Thursday, May 7, 2020

Life on lockdown

Life on Lockdown

 Politics will continue in the name of the safety of the common people like the mystic democracy where servants ( netas) live like kings and the Masters( the public) serves their servants

By Mukesh Sharma


No doubt, the most dreaded and deadly virus on the earth so-called Corona has taught the priggish and proud man to behave like a man, not like a ‘Superman’, ‘Superpower’, President, PM or any self-certified eulogizing word - man must know his place and predicaments. Never in the short history of man on the earth, it has happened that right from East  to West across the world human life has been put on lockdown.

The lexical meaning of the word ‘lockdown’  is “ a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure.” Yet another meaning given in dictionary says: “ the confining of prisoners to their cells typically after an escape or to regain control”. The lockdown is also paraphrased as ‘containment’, ‘quarantine’, ‘confinement’, and ‘curfew’. These oft-repeated and read words have become the part of common man vocabulary nowadays. However, the word ‘lockdown’ has different meanings for different class of people, particularly, in India.


Life on lockdown

To political class, lockdown is an opportune time to make great show of concern for the well- being of common man as always: ‘ lockdown of the people by the people and for the people’. Netas are shrewd enough to make the best of the bad time. Had these netas been worried about the welfare of the common people, there wouldn’t have been so much miseries  -  hunger, disease, poverty, illiteracy and rampant corruption even after 72 years of independence, in India; yearly death toll due to these ills is much higher than the death tally of Corona. There are over 6000 elected netas to central government and state governments altogether. After election, these netas live a king size life. Just within a short span of five years, they make their heap not only for themselves but also for their many generations. A mound can’t be made without digging the hole. If these netas want, they can feed the populace for years. The most of national level political parties have their coffer full to the brim. They spend money like water in elections. It's open secret, how they amass the wealth. If they want, they can change the face of the country. But here words speak louder than action.

 To Indian media   - TV channels and newspapers,  Lockdown is just a global burning topic; it too acts like wily netas; it is more interested in commentative news than the dissemination of news for the reasons best known to it. Though the media pretends to be the surrogate of public opinion, it is common knowledge that it is a mouthpiece of netas only. The commoners contend that Indian media is privy to netas in creating the false perception to fool and rule the unsuspecting masses that buys the opinion from TV channels and morning newspapers.  G.B.Shaws rightly says: “all professions are conspiracies against the laity.”   The common man is a victim of a well-planned concoction and conspiracy. Truth triumphs in reel life only not real life.

 To people who are in government services, lockdown is a home-party-time - no responsibility, no work and full salary barring people engaged in essential services. There is no dearth of black sheeps in each government departments.

To MNC and big businessmen, Lockdown is global crisis. They are busy in working out the ‘losses’ to press for stimulus from government in a desperate 'bid' to save the economy and the country.

To millions of smalltime businessmen who were already struggling to survive on day-to-day basis even in pre-corona period, lockdown is an unnerving lurking fear for the post corona period  -  how to meet the recurring expenses that can be evaded for the time being not avoided  - EMIs, salaries of employees, rents and many other dues. Post corona period shall be worse than pre-corona period. There is widespread apprehension that thousands would vanish and perish without trace. Even WHO has predicted the worst ever famine in many countries  as a fall out of corona.

 To a great number of people working with private companies/ shops/ un-organsied sectors/ daily wage earners where they work even without any appointment letter, lockdown is a time of utter despondence. They fear both internal as well as  external tragedy. Who cares for them? Forced by hunger when these rootless people move out of their humble dwellings, always ready danda wielding men in uniform are quick to cane them like animals in the name of lockdown. There are many reports of police excesses. Police is synonymous with trerror for a common man.On other hand, these( police) custodians of law and order provide  full security with all servile gesture to the marriage ceremony of a son of an Ex CM that too during lockdown. What is more, Indian media is quick to rate these poor people as violators who are out to defeat the very purpose of lockdown  -  enemy of the country. . .  Truth is netas are responsible for the sorry plight of these socalled migrant workers; to netas, except on the day of voting, these people are just a scrap. In fact, these workers have no trust on government, govt. announcements and  on government servants. And they have the valid reasons for their distrust  - government remains busy in creating a favourable perception in collusion with select media, government servants have enough leeways to harass the common man on trifles, medical services are abysmally  wanting  -  there was a report about a govt.  hospital in Maharashtra where dead bodies and patients were put up in the same 'ward' . It is known to all that medical facilities are best for the mighty and the worst for the meek and the weak in India.

