh students continues like the ever increasing population of India. And despite all the confusion and poor result, the monkey business of English teaching goes on and on   -  it is neither affected by lax economy nor low GDP.

Monkey Business of English-teaching

The root of this English learning mania can be traced to 200 years of British subjugation of India. Language of the rulers always affects the psyche of the ruled. Slaves often imitate the masters. The dent was so deep and diverse that it could not be mended even after 72 years of Independence. Some scholars contend that the survival of English is not just because of the British influence but the need of multi-lingual India where English serves as a bridge language among Indians of different tongues.

However, the situation has come to such a pass that English is not just an ordinary language. It has become a symbol of class; a symbol of status; a symbol of intellect in India. The people at lower strata of society struggle to join the elite English speaking class. English aspirants get mesmerized by Queen’s English of people like Shashi Tharoor. They are big fan of a man who, allegedly, has scant regard for Hindi or Hinduism.

To Crown all, encashing the mentality of English hungry students, a few well established English newspapers have also launched online English teaching programme. It sounds like teaching someone driving through correspondence course.

Apart from that, one can come across ‘English-speaking’ institutes in every third street of small towns and big cities in India. Tall claims are made  -  each institute has its own self-certified pedagogy. The majority of institutes assert to teach English in a few months through Grammar, translation and mugged up vocabulary. In fact, English is treated as a subject that has a fixed syllabus/curriculum like other subjects; it is not taught as a language which is a means of communication,  is related to life, religion nature, universe and God. As a result, based on rote-learning, students learn English as a subject to pass out the academic exams or any competitive exams. They never learn English as a language which is, essentially, a part of life. As an accredited Journalist, this writer has been to many countries, and even lived in US too for a long time where he was allotted Social Security Number to perform his duty. So, this author has first-hand experience to observe and study ‘English’ of native speakers in US and UK.

A close study reveals that words are sounds that symbolically represent something material or abstract. Sentences which are action based, are composed to denote what is happening. In other words, a language can be picked up through relative understanding of words and sentences to material life only. This is how a native speaker picks up his or her mother tongue without even the knowledge of so-called grammar or without even learning  to write and read. As one grows up in a particular tongue, the relative words and sentences get settled in the mind with pictorial memory through repetitive use. There may be hundreds of people in US or UK who are not able to write or read but still they speak correct English, of course, as Hindi or any other Indian language is spoken in India.

Obviously, the wanting method for teaching English as a second language has led to wide spread confusion, particularly in lower strata of society. Fake English and Hinglish have become very popular. Elite English or standardized English which is used by English newspapers and professionals, and that also makes the basis of English paper in all the competitive exams, have become rather a problem for a sizable number of English learning aspirants.

In the light of his experience and research work, this writer can vouchsafe that the best way to learn any language is to live among the native speaker of that language. But when one tries to learn it at a place where it is not the language of the common man, the right way to learn it through syntax   the Morphology of English sentences, and Semantics – how a ‘verb’ collocates with a  ‘noun’ and how an ‘adjective’ pairs with a ‘noun’, and produce standardized ‘phrase’. The easiest way is to map mother tongue on English syntax, and learn to think, may be, in mother tongue but as per the interpreted equivalent Hindi sentence of English syntax e.g.

“If neta were to resign, he would have resigned.”

“ If she were to marry you, she would have married.”

The above mentioned syntax is one of the standardized syntaxes of English language. Close to such syntax, one can think of scores of sentences in English. And the same can be followed for other syntaxes also.

Mind you, English, predominantly, is a language of phrases and idioms. The meaning of a singled out word in a sentence may be different from its  lexical meaning. The solution to this problem lies in the knowledge of a few hundred  key words/root words. (here, the term ‘root word’( should not be misconstrued with latin/Greek origin). The ‘Root words’ collocate with other words and produce standardized ‘Verb phrases’, ‘Noun phrases’ or ‘Idiomatic phrases’ which are extensively used in English Newspaper, Competitive Exams and by the English in daily life. In the same way,  good knowledge of Root Words helps to build up vocabulary 10-20k. Study reveals that to speak good English one need just 500-1000 words; to be a writer 1000-4000 words, the great English playwright Shakespeare used 8000 words, and average English newspaper uses just 2000 words, and rest is sheer repetition.

Once Lord Macaulay made a statement in the Parliament of England:
“I have drafted such an education system for the Indian subjects that after 70 years, there would be black English who would have little sympathy for vernacular tongues, and would be fit to follow rather unfit to think.”

Evidently enough, Indian examination system which is based on rote-learning, robs students of thinking power  – they eat what there are served; they don’t know how to cook. It is maintained that a slave population is on the rise in India. It has become rather a society of followers than thinkers.