 Needless to say if no effective vaccine is made for a long time, the poor people will have to learn to live with corona as the poor have learnt to live with hunger and other disease and die in the want of treatment. In a hushed tone, netas maintain that after taking toll of a few millions, corona will come to its end naturally; history wears witness to many such  pandemic and scourge. Post corona period will divide the society into two categories: have and the have-not or in other words rulers and the ruled with clear demarcation. The former would live and enjoy the normal life and keep the ruled at arm's length. -   except a few exceptions, no neta, abhineta or any  rich has reportedly been infected by the corona so far, and the latter resigned to their fate, would continue to work for the rich, get infected and die a 'natural' death. True to its meaning, Lockdown has helped to cordon off the 'ruled', and once it is lifted, the 'rulers' would make sure that they keep the the ruled at bay. Life will go on and on, the ruled would continue to work, get infected and die. Politics will continue in the name of the safety of the common people like the mystic democracy where servants( netas) live like kings and the master (the public) serve their servants.       

Thursday, April 23, 2020



The Last Wish

The ‘Last Wish’ provided an impregnable and impenetrable shield to Ganga Ram’s ‘Last Breath’ on the deathbed, admitted in a hospital in US. Even mighty corona failed to  break it. And eventually, defeated and dejected  corona left the body amidst trail of deaths in US . . . .Read a story based on a real story.

By Mukesh Sharma

 Heart was injured and exhausted. But it wouldn’t surrender; it wouldn’t give up; it wouldn’t give in; it would fight unto last beat. Like a fearless commander, Heart stood to galvanize its soldiers  - lungs, liver, kidney, intestine along with RBC, WBC, Platelets and Antigens in legion. Heart called upon all to fight unto death for the body  - the kingdom of Mind. The fierce fight was going on all the fronts. Corona army had spread out in the body. Soldiers were felling like flies. Unstopped corona army was marching ahead ravaging territory after territory; it was heading for the citadel - Mind, to occupy the body and register yet another victory in its name.

A serious but silent war was also raging even outside the body. The intravenous infusion pump, nasogastric tube, indwelling urinary catheter and a small monitor at bedside were working together on the body to support the fighting soldiers of the body inside from outside, well under the command of doctors and nurses dressed in protective gear from top to toe with a view to thwart any attempt of ambush by the corona 'mariners'. Suddenly, body took a deep devilish breath and stopped breathing further. Doctors immediately put the body on ventilator to pump air in and out. Monitor was just blinking showing an irregular heart- beat. Perhaps the war had reached the last leg. But even doctors were not ready to surrender. Medicines after medicines were being injected into intravenous tube but in vain. War continued. Hope never dies and possibilities never end.

The Last Wish

Inside body, corona army had occupied the most of the territories. It had broken into the highly protected forte too – Mind. Corona army was looking for the ‘last breath’ which was hidden somewhere in labyrinthine lanes of Mind. Corona army couldn’t have claimed its victory without capturing and killing the last breath. Eventually, the army zeroed in on the ‘last breath’. To its utter astonishment, corona army found the last breath lying comfortably in two layered protective sheath of a WISH. After an incessant and concerted attack for hours together, corona army was able to make a crack in outer layer. Somehow, a few corona soldiers managed to wriggle through the crack and reached the last layer.  But, surprisingly enough, the moment they ( corona army soldiers) touched the shield, they got burnt. And millions burnt out but the shield remained intact. After hours of vain attempt, corona army chief decided to move out of the body -  this body was not the only target for the corona; there were millions to grab.

The moment corona army moved out of body, all gadgets put outside the body started buzzing with life signs.  Doctors sprang to their feet, clenched fists in jubilation and shouted: “ we have made it”. Wearing confused looks, nobody knew how it happened.

The patient who recovered up, was a native resident of Haridwar, Uttrakhand, India. He was an elderely man pushing 65. He came to US just to see his daughter and son-in law residing in New York for years. As luck would have it, he was caught by deadly corona. He was rushed to Elmurst Hospital, in New York. On hospital bed, he made a Last Wish:  “I wish to breathe to last at the bank of maa Ganga in the lap of my motherland India, not here in US.” It is world-wide acknowledged fact that no bacteria or virus can survive in holy water of Ganga. And this last wish provided an impregnable and impenetrable shield to Ganga Ram’s last breath. Faith is stronger than reasons.               

Wednesday, April 15, 2020




Time goverens this universe and also the life of each thing or object within it.  Nothing exits out of time. A unique poem on time

By Mukesh Sharma

Flowing from time,
Beyond past.
Towards endless,
End so fast.

Having no beginning,
And no mortal end.
It mellows in circle,
With no circumference.

It’s fathomless depth,
Measureless breadth.
Home of countless galaxies,
Innumerable stars and planets.

 River of Time

Our yellow dwarf,
Moon like a dot.
Tiny earth all wallowing,
In ceaseless spate.

Lovely blue planet,
Home of all and one.
From virus, bacteria,
To all humans.

Mother nature,
On earth sires life.
Nurtures all beings,
With no strife.

Mountains and rivulets,
Oceans, seas and all.
Lolling in lap,
Of mother earth withal.

Mortal moron man,
Divides earth.
Into countries,
With all egoist mirth.

Man ever squabbling,
Over mine and yours.
Oblivious of fact,
Not he a landlord.

My house, wife and kids,
My dignity and dime.
All go down,
When comes Time.

Childhood leads to youth,
And ends up in old age.
With death,
Life reaches final stage.

One comes up,
In fullness of time.
On completion of age,
Just goes down.

Up and down,
Up and down.
All floating in,
River of time.

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Worst Human Tragedy

The Worst  Human Tragedy

Irrespective of geographical boundaries and color of skin, the need of the hour is to wage a war against corona with all unanimity and unity in order to avert the worst tragedy in the history of mankind

By Mukesh Sharma

Ramlal Yadav (name changed) who hails from Bihar, has been living in Delhi for 10 years with his family of four dependents-  a wife, two school going daughters and an aged mother. He has been working with a private company, and he is the sole bread winner of the family. On the advice of a property dealer, he raised a loan for rupees seven lakhs from a private financial institution/company  to purchase a 1 BHK flat worth 15 lakh in a private colony.The balance he arranged by selling his land in his village in Bihar and all family silver. Despite the RBI announcement, the loaner has deducted the EMI for the current month and showing the deducted amount as an arrear. The loaner says a loanee can avail of the moratorium for three months as per the RBI guidelines but after three months, one will have pay up all the arrear in one-go. If it remains unpaid, the arrear shall be added to principal amount with compound interest. Ramlal further reveals that his employer who had been facing financial problems even before corona crisis, is unlikely to survive the loss due to lockdown. If the company shut down, Ramlal would be on the road. Further, if the EMI of private financier is not paid on time, he will ‘bleed’ him to death. Uncertain of future, the entire family of Ramlal has been living in fear of ‘Aftermath of Corona’.

The true story of Ramlal could be the story of hundreds of common people struggling to survive the hunger in lockdown

The history wears the witness that the man has weathered many storms in the glorious history of mankind, and , undoubtedly, would also emerge as a ‘Conquerer of Corona’ sooner or later in very near future, but what is more disturbing and dreadful is the aftermath of corona ‘calamity’ which is most likely to end up as Human Tragedy worse than the imaginary details of aftermath of third world war.

Human tragedy

Not to speak of third and fourth world countries, even first and second world countries have come to their knees in the wake of ‘attack’ by the most dreaded and deadliest Corona. 