What is more, the plight of thoroughly confused students is like the situation of a blind man who is looking for a black hat in a dark room which is not there.

It is common knowledge that hustling is the staple diet of the most of the business in India. So monkey business of English teaching is flourishing like anything.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Approved Slums of Delhi

Approved Slums of Delhi

 Though these ‘unauthorized approved colonies’ are in Delhi, unlike DDA’S well-planned colonies, they have  their own world; no master plan is applicable; no SC or NGT rulings matter
By Mukesh Sharma

With over 895 unauthorized colonies scattered through the length and breadth of this sprawling Delhi where DDA/MCD rules seldom matter, and the proud owners of so-called residential structures ranging from 25 sq yds to 250 sq yds erected in zigzag dingy lanes with varying width from 4ft to 15ft., are approved slums in Delhi; and the proud house owners are the slum lords.

Reasons for growth
Though a few colonies are as old as 40-50 years, the most of colonies have mushroomed in the last 15-20 years. The reason of the growth of such colonies is steeped in corruption. As per available datas, there were approx. 209  villages in Delhi. Then authorities concerned handed over the adjoining lands for agriculture purpose to villagers centuries ago. With the course of time, these farmers stopped cultivation. Furthermore, such lands were acquired by DDA for planned residential colonies in order to meet the demand of ever increasing population. However, some lands couldn’t be developed for a long time for the reasons best known to the authorities. These abandoned parts of land were re-sold by the land owners illegally. Later the land which were not acquired, were also sold out by the paper owners. Furthermore, woken up after decades, the authorities concerned could not remove such unauthorized constructions for political and other reasons. Such colonies fall under the category of PRIVATE COLONIES.

Unique features
Though the most of such colonies are unauthorized, some 40-50 years old colonies have been surprisingly,  re-categorized with the well-coined nomenclature “unauthorized approved colonies”. Such colonies have unique features.

No conveyance deed
Taking advantage of the ignorance of unsuspecting buyers, the ‘ownership’ of the plot/flat is transferred through notarized GPA (General Power of Attorney)   not a valid conveyancing instrument.  Thus stamp duty/taxes are evaded comfortably   no mutation, no registered sale deed.

Construction on Khadar Land
What is more, unmindful of consequences and, allegedly, in collusion with the local authorities so called  owners  erect 4 storey structures even in 5-10ft. narrow lanes. Needless to say, in the event of any fire incident or any unforeseen natural calamity, no help can reach the trapped victims. The situation of the most of colonies standing on ‘khadar’ land nearby Yamuna river is very vulnerable where foundation is laid on loose sand. But who cares? Authorities get wiser only after the event in India. So rampant unauthorized constructions are going on for the reasons best known to all.

Approved Slums of Delhi

Sewer and water lines
Yet another catching feature of these unauthorized approved colonies, is sewer and water line run parallel in all the streets/lanes. When water pumps are used to draw water from main line to fill the overhead water tanks placed on the rooftops of 4 storey houses, it sucks the dirty water from ever full and seeping sewer line. Interestingly enough, nobody cares for the rules/ by laws. What is more, to replenish the water supply to overhead tanks, in the event of non-supply of tap water, the people use submersible pumps to extract water from earth with scant regard of NGT rulings -  there is provision of 50k penalty for unauthorized pumps. In fact it is common knowledge that no construction is possible without the soil water. So almost all the houses have submersible pumps with 'good' understanding with local police.

Flowing nullah
As far as the drains running through the street line of each serpentine lanes are concerned, it mostly remains  choked. It is not easy for the MCD workers to take out the muck and clean it. So they just sweep the streets as they wish and enjoy the salary without doing the required work. As a result, during rainy season, the waterlogged streets look like a flowing nullah. Furthermore, it is ‘customary’ in such colonies that the proud house owners stick out the ramp at the exit gate of their houses to nearly the middle of the narrow street; they take pride and pleasure in causing the inconvenience to immediate neighbors and passersby.

Stray dogs and pigeons
There is no park or any recreation centre in these colonies. But each such colony does have a religious place according to the majority of populace, and these places are,allegedly, used for meeting and other non-religious activities. Such colonies are also 'sweet home' for stray dogs, for, they are permanent residents by birth. Even MCD respects their birth right. These dogs  are unchallenged  rulers of each street. And flock of pigeons  reigns the roof tops of each house. These colonies are ideal place where the man and animals live happily.

No master plan applicable
Since the much touted master plan is not applicable to these colonies of ‘special status’, they are the favorite hunting ground for running any kind of business; one can run government approved primary or secondary school, any factory or any other business even in narrow lane, if one is prepared to pay for convenience.