Sources reveal nearly 17 millions Americans have filed for new claim benefits since the corona outbreak in US. Though the Trump government has offered $ 2.3 trillion stimulus package aimed at helping States, cities and midsize businesses, people contend that it would be rather challenging to cope up with the aftermath situation in post Corona period, particularly, when New York has become another Wuhan, and America has registered the highest number of confirmed Corona positive cases with mounting death toll day in and day out in hundreds and still counting. And Europe is still struggling to come out of Corona ‘carnage’. Future is not only tense but uncertain. It is a war like situation in entire world.

Though the Modi government is being praised for timely decision on lockdown and sealing certain earmarked ‘hotspot’ resulting in slow rise of corona cases, the post corona period shall be a daunting task in India too where unofficially over 35 per cent people are below poverty line. Majority of such people work in unorganized sector – they are daily wage earners. Even those who work with organized private sector, are likely to face layoff as a possible fallout of corona crisis. 

The experts maintain that a huge downfall of GDP around $ 250 billion is expected in India in the wake of corona crisis. Even the Chairman N. Chandrasekaran  of blue chip company like Tata Sons has asked his all group of companies to “conserve cash for 2020-21”.  

Further more, the plight of self-employed small-time businessmen would be pathetic. The most of such people run their business by seeking loans from private banks/institutions. Private banks have enough leeway to tighten the noose around the neck of their customers in the event defaults. Despite the announcement of RBI for three months reprieve to all loanees, the banks are asking the loanees to pay up their EMI failing which the arrear would be added to principal amount with compound interest. Further, after the moratorium period of three months, a loanee must deposit the total outstanding amount in one go. “What kind of relief it is” says a loanee spitefully.“ What netas say they don’t mean it and what they don’t say they mean it.”

Though India has announced a $ 23bn relief package, how the money will reach the needed people, is a big question, particularly, when corruption is inevitable part of working culture of India. Government’s dedicated schemes often fail because of dishonest execution by a few black sheep - the  corrupt government officials who are  hand-in-glove with corrupt netas. It is not easy to root out orchestrated white collar crime in India and that is the reason for huge trust deficit among the Indian populace.

Irrespective of geographical boundaries and color of skin, the need of the hour is to wage a war against corona with all unanimity and unity in order to avert the worst human tragedy in the history of mankind.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

An Interview with Corona


An Interview with Corona

"You human animals can’t think beyond your minion mind; you can’t understand beyond your phoney perception; you cannot hear without air; you can’t see without light. And you call yourself the most civilized and developed creature of the animal kingdom on the earth"

By Mukesh Sharma

Through a doctor friend of mine here in US, this blogger, with some divine blessings, managed to interview the most dreadful and the deadliest ‘thing’ in the world today known as Coronavirus by the petrified man, claiming to be the landlord of this planet earth. Here are the excerpts from the intriguing interview:

Good morning Mr. Corona

Who the hell are you?  You fucking asshole! How dare you use the word ‘good’ before me. We are votary of always the great ‘Bad’. We hate anything ‘good’ in this universe. So never ever use this abominable word ‘good’.


Aa . . .Aa. . .I am sorry Mr. Corona. Kindly accept my apologies. Very very bad morning! I am a blogger and with your permission, wish to ask a few questions so that the world could know about the 'magnanimity' of Your Gracious self.

What blogger? Say you are a pen-pusher struggling for your daily bread.

You can never be wrong Sir.

So now bark away what you want to say. Be brief, I am very busy in duteous task “killing Spree”

Where are you from?

You asshole . . . Do you wish to travel to my place. . . Ha.  Ha. Ha. . .  I am from ‘black hole’ where your all what you call science fails. You moron man.

No . . Never. Just for knowledge sake Sir.

You human animals can’t think beyond your minion mind; you can’t understand beyond your phoney perception; you cannot hear without air; you can’t see without light. And you call yourself the most civilized and developed creature of the animal kingdom on the earth. Come out of chaos and confusion. Don’t you understand that you are not able to tackle even a size of 60 nano meter so-called virus taking on your huge 'size' of six feet, and you still make tall talks and make tall claims about your so-called scientific advancement. . .You insignificant snipe. . .