Vote bank
Braving all the pertinent problems, the slums lords (house owners) who live by rental income, continue to enjoy inhibited life. It is alleged that these colonies are veritable vote banks of the netas; authorities concerned continue to maintain the status-quo. Though these unauthorized approved colonies are in Delhi, unlike DDA’s well planned colonies, they have their own world; no master plan is applicable; no SC or NGT rulings matters.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

‘Gods’ of Earth

‘Gods’ of Earth

If supreme God has created this universe and its’ all the creatures, Netas have, categorically, created countries, and thus they control the destiny of all the human beings on the earth

By Mukesh Sharma

The teeming millions were spurred to vote in the name of democracy to elect their so called ‘representatives’ in the recently concluded general election in India. Further, over 8000 formally invited VIP guests witnessed the ceremonial ‘coronation’ of a few blessed elected eligibles as Hon’ble Prime Minister and ministers in the palatial precinct of Rastrapati Bhavan, well in accordance with the holy ‘rule book.’ And, as usual the poor populace which is eulogized as ‘masters’ by the netas, remained glued to TV channels and watched the grand and gala show of deification of ‘servants’ as Gods of India. Needless to say, the situation is same throughout the world, and collectively, the netas of all the countries can be called as ‘ Gods’ of the earth.

Virtual 'Gods' of the Earth

If supreme God has created this universe and its’ all the creatures, the netas have categorically created the countries, and thus they control the destiny of all the human beings. A few such Indian ‘gods’ are alleged to have bifurcated India into Pakistan and Hindustan. Dance of death and destruction can be seen in many parts of the world being ravaged by war or civil wars: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Mexico, Somalia, Nigeria, Sudan, Libya, Pakistan, Egypt, Congo, Yemen and Ukraine. Of course, it is not Supreme God but these virtual gods of earth who are responsible for the sorry plight of the people across the world.

The agnostics maintain that unseen god is just a religious perception; no living man has ever seen the God; no living man has ever met the God. The belief is born when material logic ends. God is just an indispensable hope of the weak man. Since man is a creature of hope and he breathes and lives by hope, in fact the hope is personified as God.

The believers contend that God has made the sun, the earth, the moon and all the visible or invincible, known or unknown innummerable planets and stars, and of course the whole boundless universe. However, one of the most respected and renowned members of scientists fraternity and a vocal champion of the ‘Big Bang’ theory Stephen Hawking says: “I think the universe was spontaneously created out of nothing, it is not the work of any so-called God.”

Anyway, let us not get into this endless debate who created this universe. But one thing is crystal clear that these netas have drawn the geographical boundaries on the earth, and have divided this beautiful planet into countries. Today earth houses 195 countries. Obviously, these netas are the gods of their respective countries.

Once ‘defied’, these ‘gods’ visit their ‘temples’ (ministries) with all airs and graces. The ‘temple’ is decked up with flowers. The army of assistants of these ‘gods’, usually known as principal secretaries, additional secretaries, joint secretaries etc. line up at the very entrance to welcome the ‘god’ with bouquets. Such is the sanctity of these sanctum  sanctoriums that no common man can ever dare to dream to enter.

Whenever, these gods move in or out of their respective  temples, they are followed by the convoy of cars occupied by gun-totting well-touted commandos, surprisingly, for the security of the gods. A commoner can’t get even near to these gods; any misadventure shall send the intruder to jail.
These gods are truly omnipresent; wherever they go or whatever they do, can be seen on TV channels from any corner of the earth. These gods are truly omniscient; they have answers to all the question of journos or the people; they sound like oracles. These gods are truly omnipotent; they can move heaven and earth just by fluttering their eyelashes.

Evidently enough, the supposedly supreme God can only create celestial bodies or the creatures inhabiting such bodies, but these virtual gods of earth control the destiny of the creatures; they have full control over the past, present and future of the poor earthlings. 

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Devils of Democracy

Devils of Democracy

Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know 

By  Mukesh Sharma

 They are ‘super-humans’. Though they look like human-beings in shape, size and form, they are endowed with phenomenal powers. Their unfounded utterances can be heard all over the world through their mouthpiece media. Their public acts which are mostly charm offensive, can be seen by teeming millions from every nook and corner of the world through TV channel. They manage to get the blind support of seemingly sizable number of Zombie-like supporters who are said to have surrendered their souls to their respective devils in return of certain favours. Of course, they are none other than the Devils of Democracy.

Devils of Democracy

In epics, parables, fables or fairy tales, these devils have been given different names: Satan, vampire, evil spirits, he-wolf. Rakchhas, Asuras, etc. In the age of Kings and Queens, they were known as robbers, dacoits, looters or marauders. But today, in so-called democracy,  devils are recognized and respected as netas, leaders or politicians.