What is the purpose of your visit on the earth?

You dunghead! I am an earthling. I am an original inhabitant of this planet earth from the day one when the earth came into existence as a big chunk separated accidently from the Sun. All the planets and stars in this cosmos belong to us (virus). We are the original landlord/owner. Even this two legged animal what is known as man, has been developed from a single celled animal like protozoans - our great, great, great grand kids, through a long process of biological evolution on earth - Protozoans, Amphibians, Reptiles, Aves, and Mammals and so on.

Okay! Now I understand.

Better you understand. We, virus, are omnipresent and omnipotent. We may not be God but not less than God. The man must learn to pay obeisance to us(viruses).

So, who has woken you up from your deep slumber (dormant state)?

That’s the intelligent question. Let me tell you the truth. It is our ardent devotee China. Chinese enjoy each living and no living things which is our abode. They respect viruses and bacteria. I am here on the request of the great China. They want me to help them become the superpower on the earth.

Are you not doing great injustice to other countries and the teeming millions by giving them death?

What injustice! Death is the destiny of all the living beings. I am just cutting short their journey. Furthermore, look at audacity and arrogance of so called developed nations. Are they not responsible for the ecological imbalance – global warming, encroachments, forest fires and dumping the garbage in the sea and collection of nuclear arsenal  - the man has seed of its ruin in himself. The power and pelf have gone to the head of developed nations. First and Second world countries are guilty of sin of omission. In contrast, third and fourth world countries are battling for life against hunger and disease. So I am here on cleansing operation – the man must learn to respect Mother Nature. However, Darwin theory shall be observed - Survival of the fittest.

An allegation is being leveled against you that your operation is not free from biases. You are attacking developed nations with more vehemence than the developing or underdeveloped nations across the world - China has recovered up and is back to business; you seem to have soft corner for other Asian countries, particularly, India– with population of 1.35 billion there are just 3577 case of infection and just 83 deaths. On the contrary, death toll is mounting day by day in thousands in developed nations.

You see, underdeveloped and developing countries always respect virus and bacteria. They are the veritable home of all kinds organism. For instance, India is the home of scores of our (virus) distant relatives- TB, flu, influenza, malaria, chikungunya, dengue etc. you name it India has it. So for the sake of fraternity I cannot harm much. However, a few audacious people need to be taught lessons. The majority of Indians respect not only living beings but nonliving beings too. I appreciate them for their hospitability and their unique culture. Developed nations must learn several good things from India.

And . . .

What and . . .  no more questions now. I am very busy now. Don’t you ever try to see me again. I am sparing you because you are an Indian.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Corona, a curse or boon

Corona, a Curse or Boon

Message is loud and clear that in this boundless régime of God, man is no better than a midget; don't mess with the nature; live as a servant of nature not the master of nature

By Mukesh Sharma

From Wuhan to Washington, with over 24,000 deaths across the world and still counting, the invisible, inexplicable, indefatigable, invincible, indefinite etc ' thing' so named Coronavirus is feared more than Yamaraj (God of death in Hindu  Scriptures) today. Death penalty by Reverend Yamaraj can never be without justification; it is always, of course, self certified reasoned order like the Supreme Court of India - no appeal, no appellant Court. But Corona seems to know no reason except merciless 'man' hunt. Though Corona's unnerving enemity against human 'animals' is yet to be understood and studied by the so-called all- know man, this blogger thinks that Corona's curse is not without a boon.


The valued readers would agree with this blogger that the 'life' exists in dualities  - there can be no right without wrong; no knowledge without ignorance; no happiness without sorrow; no darkness without light; no failure without success; no death without birth. So there can be no curse without boon.

Look at Corona from an eye of an optimist - the glass is not half empty but half full. Corona's relentless attack has united the world. Hostilities have been put to rest in most of the disturbed countries in the world like Afghanistan, Syria, South Sudan, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, Libya etc. for the time being. Even arch rivals US and China have joined hands for the concerted efforts in a fight against Corona.

For the first time in post independent history, it has been witnessed that India has risen above the region and religion in a bid to give corona a good fight. Phenomenal unity has been seen in the diversity from Kanya kumari to Kashmir. Ever squabbling opposition parties have not opposed the PM Modi's call for nation wide lockdown.

Thanks to Corona terror, the people contend that the crime rate has come down dramatically - no news of rapes, murders, dacoity, theft etc. What is more, the most of Indian metropolitan cities which were known for smothering air, are free from pollution - no noise pollution and air pollution - the sky is so clear. The deserted roads give the cities the feeling of a western landscape. The sun shines brightly. The moon gleams with full glare at night.

Frankly speaking, it occurs to my mind that the Corona has taught perverted man to behave. Lockdown in houses has re-established family values.

Corona seems to have reaffirmed the faith of the world in Indian culture and cuisine – so called civilized people of the developed west are exchanging pleasanteries by saying namaste with folded hands. The respect for veggies has increased manifold in the world. The government and the rich have loosened the strings of their purses to help out the poor - the food free of charge along with other essential services. In fact, Carona has revived the socialism, maybe, for sometime. But the people wish to live in present. IMF, World Bank and other institutions are contemplating the much needed help to the poor nation battling for life and survival. The most of the nations have announced stimulus package as relief. Even RBI has also suggested the bank to declare moratorium for at least 3 months on all kinds of loans. Loanees are shouting hip hooray! hip hooray! hip hooray ! Socialism has come. The humanity seems to have been re-structured.

Undoubtedly, Corona has reminded the man his place. God made the beautiful earth for all kinds of non-living and living organisms – Protozoans, Amphibians, Raptiles, Aves and Mammals. But the wily man has encroached upon the rights of other creatures too. To assert his phony hegemony, the man has abused his powers and misused the natural resources; the man has drawn lines and divided  the earth into countries. Surprisingly enough with just an average life span of 60 years, the man has declared himself the owner of the earth.

Though the man boasts of his material progress touching the moon and mars sending robotic machines into space to travel, supposedly, through intra-galaxies, he has failed to face a tinniest virus to the size of 60 mm micron – his ego stands shattered. The virus Corona has cut the man down to size; it has shown the mirror to man.

The message is loud and clear that in  this boundless regime of God, man is no better than a midget. Don’t mess with nature. Live as a servant of nature not master of nature.

Thursday, March 19, 2020



People fear if the virus is not contained in near future, it may cause irremediable catastrophe 

By Mukesh Sharma 

Amid scramble and panic buying, there is fear of social unrest that has also triggered the gun-buying in US.

The Guardian newspaper has reported here today that sales of guns and ammunition are soaring across US.

Quoting the owner of the one of largest gun stores, Hyatt Guns in Charlotte, North Caroline, the Newspaper says the scenes of mass buying at the store are virtually unprecedented.
" we are experiencing a massive rush to buy guns and ammunition as people feel the need to protect themselves and their family" say the owner of the store, quotes the Newspaper.

Fear of social unrest

Though US Govt has already contemplated the huge interim relief to its populace in the wake of lockdown and shutdown, the possibility of social unrest can't be ruled out, particularly if the present situation lingers on and the bare essentials become scarce.

The situation is rife with speculations that this could be a possible scenario in many countries across the world. 

Indian PM Modi has also called for maintaining social distancing in order to control the spread of coronavirus in India where the deadly virus has already reached to second phase -  among the people who have been abroad and their kith and kins. However, it has not reached to third phase yet where it is spread rapidly through community transmission. 

However the people do maintain that in the want of adequate monetary relief to daily wage earners and other categories of poor people, the lockdown for a longer time may give rise to social unrest in India, particularly, in cities. 

There are reports that in many western countries, Army has been called out to maintain law and order, and enforce the law strictly.

People fear if the virus is not contained in near future, it may cause irremediable catastrophe.

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