The most of the devils are well-built, and are born with dynastic leanings. They appear as a  common human, but they possess several ‘uncommon’ qualities. Devoid of phobias,  devils  are stage-conquerors; they have gift of gab; with their suave talks and glib tongue, they can convince, confuse or corrupt anybody. Each devil has his own army of so-called ‘party-workers’; these workers  are paid in cash or kind; they are used to create a perception that their respective ‘devil’ is Devta; he is a redeemer; he is a messiah. Though  devils are not God, they are not less than God. With his clouts, a devil can make life of a commoner heaven or hell.

It seems that the most of the devils are blessed sons of goddess  Lakshmi; they have umpteen independent source of income; they roll in money. In rarest of rare case, if any devil doesn’t have money, once in power, he makes his pile just in five years not only for himself but for his seven generations. Devil continues to get richer and richer year after year that too surprisingly, without any material business. Devils  have mind boggling power to digest; they can chew and fart out at the same time. Even the most-scared  IT department is afraid of devils.If by the turn of fate, something goes wrong, a devil’s worst is far better than the best of a common man.

If a cat has nine lives, a devil has eighteen. An ordinary man may die of a  petty malaria,  Devil survives successfully kidney, liver transplants and even multiple heart surgeries. The most of the old foggies are alive and kicking even in their 80s and 90s. The dreaded terrorists  can attack the convoy of soldiers easily, but they seldom dare to touch the cavalcade of a Devil. Undoubtedly, even death thinks ten times before claiming the life of a Devil, maybe,  out of natural reasons.

Common man  believes  Devils  are above the law; even the Supreme Court, predominantly, remains busy in settling the cases  of Devils  only. A Devil can get Supreme Court gates opened even in the dead of night, and  commoners  cases are  dragged  on for years with date after date. A Devil is seldom convicted, for, his accomplices remain ready to take the blame for any crime committed by the Devil. Thousands are incarcerated in jails for petty crimes or as under trials, but a devil manages  to get bail. Devils are not only lawmakers but they are law unto themselves.

A Devil never gets  old or retires  until the bitter end of life. Even with one foot in grave, he can contest the election. If he loses Lok Sabha, he can manage to enter the Parliament through back door, Rajya Sabha. And thus a Devil becomes an institution in himself. By the quirk of fate, if any Devil dies, he is  declared as Martyr.

Devils are just promise peddlers. They never keep up their promises. Jobs can be created, if India like China becomes a manufacturing country. Wealth can be created, if exports are increased; natural resources are harnessed technologically. By promising doles, Devils  want to make people beggars; they don’t want to provide them economic independence.

On the stage, a devil sounds as a  servant of the people but off the stage, he turns into a Satan. Devils fight against one another in public. But in private life,  they all are close buddies. To a Devil, public is like an old woman who can maunder and mumble, can’t do anything. Except on the day of voting, the people are just a trash/scrap. This is how devils  continue to rule the people in the name of so-called democracy. The ‘coalition’ government formed by Devils by holding each other’s  hands is a Government of the Devils  by the Devils for the Devils, not for the Welfare of the People.

No devil is Devta. Some are more devilish than others. So cast your vote judiciously. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Little World of Body

Little World of Body

By Mukesh Sharma

What makes the frame,
Pancreas, kidney, lungs & liver.
Heart and mind,
Together give it life-shiver.

A perturbed pancreas,
May reduce body to stick.
Docs call the condition,
As diabetic.

If kidney goes on strike,
Collected garbage stinks
And body's put,
On the blink.

Lungs carrier of Prana,
If dares to default,
All functions,
Come to halt.

The secret of life,
Contend the clever.
How long one lives,
Depends on liver.

Manager of Body is,
Mysterious mind,
Little's known,
Of its kind.

Little World of Body,
A playground of breath,
The day game stops,
Man meets his death.



By Mukesh Sharma
The day baby,
Takes birth.
It's mother is,
Chowkidaar on earth.
Offspring grow up,
In all possible best.
For father is,
Chowkidaar of nest.
All fun and frolic,
Play crank.
As child is,
Chowkidaar of pranks.
All wishes, wants,
And vanity,
A woman guards as,
Chowkidaar of her beauty.
Dreams, desires,
Ego and stand.
A man covers up as,
Chowkidaar of manhood.
Pappu can't,
Grow up in country.
As he is,
Chowkidaar of stupidity.
Born to serve,
With single idea.
Modi a son of soil is,
Chowkidaar of India.
Shine of sun,
Life on earth flourish.
Because God is,
Chowkidaar of universe.

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